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Totana News - March 2016

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Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • The mayor receives the 53 participants in the cultural and educational exchange (31/03/2016)
    of students from IES "Prado Mayor" and the Collège Jolimont Toulouse (France)
  • According to the jurist José Espadas "The plan is finally adopted since 2011 regarding the urban" (31/03/2016)
    "Pretender now impose new burdens and put off ordering thousands of homes and buildings could generate massive claims of the owners before the courts" adds
  • The school Reina Sofia organizes an open day on Saturday April 9 (31/03/2016)
    For the first time the school Reina Sofía opens its doors to celebrate its First Open Day with an eye on the enrollment of students for the course 2016-17
  • The Department of Seniors is organizing a free course "Seamstress", which begins on April 12 (31/03/2016)

  • Mixed employment and training program of "geriatric care for dependent people in social institutions" is closing (31/03/2016)
    involving a total of 14 student-workers
  • D'GENES offers a talk to the association of housewives, consumers and users' Three Hail Marys " (31/03/2016)

  • Activities and events from March 31 to April 3, 2016 (31/03/2016)

  • The Municipal Corporation shows its support and solidarity with claims to boost research on World Day Lipodystrophies (30/03/2016)
    It is celebrated on March 31
  • La Peña Totana Barcelonista and FC Barcelona support research on lipodystrophy (30/03/2016)

  • They ask resolve the problem derived from system malfunction citation in medical specialties in the Health Area III (30/03/2016)

  • The parachute aerobatic air force will offer an exhibition in Totana (30/03/2016)
    On the occasion of World Day Lipodystrophies
  • The City Council and the Directorate General of Tourism entrepreneurs interested in seeking new amenities of La Santa (30/03/2016)

  • The Association of Irrigators of Raiguero meets with former President Alberto Garre (29/03/2016)

  • Another judgment of conviction Murcia TJS of the council to return the money of a planning agreement, plus interest (29/03/2016)
    This was announced by the Mayor of Totana, Juan José Canovas, social networks
  • Orientation Totana Club Championship in Spain 2016 (29/03/2016)
    Back with five champions of Spain, a third place, two rooms and three fifth places with honors
  • The City Council joins the World Day Lipodystrophies with the lighting of the main facade of the town hall in turquoise (29/03/2016)

  • You are charged in voluntary payment period tax motor vehicles 2016 (29/03/2016)

  • The mayor congratulated the Illustrious Cabildo Superior and 17 brotherhoods (28/03/2016)
    by Easter reaffirm the feeling of unity and civic community in Totana, showing their eagerness to outdo
  • The PP Totana complaint cuts in employment in the amendments adopted in the Assembly with the favorable vote of the PSOE, Citizens and we (28/03/2016)
    And that affects the municipality of Totana
  • The Plenum forward the regular meeting of March to today with nineteen points in the agenda (28/03/2016)

  • The Orchestra gives a concert La Dolorosa users of the two day centers occasion of Easter (28/03/2016)

  • The Folkloric Group "Ciudad de Totana" will represent next Tuesday to Totana in the Bando de la Huerta de Murcia 2016 (26/03/2016)

  • Nice tamborrada CEIP "La Cruz" (25/03/2016)
    took place last March 17
  • Access for pedestrians and vehicles near the area of ​​San Pedro Arco is restricted (23/03/2016)
    From today until Saturday
  • Stable and mostly sunny weather is expected in Totana in the remainder of Easter (23/03/2016)

  • Ends the first group workshop to improve the employability of young people (23/03/2016)
    Framed within the "Labor2.0: Youth Guarantee"
  • A minute of silence is saved at the gates of City Hall in solidarity with the victims and injured in the terrorist attack in Brussels (23/03/2016)

  • A total of 30 children participating in the "Holidays 3.0" Easter Edition in the CEIP "Santiago" project (23/03/2016)
    to reconcile work and family life
  • For an amount of 22,990 euros (23/03/2016)
    [building was awarded 40 new niches in the Municipal Cemetery "Nuestra Señora del Carmen"]
  • It is officially the Board of headman and addressed at the first meeting, the needs in different districts (23/03/2016)

  • "Sultry advertising in a local newspaper" (22/03/2016)
    The team TUP asks the government to strictly implement compliance with agreements Plenum
  • A breakdown in a water pipe on the street San Ramon will cause the power outage for several hours (22/03/2016)
    In areas of Canada Zamora, neighborhoods of San Jose and the Era Alta and adjacent
  • The "VIII Vuelta Espuña", organized by the Club Walker Totana, will take place on April 2 (22/03/2016)

  • The Brotherhood of Santa María Salomé organizes the III Photography Contest 2016 (22/03/2016)

  • Users of the Municipal Center Senior participate in activities organized on the occasion of World Poetry Day (22/03/2016)

  • Occupational Classroom Students of Totana program participate in various complementary activities in the second quarter of the course (22/03/2016)

  • Before the joyous proclamation of Easter in Totana (21/03/2016)
    Juan Canovas Mulero.
  • Risk of storms during the next 36 hours (21/03/2016)
    From Wednesday the weather situation will stabilize
  • The energy efficiency measures in five municipal buildings in Totana will save 22,500 euros per year (21/03/2016)
    The director of Info delivery to the mayor energy audit within the European project ELENA-Fuensanta, pointing actions that would result in a reduction of CO2 emissions 32.5 tons
  • Users of the Day Center for Intellectual Disability "José Moyá" qualify for the Championship of Spain Athletics (21/03/2016)
    It will be held in May in Cartagena
  • Etosa obtains the National Prevention Award "PREVER 2015" (21/03/2016)

  • The Region of Murcia Football Federation and the Sports Department organized the talk "Parents also play" (21/03/2016)
    will take place on April 7 in "Jail"
  • BDA organizes a presentation on the new regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment in agriculture and livestock (21/03/2016)

  • Nearly four hundred runners participated in the race of San José in Lorca (20/03/2016)
    There was participation of athletics club racers Totana
  • ... (20/03/2016)

  • The mayor urged residents of the county councils to use new village headman as a vehicle for transmission of their needs and demands to the City (19/03/2016)
    want to boost this figure to strengthen democratic civic participation
  • No risk of rainfall during this weekend, according MeteoTotana (18/03/2016)
    In contrast, very unstable for Monday and Tuesday time
  • Students International Baccalaureate IES Juan de la Cierva obtained important successes in the regional Olympiad in Physics and Chemistry (18/03/2016)

  • Training program for Social Inclusion (FORIN) is closing, which involved a total of 76 people (18/03/2016)

  • The PP says that the Town Planning absolutely not paint anything in the work of PGMOU (18/03/2016)
    "Given the development that is taking the General Plan, it is noted that the Town Planning has no role and is a child in this regard"
  • Former Mayor vehicle is awarded to a resident of Totana for a final price of 12,488 euros (18/03/2016)

  • Local Police offers a series of recommendations to pedestrians and drivers to the days of the week Santa'16 (18/03/2016)

  • Receiving Unit Municipal Social Services Centre has made a total of 18,172 attentions during 2015 (18/03/2016)

  • Teams "Preel" and "Agrorizao Vidalia" struggle for the leadership of the Football League "Play Fair" (18/03/2016)
    With four days to finish the competition
  • CEBAG celebrate the coming weeks several conference talks on the PGMO Totana (17/03/2016)
    The start several specialized in urban planning professionals like Felipe Iracheta and José Espadas
  • More than 550 students in grades 5 Primary and ESO 1 of all schools in Totana participate in the Day of Popular Games (17/03/2016)

  • Activities and events from 17 to 22 March 2016 (17/03/2016)

  • The Municipal Center Senior Plaza Balsa Vieja the hosts a poetry recital (17/03/2016)
    will take place on March 21 on the occasion of the celebration of Poetry Day
  • The User Advisory Service of the Municipal Services offers a talk at the IES "Juan de la Cierva" (17/03/2016)
    On the occasion of the International Day of Consumer Rights
  • Win Totana solidarity with Refugees "at the inhuman agreement European Union - Turkey" (17/03/2016)
    "Following the controversial resolution adopted by the EU with Turkey to return to the neighboring country to all foreigners who arrive illegally the Greek coast, from Win Totana show our total rejection to this measure. "
  • Recalled the flag of the European Union plenary hall as a symbolic gesture of protest over the treatment being given to refugees (16/03/2016)

  • ... (16/03/2016)

  • Sports organizes Popular Games Day on Thursday March 17th at the fairgrounds (16/03/2016)

  • Students from the school "Reina Sofia" participate in a mock evacuation of the building in case of earthquake (16/03/2016)

  • The PSOE works to modify and approve a General Plan that will benefit all totaneros and totaneras (15/03/2016)
    Being faithful to the government pact between PSOE and IU-Win Totana Socialists approve a PGMO with the widest possible consensus.
  • Friends of KNT participated in the II Ramonete Trail and the Barcelona Marathon 38 (15/03/2016)

  • AELIP II organizes the evening to support research in lipodystrophy (15/03/2016)
    It will take place on Saturday March 19 from 20:00 pm in the Plaza de la Balsa Vieja
  • Several dozen people attended the commemorative dinner "Working Women's Day" (15/03/2016)
    organized by women's associations in the municipality
  • ... (15/03/2016)

  • The Minister of Social Welfare leaves the presidency of the association PADISITO after nine years (15/03/2016)
    to focus their efforts on managing their municipal areas in the city of Totana
  • City officials attending the delivery of IV Awards Ruralmur'2016 (15/03/2016)
    Were galardanados Ceramics Tudela and the Association of Rare Diseases "D'Genes"
  • I offer a series of recommendations for the International Day of Consumer Rights (15/03/2016)
    was held today March 15
  • ... (15/03/2016)

  • CC Santa Eulalia was very active last Sunday participated in 4 tests mtb (15/03/2016)

  • ... (14/03/2016)

  • The Rat Sale Sendero Group participated in the III Extreme Trail Filabres held in Seron (Almeria) (14/03/2016)

  • New courses of salsa and oriental dance at the School of Dance Manoli Canovas (14/03/2016)
    The totanera academy also organizes an intensive refresher course Sevillanas ahead of the April Fair
  • Access for pedestrians and vehicles near the area of ​​San Pedro Arc Holy Wednesday and Holy Thursday will be restricted (14/03/2016)
    to avoid disturbing residents
  • The PSOE achieved unanimity of the Assembly for the Holy of Totana Week is declared of National Tourist Interest (14/03/2016)
    Deputy Alfonso Martínez Baños welcomed and highlighted the uniqueness, originality and values ​​of this rooted tradition of totanero people
  • Great performance of Totana Athletics Club Half Marathon Murcia (14/03/2016)

  • 3 points and ... A ham !! (14/03/2016)
    Yesterday in the displacement of the Olympic Totana to Molina brought the 3 points and a ham who played them in the raffle
  • Antonia Canovas Caro, new President of PADISITO (14/03/2016)
    Bathrooms replaces Javier Tudela, who has held the presidency of this association for nine years
  • The government team meets with the College of Architects of Murcia (14/03/2016)
    for comment on the status and procedure of preparing the General Plan Municipal
  • Local Police starts today until Sunday Special Campaign on Seat Belt and Child Restraint Systems (14/03/2016)

  • ASAJA organized on 17 March at a conference CDL (14/03/2016)
    on the new regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment in agriculture and livestock
  • The Totana Athletics Club athlete, Diego Garcia, wins the first Vrutrail (13/03/2016)

  • ... (12/03/2016)

  • The Neighborhood Platform "People's Square" presents a popular initiative to invite King Felipe VI to Totana (12/03/2016)
    For the centenary of the city title to Totana, which will be commemorated in 2018
  • The General Archive of the region delivered to the municipality of Totana five scrolls of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries after restoration (12/03/2016)
    The local council gave several documents for digitization through the Crimson Project, coordinated by the Ministry of Culture and Spokesperson and funded by the Integra Foundation
  • Councilman Services ensures that the cut in street lighting in the area of ​​the fence is the result of an illegal attack produced in 2005 (11/03/2016)
    In short, the streets affected will have legally lighting
  • The Civil Guard dismantled a point of sale of drugs and receiving of stolen objects in Totana (11/03/2016)
    selling drugs in exchange for stolen property
  • The PP requires the Councillor for Services to solve the problems in the street lighting in the area of ​​the Gate (11/03/2016)

  • City officials meet with officials of Renfe (11/03/2016)
    To request the return of the remote services in the railway station of Totana
  • The activity "Solidarity Square" will be held on April 17 in the Plaza de la Balsa Vieja (11/03/2016)

  • The Murcian artist "Cortes Abellán" restates in the Hall "Gregorio Cebrian" sample "misplaced" (11/03/2016)
    be 1 to April 25
  • The former minister Cristina Narbona visit COATO (10/03/2016)
    Cristina Narbona, former Environment Minister visited yesterday COATO after his appearance in the Regional Assembly of Murcia, in relation to the desalination plant tailings
  • The CEIP "La Cruz" hosting an exhibition on Easter (10/03/2016)
    The school children have been actively involved in developing the same
  • The municipal park "Marcos Ortiz" is closed, to prevent accidents due to the effects of strong wind (10/03/2016)

  • Conditioned streets and green spaces facing the Easter (10/03/2016)

  • The Day Centre for Physical Disabilities "José Moya Trilla" organizes a special day dedicated to sport and games (10/03/2016)

  • 28 school Totana participated in the Regional Final Cross Country School Sports youngest child and young fish (10/03/2016)
    was held in Lorca
  • Ends Intermunicipal Phase Futsal, Basketball and Volleyball School Sports, in the categories of children, youth and cadet (10/03/2016)
    has involved eight teams totaneros
  • "We believe it is possible to pass in a year Urdenación Urban Plan agreed without agreements" (09/03/2016)
    According to COAG what you have to do the Mayor and the government team is to fulfill its program and commitments
  • Muniz: "Violating the law of incompatibility is also corruption" (09/03/2016)
    The Sixth visited Totana to record a program related to corruption
  • The best fighters in the world has been meeting this weekend in Totana (09/03/2016)

  • Totana hosts the International Boxing Tournament "Ciudad de Totana" (09/03/2016)

  • Complete works of adequacy of Santa Eulalia Avenue (09/03/2016)
    By expanding sidewalks and creating spaces for loading and unloading
  • Users of the Day Centre for Persons with Mental Illness participate in a talk on gender violence and equal education (09/03/2016)

  • The best fighters in the world has been meeting this weekend in Totana (09/03/2016)

  • III meeting bands Baraguey (08/03/2016)
    It will take place on Friday March 11 with the participation of 3 bands
  • Ceramic Crafts Tudela and D'Genes, awarded by Ruralmur (08/03/2016)

  • The PP Totana Andreo as Felipe congratulates new president of the Community Irrigation Totana (08/03/2016)
    And recognizes the work done by Juan Pagán at the head of this institution
  • An earthquake with a magnitude of 3.2 with its epicenter south of the town of Totana, in the deputation of The Raiguero is recorded (08/03/2016)

  • PSOE - March 8 2016 Manifesto International Women's Day (08/03/2016)
    "Always against machismo 136 years building equality."
  • The coordinator Northwest D'Genes visit the Multidisciplinary Center "Celia Carrion Perez de Tudela" (08/03/2016)

  • This Saturday is going to make the free tour "Meet Totana from the Tower of Santiago" (08/03/2016)

  • Ya flag hangs Women's Day of the facade of the City of Totana within the Week of Equal Opportunity (08/03/2016)

  • Memorial Day dinner Totana Women will be this Friday at the restaurant "Venta La Rata" (08/03/2016)

  • A total of 28 walkers participating in a new exit to the Sierra de Burete (Cehegín) (08/03/2016)
    Within the municipal program Hiking
  • The BORM today published the announcement of formalizing the contract for professional legal services and legal defense of the City of Totana (08/03/2016)
    has been awarded Lawyers and Consultants SL Public Administration and an amount of € 96,000 for two years
  • The 1-1-2 received 3 calls reporting an earthquake between Totana, Lorca and Mazarrón (08/03/2016)

  • Women Totana and companies are honored at the official ceremony held on the occasion of the "Day Mujer'2016" (07/03/2016)

  • The Association of Rural Women Raiguero attended the event "Women of breaks and tears" held in the Regional Assembly (07/03/2016)
    They were invited by the President of the Regional Assembly of Murcia
  • Participation Club athletes Totana Half Marathon Cartagena (07/03/2016)

  • Victoria and leadership of the Open de Murcia Bike-Marathon for Victor Perez (07/03/2016)
    In a weekend with 4 races for cyclists CC Santa Eulalia
  • The municipality hired a plaza administrative assistant and four pawns maintenance (07/03/2016)
    from the Employment and Training Service (SEF) six months in the program Youth Guarantee
  • The Department of Human Resources approves interim loveseat official (07/03/2016)
    monitor masonry and electricity by competition to work 4 and 6 months, respectively
  • Students from CEIP "Tierno Galvan" participate in a mock evacuation of the building in case of fire (07/03/2016)

  • ... (06/03/2016)

  • Fire in a warehouse in Totana, near the Colegio de la Cruz (05/03/2016)

  • "The Sun King and consensus well understood" (05/03/2016)
    The Mayor of Totana, Juan José Canovas, published an article on social networks where recalls that it will not allow blackmail or pressure
  • Alfonso Martínez Baños makes a public reflection on current social networks PGOM (05/03/2016)

  • Totana's neighbors showed their devotion to Christ of Medinaceli and Jesus Cautivo (05/03/2016)

  • The City Council adheres to the Free Cities Network Trafficking in Women and Children for prostitution (05/03/2016)

  • Activities and events from 4 to 8 March 2016 (04/03/2016)

  • Successful participation in the classrooms of educational support (04/03/2016)
    Every afternoon reinforcement classrooms and educational leisure activities conducted under widely accepted by the participating families
  • The recital of poetry is organized tomorrow "With Trastos" (04/03/2016)
    Within the activities of the program "Cultural Totana"
  • Agents Totana Local Police detain two individuals authors of a robbery (04/03/2016)

  • The Working Committee of the General Plan Municipal held its first meeting (04/03/2016)
    In order to advance the document error handling
  • Begin new actions to promote argárico site "La Bastida" (04/03/2016)
    With the visit of groups of agricultural technicians and farmers in the region of Guadalentín
  • Totana hosted the Regional Final of "Playing athletics" School Sports (04/03/2016)
    , with the participation of 240 schools across the Region of Murcia
  • The totanero The Italian Card team formed by Nicolai Dimitrov and Roberto Ruiz will take part in the RAID PANDA 2016 (04/03/2016)

  • The PP regrets that the mayor has lost 8 months to remedy the General Plan "knowing that the PSOE is against this plan or yes" (03/03/2016)

  • Martinez Bathrooms calls on the Regional Assembly building a sports court in the CEIP San José de Totana (03/03/2016)
    The Socialist deputy explained that the intention is also to allow students to practice sports in optimal conditions, will help to energize the San Jose, socially disadvantaged
  • ... (03/03/2016)

  • The Brotherhood of Prayer in the Garden organized a Mass on the occasion of its 85th anniversary (03/03/2016)
    . In the same small images of Our Lady is blessed of the Faith and Our Lady of Charity parade Tuesday and Friday... in the horn
  • The Department of Equality organizes an extensive program of activities to mark Women's Day (03/03/2016)
    will take place from 4 to 16 March
  • The Director General of Trade and Consumer Protection totanera visit the artisan company Alfartudela (02/03/2016)

  • Totana Civil Protection activates the device to retrieve swarms lost in the urban environment (02/03/2016)
    In March, the season starts off swarms approaching spring
  • The Local Board of Public Safety addresses the security and emergency device for Easter 2016 (02/03/2016)

  • The first Local Board headman of this legislature will be held on March 17 (02/03/2016)

  • The free course "Administrative Activities client relationship" changes its inception to March 28 (02/03/2016)
    It will be held at the Center for Local Development
  • Schools "La Cruz" and "Reina Sofia" got two separate top positions in the Regional Final Guidance School Sports (02/03/2016)
    It was held on the campus of the University Murcia
  • The "Canico" Cultural Association organizes a visit to the totaneras Brotherhoods next March 19 (02/03/2016)

  • Unemployed in active job search Totana access training activities auxiliary agriculture (01/03/2016)

  • The cleanup of the reservoir "Virgen de las Huertas" can affect the supply today and tomorrow (01/03/2016)

  • With four dramatized visits per year and numerous workshops (01/03/2016)
    [guided to argárico site "La Bastida" all weekend visits to Resume]
  • Entrepreneurs and businessmen interested can access services units and new business incubator until next April 16 (01/03/2016)

  • Bid workshop conversation in French for children and youth from age 11 (01/03/2016)
    be coordinated from the municipal library "Mateo Garcia"

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