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Totana News - September 2020

detail of Totana
Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • The COVID-19 Monitoring Table agrees to establish random police controls during this time of the new Phase 1 relaxed (30/09/2020)

  • Tomorrow the services of the Municipal Library "Mateo García" and the Study Room of the Sociocultural Center "La Cárcel" will reopen (30/09/2020)

  • The Region of Murcia has registered 352 new infections due to coronavirus, 11 in Totana (30/09/2020)

  • Totana will remain confined for at least 3 weeks as long as the epidemiological evolution is favorable (30/09/2020)

  • The BORM publishes the specific and temporary measures for public health reasons to contain the outbreak of COVID-19 that appeared in Totana (29/09/2020)

  • Tomorrow the renovation works begin on a section of the sewerage network on José Antonio Requena Street due to a break in the pipe that causes leaks (29/09/2020)

  • The Region of Murcia has registered 197 new infections by coronavirus, 19 in Totana (29/09/2020)

  • The mayor calls for collective citizen responsibility to get out of the "infernal circle" in which Totana has entered due to the increase in infections (29/09/2020)

  • Totana supports the non-mechanized forestry management project around the headwaters of Barranco de la Hoz, in Sierra Espuña (28/09/2020)

  • Cánovas: "We must be prepared for the worst given the figures of the last days" (28/09/2020)

  • PROGRESS: Health proposes a return to phase 1 made more flexible in Totana (28/09/2020)

  • The National Police reactivates the mobile service for issuing the DNI in Totana from next October 6, by appointment (28/09/2020)

  • Totana adds 57 new positives for Covid-19 (28/09/2020)

  • The mayor asks the regional government to soften the new restrictive measures for this new Phase 1 made more flexible so as not to further reduce the productive sectors of Totana (28/09/2020)

  • The PSOE demands the regional government to explain what it has not done well to have to confine Totana again (28/09/2020)

  • Totana adds 46 new positives for Covid-19 (27/09/2020)

  • The mayor provides some data that should make us think about the seriousness of what is happening to us (26/09/2020)

  • Totana adds 48 new positives for Covid-19 (26/09/2020)

  • The Collective for Social Promotion "El Candil", beneficiary of the contract for the development of the "Making Community" program (25/09/2020)

  • The II Biodiversity Fair in the Sierra Espuña Territory will take place this Sunday virtually (25/09/2020)

  • The Plenary agrees to recognize the work of the Lieutenant of the Civil Guard, Bernardo Vivas, in gratitude for his work during the health crisis caused by COVID-19 (25/09/2020)

  • Ganar Totana denounces the "support for the hospitality industry ... in the face of the gallery" by the opposition (25/09/2020)

  • The crimes and criminal offenses registered in the municipality of Totana decrease from January to June of this year, compared to the same period of fiscal year 2019 (25/09/2020)

  • Totana adds 118 new positives for Covid-19 (25/09/2020)

  • The Department of Urbanism and Activities sets the single telephone number 968 41 81 89 from next Monday (25/09/2020)

  • The Government Delegation delivers 8,000 masks to distribute to the most vulnerable groups and essential services personnel (25/09/2020)

  • They award the service contract for the adaptation of the City Council to the current regulations on the protection of personal data (24/09/2020)

  • Amendment to the entire motion presented by the Mayor's Office for the modification of the ordinance corresponding to the opening hours of the hospitality terraces (24/09/2020)

  • Warehouse 4 of the Business Incubator is handed over to an entrepreneurial society dedicated to the cultivation and marketing of mushrooms (24/09/2020)

  • The BORM publishes the order that obliges food and beverage stores to remain closed from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. the next day (24/09/2020)

  • TOTANEROUS FACES. Father Crisóstomo returns to Totana (24/09/2020)

  • During September, applications can be submitted by people interested in the job boards promoted by the Totana City Council (23/09/2020)

  • This Friday the registration period for the Music School of the Musical Group of Totana ends for the 2020/21 academic year (23/09/2020)

  • The mayor meets with the Association for the Custody of the Territory (23/09/2020)

  • 474 new cases of Covid-19 in the Region in the last 24 hours (23/09/2020)

  • Totana will host a pilot social health project aimed at establishing a comprehensive action and intervention strategy to combat COVID-19 among the most vulnerable groups (23/09/2020)

  • Now Totana will present to the Plenary tomorrow an urgent motion on a possible solution to the saturation of health centers (23/09/2020)

  • Citizens present two motions and requests to the ordinary plenary session in September (22/09/2020)

  • The Plenary session addresses a total of 11 points on the agenda this Thursday (22/09/2020)

  • The City Council joins the celebration of World Alzheimer's Day (21/09/2020)

  • The SAC will stop providing citizen service tomorrow from 12:00 hours (21/09/2020)

  • Awarded the new contract of the insurance policy for the fleet of vehicles of the Totana City Council (21/09/2020)

  • The taxes on real estate of urban and rustic nature, special characteristics and economic activities of 2020 are being collected, in a voluntary period (21/09/2020)

  • Order of the day of the ordinary plenary session September 2020 (21/09/2020)

  • The City Council wants to modify the Municipal Ordinance to authorize the exercise of the activity of terraces from 7:00 am all year round (20/09/2020)

  • 555 new cases of Covil-19 in the Region of Murcia in the last 24 hours (19/09/2020)

  • The Mayor's Office decrees for prevention the closure, at least seven days, of the two Day Centers for the Disability of Totana due to the contagion by COVID-19 of a professional (19/09/2020)

  • The totanera left manifests itself against taking a motion to fully and effectively combat the illegal squatting of homes (19/09/2020)

  • The ham cutting event will be held tomorrow for the benefit of the PADISITO association (18/09/2020)

  • They approve the transfer of use of the premises of the old Handicraft Technological Center to the Kalathos Association as a temporary measure due to COVID-19 (18/09/2020)

  • They request a subsidy from the SEF amounting to 27,045 euros for the maintenance of the position of promoter of Cultural Tourism (18/09/2020)

  • Data related to Covid-19 in the Region in the last 24 hours (18/09/2020)

  • The Municipal Sports Pavilion "Manolo Ibáñez" has hosted the CFS Capuchinos preseason training since yesterday (18/09/2020)

  • Data related to Covid-19 in the Region in the last 24 hours (18/09/2020)

  • Face-to-face classes are postponed for another week in the educational centers of the municipality of Totana (18/09/2020)

  • The Department of Economic Development is going to launch the course "Business Technical Management" (17/09/2020)

  • The facilities of the Department of Sports have hosted training sessions for the Third Division team, Olímpico Club de Fútbol, ??since last Monday (17/09/2020)

  • At the end of this month the assessment of municipal aid to the self-employed, micro-enterprises and SMEs of Totana affected by COVID-19 will be completed (17/09/2020)

  • The mayor works with the Ministry of Finance and the FEMP so that the City Council obtains financial resources to reactivate the local economy (17/09/2020)

  • The number of infections in Totana during the last 24 hours due to COVID-19 has notably increased, with a total of 73 positive cases (17/09/2020)

  • Uncle Juan Rita dies at 108 (16/09/2020)

  • The mayor conveys his condolences and a message of condolences for the death of the oldest neighbor and Adoptive Son of the City of Totana, Juan Tudela Piernas "Uncle Juan Rita" (16/09/2020)

  • Now Totana: "Like Don Tancredo: waiting for things to pass without moving" (16/09/2020)

  • Human Resources urges municipal public employees to join the team of trackers that will be offered to the Murcian Health Service for its management in this municipality (15/09/2020)

  • The Mayor's Office proposes to publicly recognize the work of the Lieutenant of the Civil Guard, Bernardo Vivas (15/09/2020)

  • The PSOE demands urgent actions from the Councilor for Health (15/09/2020)

  • The Councilor for Health meets the PSOE press release (15/09/2020)

  • Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. 14-Sept-2020 (14/09/2020)

  • The stages of the Camino Eulaliense planned, from October 10 to 12, are officially postponed due to the growing evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic (14/09/2020)

  • The Department of Equality promotes a campaign to prevent sexual violence against women (14/09/2020)

  • Public Health orders Phase I made more flexible for the urban case of Lorca (14/09/2020)

  • "The mornings of the Tennis Club" (14/09/2020)

  • The City Council asks Health to provide enough health personnel to provide Primary Care service until the end of the crisis (13/09/2020)

  • Next Tuesday the services of the Study Room of the Sociocultural Center "La Cárcel" and the Reading Center "Munuera y Abadía" will be reopened (12/09/2020)

  • Reconciliation of work and private life for the 2020/21 school year (12/09/2020)

  • The educational centers of Totana, along with those of Lorca and Lorquí, will begin classes electronically on Monday (12/09/2020)

  • The Department of Equality condemns and regrets the death of the latest victim of gender violence, a woman at the hands of her partner with a hammer in Jerez de la Frontera (11/09/2020)

  • Maintenance and restoration work at the archaeological site of "Las Cabezuelas" has been completed (11/09/2020)

  • Rosa Giménez Collazos, of the Municipal Group VOX, takes possession of the act of councilor of the Municipal Corporation; replacing its previous spokesperson (11/09/2020)

  • The mayor regrets that the Plenary Assembly rejected the 2020 Municipal Budget with the votes against all opposition groups, without amendments or alternatives (11/09/2020)

  • The mayor strongly denies that Totana returns to phase 1 of the de-escalation made more flexible (11/09/2020)

  • The Councilor for Education explains the municipal measures adopted this summer to allow the opening of educational centers this Monday for the beginning of the 2020/21 academic year (11/09/2020)

  • "Curious votes and coherence in the highest degree" (11/09/2020)

  • The Socialist Group expresses its willingness to collaborate in the approval of the 2020 Municipal Budgets (10/09/2020)

  • The Plenary will urge the Ministry of Education to expand the educational section from 4th to 6th of Primary Education at the Public School of Lébor (10/09/2020)

  • "We continue to comply." The platform "NOW TOTANA" returns the grant (10/09/2020)

  • The approval of the General Budget of the City Council for the financial year 2020 and the Needs Adjustment Plan for 2021 are discussed (10/09/2020)

  • They will undertake renovation works on a section of the sewerage network on José Antonio Requena street due to a break in the pipe that causes leaks (10/09/2020)

  • The round of meetings to update the Third Municipal Equality Plan of Totana begins, with the participation of the different sectors of Totanera society (10/09/2020)

  • The mayor calls the epidemiological evolution of the pandemic in Totana "very worrying" (10/09/2020)

  • The PP denounces that the mayor leaves merchants and hoteliers "thrown away" by not including in the full aid for these sectors (10/09/2020)

  • The deadline to apply for housing rental aid due to COVID-19 in the Murcia Region ends on September 30 (09/09/2020)

  • VOX Totana asks those responsible for the CEPAIM foundation to clarify the doubts that exist in the towns of Totana (09/09/2020)

  • Acción Totana is committed to self-management of the water service. "Water for everybody" (09/09/2020)

  • The procedure begins to award the use of pastures in the Cabezo de la Rendija, property of the Totana City Council (08/09/2020)

  • The liquidation of the contract for the subsidiary execution of the property located on Calle San Ildefonso, at the corner of Presbítero Rodríguez Cabrera is approved (08/09/2020)

  • Rosa Giménez Collazos will replace the former spokesperson of the Municipal VOX Group in the Totana City Council (08/09/2020)

  • The activity of the Reading Club will begin this 2020/21 academic year virtually, being able to change to face-to-face whenever possible (07/09/2020)

  • Until October 30, the deadline for applying for subsidies within the Zero Quota Self-Employment Promotion Program for young people is extended National Youth Guarantee System (07/09/2020)

  • The Festival of the Virgin of La Huerta de Totana. Sept-2020 (05/09/2020)

  • The Totanero Consistory will begin negotiations for the transfer and, where appropriate, the acquisition of the old Renfe warehouse (04/09/2020)

  • Totana will execute a total of six projects within the framework of the Works and Services Base Plan for 2020/21 (04/09/2020)

  • PSOE: The lack of foresight of the Councilor for Education, Agustín Gonzalo, is one more example of his inability to manage his councils (04/09/2020)

  • The Local Police suspends the activity and closes two catering establishments in Totana for being susceptible to producing a risk or serious damage to public health (04/09/2020)

  • Program of Accompaniment for Social Inclusion (PAIN) (03/09/2020)

  • The City Council urges the Government of the Nation to respect and comply with Law 21/2013 that establishes the exploitation rules of the Tajo-Segura Transfer (03/09/2020)

  • The Joint Employment and Training Program "Social and Health Care for Dependent People in Social Institutions" (03/09/2020)

  • IMAS delays, for the moment, the opening of the Day Centers for Disability until September 14 due to the epidemiological situation (03/09/2020)

  • The Mancomunidad de los Canales del Taibilla grants the Casa del Guarda to the City Council (02/09/2020)

  • On September 30, the application period for subsidies for the promotion of non-labor practices in the Region for young beneficiaries of the National Youth Guarantee System ends (02/09/2020)

  • The Professional Certificate "Auxiliary Operations of Administrative and General Services" awarded by the SEF begins (02/09/2020)

  • They begin the process to hire the new Public Building Surveillance Service of the Totana City Council through an alarm device (01/09/2020)

  • The Soccer League "Enrique Ambit Palacios" 2019/20 is suspended definitively (01/09/2020)

  • They agree to promote awareness campaigns to reduce the use of plastic bags, wrappers and cups (01/09/2020)

  • The execution project for the rehabilitation of the Theater of "La Cárcel" is modified, referring to some improvement actions (01/09/2020)

  • Two of the snow pits in the Sierra Espuña Regional Park will once again show their past splendor with their restoration (01/09/2020)


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