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Totana News - August 2010

detail of Totana
Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • The Social Welfare council deplores "the levity and insensibility" (31/08/2010)
    "with which IU + Greens municipal policies is undertaken on the integration of immigrants"
  • IU claims that "the City has to return 23,000 euros to the region" (31/08/2010)
    "not to have justified subsidies to programs of Social Services, Trade and Employment
  • The celebration of La Huerta tear on Saturday September 4 (31/08/2010)
    With the opening of the local office of the parish
  • The parking service ONP starts in Totana from tomorrow, September 1 (31/08/2010)
    After being exempt from payment for the entire month of August
  • Occupational Center "José Moya" anticipates the resumption of their business tomorrow, September 1 (31/08/2010)
    To provide enhanced support services to families of users
  • The pilgrimage mountain biking Caravaca de la Cruz will take place on September 12 (31/08/2010)
    It is organized by the Department of Sports
  • The PP criticized the "lack of responsibility of the PSOE and commitment to the people of Totana" (30/08/2010)
    "to spend two months without stepping on the council, while the team has not stopped government to solve problems for neighbors of Totana"
  • The last council actions carried out in schools for the Begin Course (30/08/2010)
    to begin on 13 primary and 16 September for secondary
  • The mayor asked the Segura River Basin to proceed with cleaning the river Butte Guadalentín (30/08/2010)
    Because stagnant water has caused a great plague of mosquitoes and insects
  • Three people were slightly injured in the collision between two vehicles and a truck in Totana (30/08/2010)
    Three people injured were mild this morning in a road accident on the motorway A-7 up to the town of Totana, according to The 112RM
  • Totana joins European initiative "The city without my car" (30/08/2010)
    Under the slogan "Move with intelligence and live better" to sensitize the public on the need for a new urban mobility, which will be held on September 22
  • The PSOE warns of "loans allocated by the Mayor of Totana" (28/08/2010)
    Demand to clarify "whether committed the collection of council tax for vehicles of 2011"
  • Did you know that there is a path that can take you from Totana to Santiago de Compostela ?... (27/08/2010)

  • On Sunday and Monday will screen the film "Nightmare on Elm Street" (The Origin) (27/08/2010)
    Within the schedule of Summer Film
  • More than a thousand people have benefited from the actions carried out by the council of Women's Rights and Equal Opportunity (27/08/2010)
    During the first eight months of 2010
  • The March IV on Mountain Bike Pelegrín Memorial Sunday "will be held on Sunday September 5 (27/08/2010)
    is organized by the Club Ciclista Santa Eulalia", in collaboration with the Department of Sports
  • Totana Civil Protection alert to the risk of wildfire this weekend (27/08/2010)
    Access to the natural park of Sierra Espuña at the height of the Stables will be closed for the night
  • IU rejects "political manipulation of Juan Carrión, announcing Masses and liturgies" (27/08/2010)
    when it is not their role, as a councilor of Social Services in a secular State, recognized by the Constitution '
  • IU: "The council of Sports is confusing the public service to his farm" (26/08/2010)
    "It goes with the Plan, to produce a hit on the Soccer City Stadium, Juan Cayuela"
  • Totana City Council will launch the Municipal Plan II Immigrant Integration (26/08/2010)
    With the aim of facilitating coexistence channels of the immigrant population living in the city
  • The deadline for participation in the "III art contest for equality", in the categories of painting and sculpture, will end on November 2 (26/08/2010)
    is equipped with a total of $ 1,000 in prizes
  • The Department of Employment Development and starts the course "cold kitchen, semi-cold and warm" (26/08/2010)
    Directed primarily at people in employment and self-employed
  • Liturgical and cultural activities organized during the festival of the Virgen del Cisne be held on Saturday 28 August (25/08/2010)
    With a Mass and a procession through the streets of the town
  • A total of 52 unemployed persons have been hired by the city (25/08/2010)
    Under a grant from the SEF in the amount of € 444,808, to work on sanitation and cleanliness of roads in the city
  • Opens from 1 September, the procedure for recognizing professional qualifications (25/08/2010)
    For workers in the field of child education and health and social care
  • IU claims that "the mayor you plug a finger at another release, with € 2,000 in salary" (25/08/2010)
    "while not paying suppliers and has serious difficulties in paying wages"
  • The Department of Women and Equal Opportunities, organized a course in computer literacy for women (25/08/2010)
    is conducted in the San Roque Community Center from 6 to 27 September
  • Providing recommendations to prevent the effects that can be caused by the heat wave (24/08/2010)
    On the other hand, the Emergency Department has activated the alert level orange for high temperatures
  • A total of 1,459 people have registered in the Local Employment Center for Women and Youth (24/08/2010)
    824 and 196 are women younger than 30 years and 439 older men in this age group so far this year
  • The City encourages citizens to provide feedback to the Municipal Accessibility Plan (24/08/2010)
    seeks greater personal autonomy of the disabled
  • The Senior Center City launches Cultural travel to Cantabria, Gibraltar and Fatima (24/08/2010)
    will take place during the months of September and October
  • On Friday September 3 will be a Eucharist to dismiss the priest and the curate of the parish of Santiago de Totana (23/08/2010)
    then there will be a dinner
  • It has celebrated the fifteenth test Roldán Schools Cycling (23/08/2010)
    Young totanero José Ãngel García Camacho has climbed to the podium in fifth.
  • The Department of Social Welfare will promote the creation of a Municipal Family Mediation Service in the town (23/08/2010)
    To expedite the resolution of conflicts
  • Public schools "Tierno Galván" and "The Cross" will be from this course schools for high ability Almuna (23/08/2010)

  • The summer movies continues this week (23/08/2010)
    With the screening of films "Sherk, happily ever after," "My second time" and "Eclipse"
  • The council will promote the recovery of the old rail route via Cartagena, Totana for conversion as greenway (22/08/2010)

  • The site of La Santa has a new sewage (21/08/2010)
    multiply tenfold the ability of older systems and is managed through Internet
  • "The PP was the only political party that has given an effective response to major problems for the disposal of storm" (20/08/2010)
    The PP response to criticism from IU + LV
  • Continue work on the new Health Center-South Totana " (20/08/2010)
    The building, situated in the development of" The Scale ", will serve 15,400 users
  • The council has improved conditioning and a place called The Breeches (20/08/2010)
    With the commissioning of public lighting and upgrading of rural roads
  • The infant and primary school "Tierno Galván" taught bilingual education in English from September (20/08/2010)
    Totana have two infant and primary schools, "Luis Perez Wheel" and "Tierno Galván" who taught bilingual education the next school
  • The Department of Sports offers free sports library (20/08/2010)
    The content already available on the Internet
  • The Department of Education beginning in September the City Commission of Truancy and Dropout (19/08/2010)
    To take the measures set out by the recently approved regional plan
  • The municipal auditorium "Marcos Ortiz" receives the final morning of the animated series "Shrek, Happily Ever After" (19/08/2010)
    part of the program's Summer Film
  • Still open registration period for establishments that wish to participate in the Fair Outlet (19/08/2010)
    will be held from September 30 to October 3
  • Totana Mayor and Council of Pedanías, Agriculture and Consumer Services this morning visited the areas most affected by the waterspout (19/08/2010)
    has affected mainly the district of the Paretón-Cantareros
  • According to IU, "the rains of recent days, laid bare the lack of planning on hydraulic" (19/08/2010)
    "And the zero investment in 7 years by the City and the Autonomous Region in Totana"
  • The Mayor of Totana and Councilman Services this morning visit the areas hardest hit by the downpour (19/08/2010)
    has affected mostly the hamlet of El Paretón
  • Project "Restoration and management of the Rambla de Lebor as green connector between the mountains of La Tercia-Espuña and river Guadalentín" (18/08/2010)
    will improve the functionality of the promenade totanera
  • The youth council is organizing a course on planning and organizing summer schools "for 30 hours (18/08/2010)
    will be held from September 24 to October 16 in cultural center" Jail "
  • The city of Totana involved in the development of state guidelines. (18/08/2010)
    For the implementation of local plans to raise awareness against racial or ethnic discrimination
  • The council collaborates with the Royal Academy "Alfonso X el Sabio" (18/08/2010)
    In the co-edited the book "Historical Analysis epigraphic the chapel of the Santa Eulalia de Totana (XIII-XVII centuries)" with a contribution of 1,000 euros
  • Inauguration of the refurbishment of the garden full of Canary Street, located in the suburb of San Roque (17/08/2010)
    Coinde with the celebration of the great day of your employer
  • The PP claims that, "against the disastrous management of the Government of Zapatero, the only solution adopted is raise your taxes more than the Spanish" (17/08/2010)
    totanero The PP says that "more than meets more unemployment taxes," which " further enhance the country's main problem "
  • The parties of "Dove" will celebrate next weekend (17/08/2010)
    With a performance of "Air America", "The Shanny's" and "Coro Santa Cecilia and Santiago Folklore Group"
  • Programming summer movies this week (17/08/2010)
    "How to Train Your Dragon," "The Picture of Dorian Gray" and "Shrek, Happily Ever After"
  • IU claim "abandonment of the redevelopment of the bridge in the Avd Juan Carlos I, which should be completed in April" (16/08/2010)
    Require the mayor to "explain the reasons for the stalled five months ago"
  • The Deputy Director of Atlantic Traffic Department of the Government of the Republic of Colombia visits Education Park Road (16/08/2010)
    The official visit by Spain Totana choose to make a report to establish a playground in the Interior Atlantic
  • The Department of Development, Employment and Economic Development presented the offer of training for the last quarter of the year (16/08/2010)
    includes more than a dozen main courses for the unemployed
  • The study room of the municipal library is expanding its schedule for the September exams, allowing students to use on Saturdays (16/08/2010)

  • Education is launching a campaign year "Sharpen your school supplies" (16/08/2010)
    To raise public awareness of the need for educational material recycling
  • Cieza hosted the fourteenth day of the calendar Cycling School (16/08/2010)
    The totanero José Angel came to the finish line in 5th position in class
  • IU alert of proliferation of the pest in Totana drainer (15/08/2010)
    Y harshly criticized the City Council and regional leaders "who are doing nothing to address the serious problem"
  • The active Emergency Department today the alert level to orange tomorrow, Saturday, Aug. 14 (13/08/2010)
    Facing the possibility of severe thunderstorms in the Region of Murcia
  • The city of Totana rejected the introduction of toll Eurovignette (13/08/2010)
    And it supports the claims of the Transport Association this site
  • The municipality has invested in improving infrastructure in the district of San Roque, Las Parras around 1,000,000 euros (13/08/2010)
    The most important are the social center work and improvement, upgrading and paving in the streets
  • End of "I Padel Tournament Festival Virgen del Rosario del Paretón" with the awards ceremony (13/08/2010)
    will be held tonight at 22:30 hours on the new track built at the Sports Complex "Guadalentín"
  • The movie "How to Train Your Dragon" will be screened from Sunday 15th to Tuesday 17th August (13/08/2010)
    In the auditorium of the municipal park "Marcos Ortiz" at ten in the night
  • The works of the Phase 2 expansion of the Municipal School Children in El Parral will double the number of children in school (12/08/2010)
    The works will be ready for this this school year 2010/11
  • The March IV on Mountain Bike Pelegrín Memorial Sunday "will be held on Sunday September 5 (12/08/2010)
    is organized by the Club Ciclista Santa Eulalia", in collaboration with the Department of Sports
  • PADISITO full of activities this summer 2010 (12/08/2010)
    culminates in the summer camp held in the town of Castril
  • The Department of Trade and Crafts develop a Revitalization Plan of the Township Retail Totana (12/08/2010)
    To promote and stimulate the activity of this sector
  • The travel program "Come to the beach" has an average of one hundred participants from the Municipal Center Senior Totana (12/08/2010)
    is being developed for every Thursday for the months of summer
  • The Socialist Party says that "if not for the work of Plan E, Totana would be paralyzed" (12/08/2010)

  • Continue nightly walks that take place every Wednesday in the area of the orchards (12/08/2010)
    are framed in the "Summer Sports 2010", organized by the Department of Sports
  • For IU in Totana, "Environmental Impact Statement gives the" definitive thrust "General Plan" (11/08/2010)
    "has brought ruin to the City", say from IU
  • The Socialist Party denounced the manipulation of the software which should appear resolutions " (11/08/2010)
    state that" eleven resolutions have disappeared July 30 "
  • The municipal government has a number of proposals (11/08/2010)
    "to protect the productive sectors of Totana of the measures it intends to implement the National Government," announced Sánchez Méndez
  • New Technologies Councilman visit the computer room of the Social Center area of San Roque (11/08/2010)
    Starting last July, which joins the project "RAITOTANA" to bring new technologies to citizens
  • The council has invested in improving infrastructure in the village of El-Cantareros Paretón about 4,000,000 euros (11/08/2010)
    Of those who emphasizes the important improvements made in the sewerage network
  • New Technologies Councilman attributes the problems in the reception of DTT in many areas of the municipality to the improvement works (11/08/2010)
    what are taking in the repeater Carrascoy
  • The people of El Paretón-Cantareros will honor the "Father Lucas" on its 50th anniversary as a Franciscan priest (11/08/2010)
    In a ceremony to be held on Sunday 15 August in the Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary "of this parish
  • The Emergency Department of the Region of Murcia orange alert activates the heat wave (11/08/2010)
    affect all day today, Wednesday 11 August with temperatures reaching 40 degrees
  • The festivities of San Roque district will be held this weekend from 13 to 16 August (11/08/2010)
    With a wide variety of performances and activities for all the neighbors
  • The summer movie continues with the screening of the movie "Robin Hood" (11/08/2010)
    will be screened from Wednesday to Friday 13 August in the auditorium of the municipal park "Marcos Ortiz" at ten in the night
  • Begin regeneration works services, sewerage and drinking water Calle Virgen del Castillo (10/08/2010)
    will answer the demands raised by the neighbors
  • More than 500 young people benefit from psychosexual counseling, offered by the Department of Youth (10/08/2010)
    offers service and personalized guidance on topics related to sexuality and affectivity
  • Local Police warns Totana butane reviews (10/08/2010)
    view technical inspections home offering false unidentified individuals
  • Fifty people attended the trip to the "City of Arts and Sciences of Valencia, set in the" Summer Youth 2010 " (10/08/2010)
    were held last weekend
  • The celebration of the Virgen del Rosario of El Paretón Cantareros be held from 7 until 15 August (10/08/2010)
    With many holiday and leisure activities for all tastes
  • Start the I paddle tournament "Festival of the Paretón" with a total of 24 couples registered (09/08/2010)
    will be held until next Friday to coincide with the inauguration of the new runway built at the sports complex "Guadalentín" of this parish
  • The study room of the municipal library maintains its schedule for the September exams (09/08/2010)
    allow students to use on Saturdays
  • The Department of Sport is pleased to be realized the bike lane project in the region of Guadalentín (09/08/2010)
    "In its day it was driven by the city of Totana," they say
  • A total of 300 children and youth have participated in the camps of the nature of the classrooms in Espuña Alquería and summer schools during the month of July (09/08/2010)
    Under the "Summer Youth 2010
  • The comedy film "In war footing" will be screened on Monday 9 and Tuesday 10 August (09/08/2010)
    In the auditorium of the municipal park "Marcos Ortiz" at ten in the night
  • ... (09/08/2010)

  • The Municipal People's Party says it "supports the residents of Totana sector to develop hawking" (08/08/2010)
    "to the constraints of the exercise of that activity by the application of the law imposed by the Government of the Nation"
  • The city shows its opposition to cuts in public aid for housing acquisition VPO (08/08/2010)
    Y shows its solidarity with the construction industry
  • CAVI has served a total of 139 women of Totana who suffer or have suffered any physical violence and mental (07/08/2010)
    Since its start-up
  • The redevelopment of the Point of Care for Children of El Parral will double the number of schoolchildren (06/08/2010)

  • Liturgical and cultural activities organized during the festival of the Virgen del Cisne be held on Saturday 28th August (06/08/2010)
    With a Mass and a procession through the streets of the town
  • The PP claims that "cuts to the Ministry of Economic Development Region in the air leaving the arrival of the AVE to the region of Guadalentín" (06/08/2010)

  • About 80 people participated in walks every Wednesday night (06/08/2010)
    are framed in the "Summer Sports 2010", organized by the Department of Sports
  • The mayor announced that "the PGMO of Totana has received favorable Environmental Impact Statement" (05/08/2010)
    "This guarantees the continuity of its passage through the Directorate General of Urbanism
  • The council has invested in improving infrastructure in the districts of the Upper and Lower Raiguero more than 560,000 euros (05/08/2010)
    among which the first phase of the rehabilitation of the road D-22
  • The Social Center of San Roque district joined the project "RAITOTANA" (05/08/2010)
    With the launching of a new computer room to bring new technologies to citizens
  • The PSOE de Totana Valcárcel claims to "take urgent measures Martínez Andreo because the situation is unsustainable" (05/08/2010)
    Councillors Andres Garcia Canovas and Jose Martinez Usero gave a press conference in Murcia
  • Youth received a grant of 45,500 euros (05/08/2010)
    For the realization of dynamic activities and provision of youth information and advice for young people employment
  • The summer movie continues with the screening of the film "Night and Day" (05/08/2010)
    will be screened from Thursday through Sunday, August 8 in the auditorium of the municipal park "Marcos Ortiz" at ten in the night
  • Toni Gutierrez was the star guest of the 4th edition of the classic Campus Fitness (04/08/2010)
    took place on Saturday 31 July
  • Athletics Combined Events "Fiestas de Santiago" (04/08/2010)
    took place on Saturday July 31 at the Polideportivo Municipal "December 6"
  • Sports Councilman closure sports activities for adults (04/08/2010)
    were carried out in the municipal sports facilities with the participation of more than 150 people
  • Begin construction of the Municipal School Parents and the covering of the arena of CP "Santa Eulalia" (04/08/2010)
    And the municipal building for summer school CP "Tierno Galván"
  • CAVI has conducted more than 1,000 interventions so far this year, and of 1,827 hospitality (04/08/2010)
    Center Services for Women Victims of Violence against Women has served a total of 139 women who suffer or have suffered any violence physical and psychological, from their operation late last October
  • The Department of Agriculture initiated the campaign against fruit fly affecting citrus crops early and mid-season (04/08/2010)
    With the distribution of baits in the municipal warehouse
  • Totana joins European initiative "The city without my car" under the slogan "move with intelligence and better living" (04/08/2010)
    will be held on September 22
  • IU claims that "the mayor of Totana hires a new staff of trust and compensates the faithful, bringing the categories and wage" (04/08/2010)
    "when the City is in virtual bankruptcy," said IU
  • The trip to the "City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia will be held this Saturday, August 7 (04/08/2010)
    program is framed in" Summer Youth 2010
  • The Councillor for Planning and Sustainable Development visit the state of work on the new Community Centre in the village of the High Raiguero (03/08/2010)
    will be inaugurated on Thursday August 5 at 21:00 pm
  • The celebration of the parish of the Raiguero Alto, in honor of Santo Domingo de Guzman, will be held this weekend (03/08/2010)
    will feature musical performances, contests and various recreational activities
  • End of basic computer course, which has been taught in the local neighborhood social San Francisco, aimed at local women (03/08/2010)

  • Municipal Library will participate in the Project Contest XIII Reading Promotion (03/08/2010)
    Recognizes the work done in actions for the promotion, dissemination and promotion of reading
  • The summer movie continues with the screening of the film 'The Team' (03/08/2010)
    to be screened tomorrow, Wednesday, Aug. 4 at the auditorium of the municipal park "Marcos Ortiz" at ten in the night
  • The bar restaurant "stone" is made with the top prize for the best representative of the cuisine of Totana (02/08/2010)
    Thanks to the Second map "Tapas in Totana" in which hundreds of people have participated
  • A total of 300 people visited the Youth Housing Municipal Office during the first half of year (02/08/2010)
    Generating 355 consultations on housing
  • Summer Schools are terminated, within the program "Summer Youth 2010" (02/08/2010)
    were carried out in two schools during the month of July in which more than 150 children aged 3 to 12 years
  • New Technologies Councilman closing the first half of 2010 the project RAITOTANA with the presentation of diplomas to students (02/08/2010)
    have been trained about 1,000 people in the computer rooms
  • Totana Socialists claim that "the resignation should be immediate Andreo" (02/08/2010)
    "After the resignation of Councillor Belén García and the new allocation for a bribe to the mayor also see Valcárcel is against the wall"
  • The municipality implements the service "SMS SOS" (01/08/2010)
    In order that people with oral communication problems can make emergency calls to the Police Local

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