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Totana News - June 2010

detail of Totana
Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • More than 70 women receive their diplomas to particpate in the training courses and workshops (30/06/2010)
    have been organized from the departments of Women and Equal Opportunities and Citizenship
  • The Municipal Office of Consumer Information provides recommendations and tips for dealing with the sales of summer 2010 (30/06/2010)
    begin tomorrow July 1
  • Users of the Senior Center-The Cantareros Paretón receive diplomas during health fitness (30/06/2010)
    was carried out throughout the year
  • The PSOE proposes a reconciliation government headed by the PP to bring the crisis Totana (30/06/2010)
    Following the recent resignations and resignations, believe that "it is time to leave the hall Andreo"
  • Postponed The trial of two councilors who reported UI in Totana "urban corruption" (30/06/2010)

  • The young users socioeducative integration project to the Department of Social Welfare made a living (30/06/2010)
    In Barranda and Caravaca de la Cruz
  • The people of El-Cantareros Paretón soon enjoy two sports courts, a tennis court and a paddle (29/06/2010)
    are being built at the sports complex "Guadalentín"
  • The works of environmental reforestation prevent forest fires, increasing the diversity of flora and fauna in the Santa (29/06/2010)
    are valued at more than 200,000 and allow for the recruitment of 35 persons
  • The Socialists denounced "the decomposition of PP in Totana" (29/06/2010)
    "After the resignation of Councillor Aroca, has been shown that the radical is primed in political organization," say
  • Juan Pagán announced at a press conference to withdraw his candidacy for Congress Totana PP (29/06/2010)

  • Starting next Thursday 1 July to 31 August, the general record schedule city of Totana entry will be Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 13:30 (29/06/2010)
    The City will remain open for any questions, feedback or information from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 22:00
  • On Tuesday, July 6 will be held on Agricultural Advisory Council (29/06/2010)
    To analyze the status of the Farmers Home
  • The neighborhood celebrations began on Friday was high on July 2 with the loud bang and musical performances (29/06/2010)
    are held in honor of Santa Isabel
  • The deadline to register for the tournament Paddle II "Feast of Santiago de Totana" will remain open until Thursday July 1 (29/06/2010)
    is organized by the Department of Sports
  • The director of the Instituto de la Juventud de Murcia delivery Totana youth correspondents for a secondary education diploma (29/06/2010)
    for his work as informers during the 2009-2010 academic year
  • Success Athletics Club in the race Totana San Juan (28/06/2010)
    On Sunday 27 was a new test Racetrack Lorca Popular
  • Totana participate in the first congress of the Association of Towns of Ceramics inspired tourism (28/06/2010)
    was held in the town of Ubeda
  • Successful participation in the "Artisan Market of the Holy" (28/06/2010)
    was held near the shrine with the theme of "Ecology", aimed at environmental awareness of small and large
  • The PP will produce a report Totana three-year term (28/06/2010)
    Coinciding with the Congress to elect Local the new Executive
  • IU Valcárcel requires to take action against the "shameful spectacle" featured in the Plenary Hall last Thursday by 2 councilors (28/06/2010)

  • More than 600 students participate in the kitchen workshop "Sharing the kitchen" for boys and girls (28/06/2010)
    Organized by the Department of Women and Equal Opportunities and developed in schools in the locality
  • A total of 30 students from the guitar workshop offered an audition VHS Music (28/06/2010)
    Closing the 2009/10 academic year
  • The next weekend will host the European Championship of Jet Ski (28/06/2010)
    And the final of the Championship of Spain in Galicia PWC
  • More than thirty volunteer students from the IES Prado Mayor "and" Juan de la Cierva "participate in an innovative experience (26/06/2010)
    Consisting of excavation and archaeological research in the Oilfield Argárica strip Canvas
  • The House gives green light to sign the association agreement with the local Red Cross for the purchase of an ambulance (25/06/2010)
    Just as the installation of equipment and special games in the park suitable for athletes, seniors and people with disabilities
  • The council will promote the recovery of Cartagena, Totana railway line for conversion as greenway (25/06/2010)
    With the unanimous votes of all the local corporation
  • The Socialist Party held a press conference to make an assessment of regular plenary session of June (25/06/2010)
    Lola Cano described as "unacceptable" and "Dante's show" what happened after the House
  • The Commonwealth Taibilla Channel announces cut in water supply from next Wednesday in some areas of the municipality (25/06/2010)
    For the repairs to the tunnel Oak
  • Travelling to Mojacar with Latino this weekend (25/06/2010)
    Get share with each drink on Friday and Saturday, and enjoy the "special mojito
  • The "Market Artisan La Santa" will be held on Sunday June 27 near the shrine (25/06/2010)
    With the theme of "Ecology", aimed at environmental awareness of small and large
  • The municipal swimming pool sports complex Guadalentín Valley "of the Paretón opens today officially free entry (25/06/2010)

  • Press conference Mifito (24/06/2010)
    presented their new website, among other issues
  • The Civil Protection Regional Commission approves the Territorial Emergency Plan Totana (24/06/2010)
    is established model of action in the event of an incident or disaster in the city
  • Morning tear the party in the hamlet of Lebor, in honor of San Pedro (24/06/2010)
    With the opening of the track polideporitva, which will become the first space in the area municipal sports
  • The director general of Biodiversity and Natural Heritage and the council of agriculture are involved in the conference on "Agricultural Insurance" (24/06/2010)
    Organized in Totana by UPA
  • The Mayor and the Minister of Culture working on the implementation of the biennial modern art water (24/06/2010)
    contemporary art and workshops in The Orchards of Totana
  • This afternoon at 20:00 pm is the deadline for registration for teams wishing to participate in the "24 hours of football" (24/06/2010)

  • The festivities in honor of the patron of Totana will start on Friday July 2 (24/06/2010)
    With the show "The Wonder Years ..." from the hand of the legendary group "Shanny's"
  • The Monitoring Committee of the Protocol of action in cases of gender violence agreed to encourage the dissemination of CAVI (24/06/2010)
    E start an awareness camapaña
  • The PSOE said that "the People's Government of the City Council approved sanctions to 40 euros to park bikes in blue and orange zone" (24/06/2010)

  • On Saturday June 26 Festival will take place at the Academy of Dance "Mari Loli" (23/06/2010)
    take place at 20:30 in Film Velasco, with free admission, and for the benefit of D'Genes
  • The Mayor of Totana and Social Policy Minister signed an agreement for 114,847 euros (23/06/2010)
    With regard to equality of opportunity, care for women victims of domestic violence and operation of the Local Employment Center
  • The morning plenary address fifteen proposals (23/06/2010)
    among which the impulse of Cartagena, Totana railway line for conversion as a greenway, and the signing of the agreement with Red Cross for the purchase of an ambulance
  • More than 250 children in kindergarten and primary benefit of the Program for reconciling work and family life " (23/06/2010)
    Implemented by the Department of Employment Development and the municipality of Totana
  • The Municipal People's demands that the National Government to "halt the latest upward revision (23/06/2010)
    rates for access to the National Energy Commission in prices of light"
  • The PSOE totanero laments that "the school of Murcia have not been able to benefit from the Computers 2.0" (23/06/2010)

  • IU says that "the company that manages the home help service in Totana request to terminate the contract with the City" (23/06/2010)
    "Less than one year after their award"
  • The Department of Women's Rights and Equal Opportunity organized a cultural trip to Caravaca de la Cruz (23/06/2010)
    was attended by a hundred women from different municipalities of the Region of Murcia
  • A total of ten school students "The Miracle" and "Reina Sofía" participate in the regional final baby of "Playing athletics" (23/06/2010)
    was held in Cehegín
  • End of Racetrack V organized by the Athletic Club Totana (22/06/2010)

  • More than 60 people have participated in the First Paddle Tournament has been organized by NNGG fundraising Totana (22/06/2010)
    Iran for Caritas Interparroquial
  • SAP users and professionals visiting the surroundings of La Santa and Aledo (22/06/2010)
    framed in the training program outputs visits to historic sites and historic
  • Now available the provisional list of candidates admitted to participate in the program of rural employment of County Councils (22/06/2010)
    From Wednesday 23 June to 7 July 2010 will open within claims
  • Lebor Young people give new impetus to the traditional celebrations of the parish. (22/06/2010)
    Activities begin on Friday June 25 with the rocket shot, the opening of the tent and the sports youth of the parish
  • The Socialist Party has today reported that use of the Municipal Budgets 2010 (22/06/2010)

  • III European Games of Policemen and Firemen (22/06/2010)
    paddle team formed by the Cabo Maria Belen Hernandez of the Local Police of Totana is done with the silver medal
  • The Ministry of Social Policy and the Ministry of Labour and Immigration awarded a grant to the City for an amount of 116,000 euros (22/06/2010)
    For the development of immigrant integration program
  • The students' introduction to music and musical language of the Municipal School of Music held a hearing today to progress (22/06/2010)
    At 21:00 pm in the Municipal Park "Marcos Ortiz"
  • Morning Wednesday, June 23 will be held in the Health Center to donate blood samples and work with the charitable work (22/06/2010)

  • The II Torneo Padel "Fiestas de Santiago de Totana" will be held on 3 and 10 July on the slopes of the Ciudad Deportiva "Espuña" (21/06/2010)
    is organized by the Department of Sports
  • On Thursday June 24 will be held at the Club de Tenis Totana the closure of the School of Tennis (21/06/2010)
    From 7pm
  • Begin music auditions organized by the Municipal School of Music in Totana, to mark the end of this academic year 2009/10 (21/06/2010)
    will be developed on the Socio-Cultural Center "La Prison"
  • The Hall Occupational Education Promotion closes for the third consecutive year, with the delivery of diplomas (21/06/2010)
    It is located in the old Secondary School
  • City officials attending the "First Day of Coexistence of mothers and children of indigenous origin and Ecuador" (21/06/2010)
    were held during this weekend at the Hotel Executive Sport
  • Disputada the 9 th Bullas cycling test (21/06/2010)
    The small corridor of Totana, José Ãngel García Camacho, a week has risen to podium
  • ... (20/06/2010)

  • The collection service plant debris and pruning is provided free of charge throughout the year (20/06/2010)

  • The Department of Agriculture and Water Agricultural Advisory Board will convene an extraordinary and urgent (19/06/2010)
    To address the future status of the Farmers Home
  • The Department of Maintenance Services and the City started the campaign to save water (19/06/2010)
    intake to promote moderate and rational relationship between the public
  • The Socialist Party declared that "the city of Totana workers can not collect the payroll in June or extra pay" (19/06/2010)

  • The Manoli Canovas dance school celebrates its festival on Saturday to progress (19/06/2010)
    With an overview of the history of the musical
  • IU rise to the House a motion that the City pay tribute to José Saramago (18/06/2010)
    Y nominate a public space in its memory
  • The City Commission is responsible for improving the accessibility of the town (18/06/2010)
    To allow for greater personal autonomy and quality of life of citizens
  • The city starts the immediate processing service "licensing of hunting and river fishing" (18/06/2010)
    It manages the Citizens Advice Service of the council, through the Single Window
  • The Socialists warn of the "state of drift" in the City (18/06/2010)
    Otálora has warned of "the lack of coordination, contradictions and lack of ideas of a mayor and a council that should be applied in solving the problems of city hall and Totana"
  • The Autonomous Region with a grant to the town of Totana, amounting to 84,515 euros (18/06/2010)
    For the home help service and the recruitment of professionals to care for dependents of the town
  • The comedy "Marmaduke" will be screened during this weekend at the Cine Velasco (18/06/2010)

  • Deadline for requesting assistance from the Ministry of Education to purchase course textbooks 2010/11, referred to as "Bono-book" (18/06/2010)
    will remain open until 28 June
  • Totana Mayor hands over the city of Aledo 123 digital files (17/06/2010)
    medieval documents and records contain Chapter XVI and XVII century in the archives of Totana municipal
  • Totana host the courses on "abortion: ethics and law" and "the philosophy and practical knowledge, paideia and art of thinking" of the Universidad Internacional del Mar (17/06/2010)
    will be developed during July and September, respectively
  • The season of the Amateur Football League "Play Fair" ends this weekend (17/06/2010)
    With the Cup final, which takes place on Saturday 19 June, and the trophy of the season, to be held on Sunday June 20
  • Press conference PSOE Totana (17/06/2010)
    The Socialist councilor Lola Cano gave a press conference to review current city policy
  • UI Totana alert "the rout in the planning agreements" (17/06/2010)
    "and the serious implications for city coffers"
  • They warn the council of Agriculture, if not paralyzed in the coming days the swap file of the Chamber of Agriculture require his resignation (17/06/2010)
    This request is made on behalf of 33 entities and 1798 farmers in Totana
  • Municipal authorities inaugurate this evening the new social hub of the neighborhood "Olympic, Pears, Triptolemos, Station" (17/06/2010)
    One area in which the council has invested in three more years of 4,100,000 euros
  • End of Racetrack V organized since January by the Athletic Club Totana (17/06/2010)
    Will the next Saturday 19 with the career of The Boquera
  • Occupational Classroom Students participate in a workshop on employability and career interests (17/06/2010)
    is part of the program from the municipal truancy that develops with these students
  • About 40 students from the paint shop of the People's University exhibit their work in a pictorial exhibition (17/06/2010)
    will open tomorrow, Friday June 18 at 20:30 pm in the municipal exhibition "Gregorio Cebrián"
  • The Ordinary General Assembly held in Mazarrón AEMC (17/06/2010)

  • The Mayor of Totana recognizes the involvement of Valcárcel (17/06/2010)
    In response to the real problems facing real concern to councils and their council
  • About a hundred pilgrims win the II Jubilee Pilgrimage to Caravaca de la Cruz (17/06/2010)
    It was organized by the Brotherhood of Jesus on Calvary and Holy Communion during the last weekend
  • The festivities in honor of Totana pattern will start with the concert "The Wonder Years ..." from the hand of the legendary group "Shanny's" (16/06/2010)
    is organized by Jubilee and the Brotherhood of Jesus on Calvary and Easter Dinner
  • More than 300 children benefit from the project "Stimulation for children and youth in neighborhoods and districts" (16/06/2010)
    in the five Edutec implemented by the Department of Youth and "The Candle"
  • The municipality will provide the Directorate General of Housing parcel of the development of "The Head" (16/06/2010)
    For the autonomous region to include in its Regional Housing Plan the construction of public advocacy Totana
  • The construction of the municipal building for summer school and reform of the toilets of CP "Tierno Galván" have an amount in excess of 700,000 euros (16/06/2010)
    will enable the recruitment of a total of 100 people, including 25 Unemployed
  • The Municipal People's Government will require the Nation to meet the deadlines for the arrival of the AVE to the Region of Murcia (16/06/2010)
    In a motion to be raised in Parliament
  • Day of respite care in Isla Plana (16/06/2010)
    More than 30 families totaling 60 people, held a day of respite care in Isla Plana on Wednesday June 9
  • Socialist Youth of Totana calls for university transportation grants are for all university students (16/06/2010)

  • The Socialist Party claims that "the mayor said in the House that there is a project of the Farmers' House in a different location from its current location" (16/06/2010)

  • The Olympic celebrations, Pears, and Triptolemos Station in honor of San Juan and San Pedro will be held this weekend (16/06/2010)

  • The mayor presented a motion in Parliament to appoint an adopted son of the city of Totana the Father José Giner Crespo (15/06/2010)
    Known as "Father Lucas
  • The council of agriculture says that "the council does not want to speculate with the Chamber of Agriculture" (15/06/2010)
    Y, "The Farmer's House was built where the commission decides to set up for this"
  • Closure of the season of activities and workshops held throughout the year of the Association of Amas de Casa "The Three Marys" (15/06/2010)
    municipal authorities attended
  • The Police Canine Unit Local de Totana participates in the "II days and military police dog handlers" (15/06/2010)
    were held in the Madrid suburb of Mostoles
  • The Socialist Party denounced "the disappearance of the Habanera and Polyphony Contest Totana" (15/06/2010)
    state that "on this year entered no corals, no jury and, therefore, Contest
  • Begin the holidays taking place during the summer months in neighborhoods and districts of Totana (15/06/2010)
    With the conclusion of the celebrations of the Olympic quarter-Pears-The Season Triptolemos this weekend
  • Municipal Service users Psychosocial Support made a visit to the site of La Bastida Argaric (15/06/2010)
    Located in the town of Totana
  • The scholarships help to transport college students Totana, convened by the municipality, may apply until Friday 18 June (15/06/2010)
    For the school year 2009-2010
  • Futsal team of Totana PB was proclaimed champion of indoor soccer league champion winter 09/10 and play-off (15/06/2010)

  • The "24 Hours of Futsal" will kick off the activities carried out within the "Summer Sports" (14/06/2010)
    will be held in Hall "Manolo Ibáñez" during the 26th and 27th of June
  • Athletes Athletic Club Totana start the summer season (14/06/2010)
    In addition, on Saturday ends the V edition of the Racing Circuit, with the career of "The Boquera"
  • The second year of Aikido "Totana City" was held on Saturday June 5 (14/06/2010)
    aikidoka It brought together the Community of Valencia, Albacete, Murcia and Lorca and neighboring towns of Alhama, and Aikido Club de Totana
  • Youth organized the day's adventure with the descent of the river Segura, framed in the "Summer Youth 2010" (14/06/2010)
    will be held on Saturday June 19
  • New Generations collects around 600 euros in the charity dinner for Caritas Interparroquial (14/06/2010)
    There were more than a hundred people
  • About 400 members and users of Senior Centers held a meal of coexistence (14/06/2010)
    In the development of parties elderly
  • The deadline for submitting the request to the job search Childhood Educator will remain open until Thursday 17 June (14/06/2010)
    is called by the city of Totana
  • Held the 8 th cycling test schools in the Region (14/06/2010)
    totanero rider Jose Angel has entered finish line in 3 rd place
  • June 15 Tomorrow will be a water cut (14/06/2010)
    affect the industrial park area "The Saladar", "The Norica" and the road to Mazarrón
  • Continue training workshops for immigrant women (14/06/2010)
    are organized by the Federation of Women of the Murcia Region in collaboration with the departments of Women and Citizenship
  • The school "Reina Sofía" gets the third youngest in the regional final of "nano nana Greco-Roman practice" school sports (14/06/2010)
    was held in Los Alcazares
  • 4 º Place of Domingo Méndez Linares in the State (13/06/2010)
    At one point stood on the podium Sunday in the category of veterans in the State Tournament held last weekend in the city of Linares
  • The council has launched a social network infraestrcutras valued at more than 1,700,000 euros (13/06/2010)
    have given new impetus to neighborhood groups and improved municipal services
  • 33 agricultural organizations are opposed to "the city of Totana can speculate farmers historicode heritage" (12/06/2010)
    If the file is not threatening to move paralyzed and file a lawsuit in court
  • The council aims to promote the project to adapt the old railway line Cartagena, Totana (12/06/2010)
    Green And as a way to make use of cyclists and walkers
  • IU complaint that "the company Refuse Collection and Cleaning pays only $ 200 of payroll for the workers" (11/06/2010)
    "with the argument that the City Council of Totana does not pay the bills since March 2007"
  • The construction of the Municipal School Parent and the covering of the arena of CP "Santa Eulalia" have a value close to one million euros (11/06/2010)
    40 make possible the recruitment of unemployed people in the city
  • The "Peña Madridista The Tenth" was proclaimed champion of the Amateur Football League "Play Fair" (11/06/2010)
    after defeating "Furniture Mondrian" in the last league competition
  • The Department of New Technologies develops various measures in the occupational center "José Moya" and the Municipal Library (11/06/2010)
    internal processes to improve the quality of services and cost savings
  • The Telecentre of the hamlet of Lebor is transferred to the new Community Centre (11/06/2010)

  • Consumption launches a series of recommendations to address healthy heat stroke planned for this summer (11/06/2010)

  • The PP says Totana "totaneros socialists are not entitled to give lessons on raising taxes" (11/06/2010)
    "after the indentation provided by Zapatero in July"
  • IU claims that "the Mayor of Totana has eliminated 30,000 euros of the budget for development aid" (11/06/2010)
    "while 8 officers in his Cabinet for picture
  • The Club de Tenis Totana superolateral site of the tennis circuit (11/06/2010)
    The tournament will be held from Friday 11 to Sunday 13 June, morning and afternoon sessions during the weekend.
  • The SAP users and professionals visiting the facilities COATO (11/06/2010)

  • The movie "The Last Song" will be screened during this weekend at the movies Velasco (11/06/2010)

  • ... (11/06/2010)

  • Fashion Night (10/06/2010)
    will take place this Saturday 12 June from 22.00 in the Turret
  • Totana Mayor attended the official ceremony of the XXVIII Anniversary of the Statute of Autonomy of the Region of Murcia (10/06/2010)
    took place in Caravaca de la Cruz with the Jubilee Year motivi
  • New Generations morning held a charity dinner to raise funds for Caritas Interparroquial (10/06/2010)
    On June 19 I celebrate Paddle Charity Tournament at the Civic Center Sports & Health
  • The Local Government Board awarded the construction of a double circuit underground medium voltage substation from Totana (10/06/2010)
    To give power to the industrial estate "The Saladar"
  • The musical "The coffee girls" in the "D'Shut" will be held on Friday 11 June (10/06/2010)
    theater will take place in cultural center "Jail" at 21:30 pm
  • The Socialist Party denounced "the attitude of the PP tax collection" (10/06/2010)
    "that is crushing the neighbors to taxes"
  • The "Second City Campus Totana Football 2010" will be held from 29 June to 3 July (10/06/2010)
    is aimed at children aged between 7 and 15 years
  • The student athletes Occupational Center "José Moya" participate in the Regional Championship Futsal (10/06/2010)
    was held in San Javier
  • The "Marcha MTB Marathon Totana City" was attended by about 300 participants (10/06/2010)
    They moved from all corners of the region and the provinces of Alicante, Almeria and Granada
  • The Department of New Technologies designs and develops the website of the Regulatory Council of Murcia paprika OD (10/06/2010)
    Headquarters is located in the industrial park "The Saladar"
  • Stage Play in Kindergarten "Clara Campoamor" (09/06/2010)
    recently Represented
  • Seventh cycling test schools in the Region of Murcia (09/06/2010)
    totanero rider José Ãngel García Camacho Roldán cycling club has reached the finish line in 2nd place
  • Discordia presented at Fnac-New Condomina in Murcia her new album "Fever" (09/06/2010)
    took place on Friday June 4
  • The Department of Sport will file a motion in Parliament (09/06/2010)
    To promote the recovery of Cartagena, Totana railway line for conversion as greenway
  • Members of the Senior Center, Day Care Service and SEDA users enjoy a lemonade (08/06/2010)
    In the development of the celebrations of the Elderly
  • Socialist Youth of Totana considered a "joke" the sale of the parcel, "the Head" (08/06/2010)

  • The Socialists claim that "today, June 8 The General workers still unpaid payroll of May" (08/06/2010)

  • The racetrack V "Décimas Totana-Aislanyola" reaches its final (08/06/2010)
    The Time Trial 'Pond Girl' was held on Saturday June 5
  • The councilman of Social Welfare and Citizenship closing the "I days for intercultural dialogue and solidarity" (08/06/2010)
    Organized by the University of Seville in collaboration with the town of Totana
  • D'Genes presents to their pets: Murgenes and Murgenica (08/06/2010)
    The Association for Rare Diseases and Gene D'TGD Murcia, recently unveiled the mascots to represent the association
  • They are charged in the voluntary period permanent Fords, hunting, stop vehicles and kiosks in public. (08/06/2010)
    Until 6 July
  • On Wednesday, the day of the Region, will open the municipal sports pools "December 6" Free entry and transport (08/06/2010)

  • British players trained at the School of Totana CT. (08/06/2010)
    Several British players from the cities of Bournemouth and London trained during the last school Totana Tennis Club
  • The "Raitotana", which was consolidated with the improvement of infrastructure and services, has offered 60 courses in new technologies (08/06/2010)
    These projects involved more than 1,000 people
  • El Colegio Reina Sofia and Miguel Angel Martínez Sánchez, Santiago College, proclaim regional champions Aquathlon school sports (08/06/2010)
    In the final held in Eagles
  • The City Council is working with the "Basic Guide to the Way of the True Cross" (07/06/2010)
    for which there is a new way to Caravaca de la Cruz passing through Totana
  • Totana Tennis Club celebrates the "twelve hours of paddle" (07/06/2010)
    The tournament served as the official opening of its new track.
  • City officials attending the presentation of the "Guide Geological Espuña Regional Park" (07/06/2010)
    part of the activities organized on World Environment
  • The weekly mercadilllo forward to tomorrow, Tuesday June 8 (07/06/2010)
    Taking place on Wednesday the feast Day of the Region of Murcia
  • The city of Totana provides maintenance of essential basic services to citizens (07/06/2010)
    Coinciding with the announcement of the strike by public employees morning 8 June
  • The PSOE said that "oppose any relocation of the existing Chamber of Agriculture" (07/06/2010)
    From the PSOE say that "its position remains unchanged and they do not understand the commitment of Andreo to change the current location of the Chamber of Agriculture"
  • Disputada the 6 th cycling test schools in the Region of Murcia (07/06/2010)
    Totana The small corridor José Angel Camacho one more week has risen to podium in 4 th position.
  • More than 60 people have participated in training organized by the departments of Social Welfare and Citizenship (07/06/2010)
    During the first half of 2010
  • Totana joins the commemoration of "World Environment Day" with the reading of a manifesto and the development of different activities (07/06/2010)
    pretend to remember everyone's responsibility to maintain environmental conservation
  • Totana hosted the celebration of the Holy "IV National Meeting of Local Development Professionals" (07/06/2010)
    was inaugurated by the hand of the director general of the SEF and the mayor totanero
  • Two bronze medals in the Regional Championship Doubles (07/06/2010)
    Two third places were the best ratings achieved by the club's players in Totana TM Regional Doubles Championship held last weekend at the Pavilion Manolo Ibáñez de Totana
  • The council approved the project and statement of additional clauses (06/06/2010)
    to proceed with the award of the work of the new dual-line public school kindergarten and primary schools in the area of totana ramblica
  • The program of activities of the parties of City Senior Center opens tomorrow Monday (06/06/2010)
    With the crowning of the queen and ladies of honor of the festivities in the City Park "Marcos Ortiz"
  • Members of Totana NNGG attended the events of the thirtieth anniversary of New Generations of the Region of Murcia (05/06/2010)
    The event was held on Saturday June 5 in Lorca, and was attended, among others, and José Ramón Luis Valcárcel María Aznar
  • Tolar offers a free seminar on interior design in Totana (05/06/2010)
    will take place Saturday June 5 from 12:00 to 13:30 in the building's Victory Totana, to celebrate the open house
  • Two students from the IES Prado Mayor of Totana done internship in a company in Portugal (04/06/2010)
    The students have a scholarship to defray the costs incurred in this training
  • In six races was present Totana Athletic Club last weekend. (04/06/2010)

  • On Monday, June 7 entries begin to participate in program activities "Summer Sports 2010 (04/06/2010)

  • The works of the round of Kabuki and adaptation to the traffic of Avenida Juan Carlos I are paralyzed because they required the diversion of a medium voltage line (04/06/2010)
    As reported by the Councillor for Planning and Sustainable Development, María José Bedia
  • The prizes to the trajectory of the family business and the person emprendora fall in "Vicman Industries, SA and Encarna Martínez Pérez (04/06/2010)
    will be delivered in 2010 gala corporate dinner to be held tonight
  • More than fifty students in the IES "Prado Mayor" de Totana participate in the open day of CLD (04/06/2010)
    For the services and resources provided
  • The PSOE is attached to "the indignation of the neighbors" to "the brutal increase in the water bill" (04/06/2010)
    assert that "the mayor's mismanagement in negotiations with the water company, has led all suffer totaneros the dramatic increase in the basic good "
  • The King Queen of Day Care Services Municipal Center for the Elderly and SEDA are crowned (04/06/2010)
    In an act that took place at the site of La Santa
  • IU rejects "the possibility that the building of the House Agricultural grass is speculation" (04/06/2010)
    will defend that "the heritage of farmers and ranchers to remain in its current location"
  • On Saturday June 5 Totana Tennis Club will organize the 12 hours of paddle (03/06/2010)
    Tournament Opening of the new paddle tennis club
  • The People's Party Totana elect the president and his new local executive at the conference (03/06/2010)
    will be held on 1 July
  • Users of the Senior Center Paretón-Cantareros The course closed (03/06/2010)
    With the delivery of diplomas from the hand of the mayor of Totana and the councilman of Social Welfare
  • The Brotherhood of Jesus on Calvary and Eucharist will celebrate the Second Pilgrimage to Caravaca (03/06/2010)
    It will take place on 12 and 13 June
  • The cultural program of theater continues with the musical "The coffee girls" in the "D'Shut" (03/06/2010)
    will be held on Friday 11 June at the Socio-Cultural Center theater "Jail" at 21:30 pm
  • The Consistory awarded the contract for the construction of the municipal building for the Summer Schools (03/06/2010)
    And reform of toilets within the grounds of the school "Tierno Galván"
  • The Local Government Committee approved the basis of public call for the creation of a job of early childhood educator for the Department of Education (03/06/2010)
    The deadline will remain open until 17 June
  • The Socialists call for the mayor to explain the real situation of the General Plan (03/06/2010)

  • The activities organized to mark the "World Environment Day" will be held tomorrow, Friday June 4 (03/06/2010)
    Under the slogan "Many species, one planet, one future" in the City Park "Marcos Ortiz"
  • Occupational Classroom Students made a tour of the Field Argárica "La Bastida" (03/06/2010)
    For the work of recovering the remains of the culture of the most important Argar Western Europe
  • IU considered a failure of the Economic Conference organized by the Council of Totana (03/06/2010)
    "have not participated or employers or unions, demonstrating the Government's ability Martínez Andreo"
  • The City Council cut 5 million euros in the municipal budget for 2010 (02/06/2010)
    "Without increasing the tax burden on totaneros and focusing on the productive sectors, youth and those most in need"
  • IU + LV: "The budgets of the City of Totana are late, unreal and useless" (02/06/2010)
    "Increasing the outrageous debt that supports the Consistory"
  • The PSOE PP rejects budgets "by unbalanced and illegal" (02/06/2010)
    At the extraordinary plenary session held yesterday, the Socialists demanded the mayor and council of the PP to redo the budget "to make it realistic"
  • The First Municipal Plan 2010-2013 Drug Addiction Prevention seeks to minimize the risk factors associated with unhealthy lifestyles (02/06/2010)
    Y facilitate the development of protective factors against drug use
  • City officials visited the works of the track covering the Polideportivo Municipal "December 6" (02/06/2010)
    allow to be used by sports clubs
  • The band "A-Countersong" will offer a concert Solidario (02/06/2010)
    will be held on Saturday June 5 at 21:00 pm in Film Velasco, and the benefits will go to building classrooms in Burkina Faso, West Africa
  • Morning June 3 is planned water cut (02/06/2010)
    could affect the areas of La Huerta, The Pond, Lot, Industrial, Norica, and road and Aramillejos Mazarrón
  • The students of the course of early childhood education assistant made an educational visit to the Municipal School Children "Clara Campoamor" (02/06/2010)
    In order to implement foreground
  • Renewed executive of New Generations of the PP in Totana has organized a dinner and paddle tennis tournament beneficial (01/06/2010)
    The benefits will go to Caritas Interparroquial
  • "Innovation and Business Opportunities in the Food Sector" (01/06/2010)
    During the day was made known to the representatives of agricultural organizations and policymakers, among others, the draft City Mediterranean Food
  • The Cape Maria Belen Hernandez, representing the Local Police of Totana, participate in the III European Games of Policemen and Firemen (01/06/2010)
    took place in Valencia from 7 to 12 June
  • The English Edutec "Tallinn Space" closes its doors during the summer and even next year (01/06/2010)
    With a great closing ceremony attended by local authorities
  • Totana Caviar briefings organized a family planning (01/06/2010)
    With the aim of promoting sex education and responsible motherhood
  • Education announces one year grants of aid for transport totana college students for the school year 2009-2010 (01/06/2010)
    may be requested from Tuesday 1 to June 18
  • Socialist Youth of Totana condemns Israeli attack on the fleet of relief (01/06/2010)
    Y calls for an end to the untenable situation in Gaza

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