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Totana News - November 2008

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Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • According to the socialists, and nobody believes Andreo ads on its new infrastructure commission (29/11/2008)
    After the presentation made yesterday by the mayor of the creation of a special committee of infrastructure, the Socialist spokesman at City Hall calls to stop sell projects to the neighbors and put to manage once
  • According IU + LV, "the notary of Operation Totem sues UI Councilman Totana, Juan José Cánovas" (29/11/2008)
    On Monday held the conciliation prior to the Chamorro Patricio complaint against the leader of IU without the agreement of the parties, according to same sources
  • The Polígono Industrial "El Saladar" have over 200,000 square meters of land for the establishment of new businesses (29/11/2008)
    The House approved an amendment to change the system performance of the unit number 5 of the Industrial "El Saladar" as system Cooperation
  • It starts the project "Meet Totana! With guided tours to discover the services and resources of the locality (28/11/2008)

  • The "Bicycle Day" will be held on Sunday November 30 (28/11/2008)
    This year comes with a display by a trial champion Spain
  • Create a special committee of infrastructure (28/11/2008)
    to coordinate public works will have invested over 20 million euros as a measure to address the crisis
  • Otálora expected to "know Totana government seize the opportunity offered by Zapatero " (28/11/2008)
  • The Government team spokesman gave a press conference to report on the resolutions adopted by the Board of Governors yesterday (28/11/2008)
    José Antonio Valverde Queen also assessed the full November
  • A total of 17 people in the municipality was formed in the course of "computer literacy" (27/11/2008)
    is given during the months of November and December in the Hall of Open Access Centre Local Development
  • It puts an end to the workshop of "Dances of the World", set in the program of intercultural activities (27/11/2008)
    has had the participation of more than a dozen people
  • The agriculture and livestock in Totana promote its overseas market through a logo (27/11/2008)
    will the corporate image of the sector
  • Students Occupational Center "José Moya" participate in the campaign "A Christmas gift full " (27/11/2008)
    ... to spread joy and hope to children who are in precarious social situation
  • The course presents the Football Monitor (27/11/2008)
    will run for five months
  • The Department of Sports and Cycling Club Nine children arranged a new day of mountain biking (27/11/2008)
    will take place on Saturday 29 November
  • The medieval market is held during this weekend (27/11/2008)
    The inauguration will take place on Saturday November 29 at 13:00
  • PSOE "The new school Luis Pérez Rueda is a mess" (27/11/2008)
    Socialists claim that "this school is very adversely affected by management Roque Molina
  • It closes the "Workshop of social skills training for employment" aimed at people who want to find a job (27/11/2008)
    This training workshop has been attended by a total of 18 students
  • The Information and Guidance Seminar for the social inclusion of immigrants in the municipality, with the participation of more than two dozen people (26/11/2008)

  • Local Police in Totana has handled more than 120 records for illegal transportation of passengers since 2007 (26/11/2008)
    ... of which half were made in 2008
  • The Sports Council is organizing a weekend of high mountain hiking with snowshoes in Sierra Nevada (26/11/2008)
    This activity is framed in the adventure program
  • The Neighborhood Association of the gardens will hold its Annual Meeting on Friday 28 November at the Sale of The Rat (26/11/2008)

  • Users of the Service Day Care Center Senior Municipal celebrate the traditional "Roasted Chestnuts Day" (26/11/2008)

  • More than 40 people participate in the conference on "The digital certificate and electronic bill " (26/11/2008)
    ... organized by Development and Employment and Industry in cooperation with AJE
  • Members of Santa Eulalia cycling club took part in the trophy chairman Bacons Bridge (26/11/2008)
    took place last weekend
  • The House gives green light to grant tax credits to entities that are installed in the premises located in the office building and commercial construction in the Phase 1 of "The Rann" (26/11/2008)

  • Totana Outlet will hold a fair to "reactivate the economy of the trade" (26/11/2008)
    and adheres to the Local Agreement for the Rural Employment to promote the creation of quality jobs for the most vulnerable
  • Otálora: "Another pilgrim Full proposals without tackling the major problems of Totana" (26/11/2008)
    The Spokesman of the Municipal Group Socialist Totana City Council has appeared to take stock of the whole of November
  • City officials held a reception institutional users Occupational Center "José Moya " (26/11/2008)
    ... to commemorate the International Day of Disability"
  • Totana host the Classic Car Focus IV "Ciudad de Totana" (26/11/2008)
    will be held on December 6
  • The "Escuela Municipal parents" will give a talk on "Strategies and resources to help our children with their studies" (25/11/2008)
    will be held on Thursday 28 November in "Jail" to eight-thirty pm
  • Athletics Club members Totana "JC Pallets-EE 'triumph in Pattern Cross XXXI Lorca (25/11/2008)
    test where they took part about 100 participants
  • Martínez Usero "Andreo Valcárcel punishes the budgets for 2009" (25/11/2008)
    Socialist councilor says that "these assumptions are totally unfair to totaneros not have to pay the problems between Andreo and Valcarcel"
  • The jury of "I Art Contest for Equality" and "II Poster Competition Against Gender Violence" publicizing the winners in all its forms (25/11/2008)
    Winners receive their awards on December 4 at 17: 30 hours in the plenary hall
  • Civil Protection morning activated the orange alert in Totana (25/11/2008)
    snow forecast for Sierra Espuña
  • Totana joins the fight against gender violence with a silent demonstration in which we have proceeded to read a manifesto (25/11/2008)
    ... which reminded those killed in the 2008
  • "The Regional Government will invest in the town of Totana more than 12 million euros in infrastructure and services by the year 2009" (25/11/2008)
    According to local sources report
  • It starts at the local Service Center for Women Victims of Domestic Violence, CAVI (25/11/2008)
    ... providing comprehensive care to women who suffer or have suffered any physical violence and psychological
  • On Monday Totana operated in the bicycle rental system (24/11/2008)
    become a benchmark in the region of Murcia, and will be presented at 12:30 pm by the mayor and council sports
  • MIFITO plans to conduct several training courses and workshops free (24/11/2008)
    Tender in December
  • Students of the Music Academy delighted the large crowd that gathered at the Socio-Cultural Center "Jail" with the Concerto Soloists Chamber Groups and (24/11/2008)
    The concert featured a wide range of pieces from a dozen composers that were performed by various instruments such as clarinet, flute, violin, saxophone, piano ...
  • Agents Totana Local Police receive training on gender violence (24/11/2008)
    to prevent such attacks in the city
  • Full address more than a fortnight for proposals (24/11/2008)
    among which the reduction of taxes to entities that are installed in the premises located in the office building and commercial construction in the Phase 1 of the Industrial Park
  • Great performance totaneros chess teams in the Regional Championship for Club Teams (24/11/2008)
    this year held the latest round in casino Sewer
  • Socialists thank Totana Murcia COAG-IR "his efforts to try to forgive debt to the cooperative of paprika" (24/11/2008)
    socialists believe that "it was a necessary and fair to all cooperative" and expressed his gratitude "to the real promoter of this agreement is the President of Coag-Ir in Murcia
  • Burning of a house in the township of Totana (24/11/2008)
    The fire occurred in an apartment on C / Vicente Alexandre, which affected a room of that floor to burn a mattress that was inside, not knowing the causes fire
  • The "People's Walk" was attended by over 200 persons (24/11/2008)
    The walk started at nine o'clock from the Plaza de la Balsa Vieja
  • Day no surprises in the amateur football league "Play Fair" (24/11/2008)
    victories of all equipment in the top of the league table
  • The coral James presents Havana CD released to celebrate its 25 anniversary (24/11/2008)

  • They put up the school games involving nine primary schools (24/11/2008)
    framed in the School Sports Programme
  • Anthology of Zarzuela - Totana 2008 (24/11/2008)
    joint action by the band's musical group of Totana and the Coral Santiago
  • Totana launches bike loan system modern throughout the Region of Murcia, "Bicito" (24/11/2008)
    which is fully automated
  • More than 400 people gather in the "Second Meeting of crews of Raiguero" (24/11/2008)
    Where have celebrated the "Uncle John Rita" and Julián Muñoz Acosta "The Korean"
  • The Club de Tenis Totana, regional champion tennis team second division all of 2 (23/11/2008)
    promotion staged soon promoted to first division in front of Club de Tenis Cieza
  • Gala Awards "Totaneros of the Year 2008" (22/11/2008)
    have been awarded Dr. Manuel Moreno, businessman Juan Bermejo and Joan Serrano
  • Local and regional authorities attend the tribute to Rita and Uncle Juan Julián Muñoz Acosta (22/11/2008)
    Sunday morning will be held Nov. 23 at the II meeting Raiguero gangs "
  • Organize a conference on "Digital Certificate and Invoice electronónica" (21/11/2008)
    will be held on Tuesday 25 November at the Centre for Local Development
  • The mobile unit, to detect breast cancer, the Spanish Association Against Cancer, will be located opposite the Health Centre (21/11/2008)
    from Monday 24 November to 10 December
  • Six children ages 4 and 5 year primary win "V Competition on the Rights of the Child " (21/11/2008)
    ... whose works are on display in the Socio-Cultural Center" La Prison "
  • The City Council has signed agreements with the Health Protection Association of Sheep and Goats "Santa Eulalia" and the Association of Swine Health Protection and Totana The Paretón (21/11/2008)
    The total amount of these agreements amounts to 12,000 euros
  • Totana itself with the acts of the "International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women" on Tuesday November 25 (21/11/2008)
    ... with the reading of a manifesto, workshops, courses and painting competitions
  • Totana revive the musical traditions of the Region IV with the celebration of Folk Festival to be held on Saturday November 29 (21/11/2008)

  • The player of Real Murcia, Ivan Alonso, paid a visit to Sports City (21/11/2008)
    to train with students of the Municipal School Football
  • The Government team spokesman reported on the resolutions adopted by the Governing Board held yesterday (21/11/2008)
    ... and encouraged citizens to participate in the walk to be held on Sunday morning
  • Sports activities presented under the title "Do sport, make health" are starting this Sunday with the "popular walk" (21/11/2008)
    are organized on the occasion of the Feast of Santa Eulalia
  • The mayor reported that the Autonomous forgive a debt of nearly half a million euros to an agricultural cooperative society (21/11/2008)
    ... a proxy for the promotion of employment in the sector and thus mitigate the effects of the crisis
  • Successful start of the "solidarity of the study VI Olympiad" (20/11/2008)
    In his first week getting the participation of over 150 youth with over 250 hours of study
  • 7 Occupational Center students "José Moya" participate in the Regional Championship Basketball (20/11/2008)
    framed in the "Special School Games XXI" organized FEDEMIPS Murcia Region
  • Closing the Basic Computer Workshops (20/11/2008)
    who have had the participation of a dozen immigrants
  • The weekly market on Wednesday, December 10 will be held on Tuesday, December 9 (20/11/2008)
    occasion of the celebration of the feast day of the patron saint Santa Eulalia
  • The traditional "People's Walk" will be held on Sunday November 23 (20/11/2008)
    It is framed in the "Your Sport, Your Health"
  • Make an emergency plan preparation and cleaning parks and gardens of the Industrial "El Saladar" (20/11/2008)

  • The Paretón have a new Center for Citizen Participation (20/11/2008)
    Provide a hamlet associations a space for their activities
  • Students of various schools speak out and claim their rights in the Plenary Hall of the municipality to celebrate the International Day of Children's Rights " (20/11/2008)

  • The Totana Chess Club participates in the regional championship chess clubs (19/11/2008)

  • Athletics Club athletes participated in the XXI Totana Marathon Media "Ciudad de Lorca" (19/11/2008)

  • Starts guitar course, taught at the Municipal Center for Older People, with the participation of twenty members (19/11/2008)
    The course is taught by Professor Ricardo Muñoz guitar
  • Industry Councilman closing the course "Advanced Computing", 50-hour (19/11/2008)
    ... with the presentation of diplomas to students who have completed this training activity
  • This Saturday begins the regional championship tennis at the Club de Tenis Totana (19/11/2008)
    is the last event organized by the Club de Tenis Totana to commemorate its thirtieth anniversary.
  • Seminar on photovoltaic systems on roofs in agricultural and livestock (19/11/2008)
    were organized by the Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers
  • More than fifty children and youth participate daily in activities organized in the "Edutec puzzle" (19/11/2008)
    through the collective "The Candle" in collaboration with the Department of Youth
  • Fiestas de Santa Eulalia 2008 (19/11/2008)
    The agenda for the Fiestas de Santa Eulalia'2008 is presented in calendar format
  • Totana expand its services to the construction of a health center, social center and school in the "urban scale" (19/11/2008)

  • The plenary session next Tuesday will discuss a motion to IU + Greens (19/11/2008)
    to "the hamlets totaneras of Lebor, Norica, old parts, the streams and the Coast are equipped with sanitation service"
  • It launches a new information service and advice in the Senior Center of Paretón-Cantareros (18/11/2008)

  • Clasura the course is based on "Prevention of occupational hazards" (18/11/2008)
    has taught at the Centre for Local Development
  • La Banda de la Agrupación Musical de Totana perform on Sunday November 23 (18/11/2008)
    and Havana CD presentation will be held Saturday
  • Art extendable poles be used by the Police Local de Totana (18/11/2008)
    to prevent and avoid possible clashes
  • Request the statement of comprehensive rehabilitation area (ARI) for the district of San Roque, Las Parras (18/11/2008)
    to proceed with the recovery of facades, roofs and interiors of the historic districts of the municipality
  • The construction of the Olympic start piling the neighborhood today (18/11/2008)
    after obtaining permission from ADIF
  • The PP requested at the November full council adherence to the platform "for signs of black spots and dangerous sections" (18/11/2008)

  • Press conference "Phone Friends of Hope" in Totana (18/11/2008)

  • The regional government granted to the town of Totana nearly 40,000 euros will go to promote employment and social integration of groups of Roma (17/11/2008)
    The Governing Council of the Autonomous Region approved the grant of 650,000 euros to promote social integration and employment of Roma in the Region of Murcia
  • Start the "Children's Theatre Week XVII" (17/11/2008)
    will be held from 17 until 26 November, with the work of puppets "Kika, the rat astronaut
  • The pachucos reinforce the leadership of the Amateur Football League "Play Fair" (17/11/2008)
    after the important victory against the team Mondrian Furniture
  • Totana has been appointed as a new full member of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Association of Towns of Ceramics (17/11/2008)

  • Nine Totana school participating in the regional day school first Table Tennis (17/11/2008)
    held in Cartagena
  • The popular music group Vox totanera and captivate the public Musicalis (17/11/2008)
    with the first performances in honor of St. Cecilia
  • 33 schools participating in the Tournament of School Sport (17/11/2008)
    organized by the sports council of Totana and the Chess Club
  • The Town Hall and the Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers have signed a collaboration agreement (17/11/2008)
    ... to help the organization to promote and preserve their interests sector
  • It sets up a local police patrol to intensify the surveillance in (15/11/2008)
    ... districts to provide a more personalized service and close to neighbors and local merchants
  • The Town Hall gives green light for action works on the front of the Church of St. James for the insertion of images in the niches (15/11/2008)

  • Culture organizes the Children's Theatre Week XVII, which will involve about 3,500 students in elementary and primary (15/11/2008)
    will be held from 17 to 26 November in the Socio-Cultural Center "The Prison" and on the Board Performing Arts (Cinema Velasco)
  • The Consistory awarded the pavement strengthening works of the Milky Way New (14/11/2008)
    ... in the section between the bridge and River Road Wastewater Treatment Plant is included in the Works and Services Plan (POS) 2008, amounting to 51,196 euros
  • The General Assembly of the City Council's Equal Opportunities met in (14/11/2008)
    ... yesterday afternoon to begin preparations for the events to be organized to commemorate the International Day against violence against women
  • The City Council receives a grant of 30,580 euros for the implementation and development of a project in social services for the alternative accommodation (14/11/2008)

  • The councilman of Promotion, Employment and New Technologies closing the course "Word Processor Word and Excel spreadsheet " (14/11/2008)
    ... that ALA has developed in the Local Development Centre with the participation of fifteen people
  • Local authorities attending the awards ceremony of real estate (14/11/2008)
    where it has been awarded a project for a company Totana
  • Housewives and consumers receive a lecture on packaged foods and juices (14/11/2008)
    ... offered by a health inspector of the Autonomous Community
  • Lola Cano: "Health in Totana is a disaster" (14/11/2008)
    The Socialist councilor, Lola Cano, gave a press conference where they discussed issues of health, among other issues
  • Ruenda press spokesman for the local government team (14/11/2008)
    José Antonio Valverde Queen informed of the resolutions adopted at the last meeting of government and other current political issues
  • The City Council and COAG-IR signed a collaboration agreement (14/11/2008)
    ... intended to defend its interests and in order to encourage and promote agriculture and livestock sector
  • Agents Totana Local Police seize 246 CDs and 164 DVDs and a number of counterfeits in the arrest of two individuals (13/11/2008)
    for alleged crimes against intellectual property and counterfeiting
  • Carrión part in the III National Conference "Crime and Society" (13/11/2008)
    recently held in Oviedo
  • Organize educational talks aimed at increasing the knowledge and skills of immigrants to achieve successful integration in society (13/11/2008)

  • Organize a rally that was held at the Valle de Leiva on Sunday November 16 (13/11/2008)
    It is framed in the program of adventure sports
  • This weekend's events begin in honor of Saint Cecilia (13/11/2008)
    with the performance of choral and popular groups of Totana
  • The "Tío Juan Rita" and Julian Acosta Munoz will be honored at the "Second Meeting of the Raiguero " (13/11/2008)
    ... crews that will be held on Sunday 23 November
  • The Mayor of Totana is honored for his volunteer work at the close of "IX Totanero " (13/11/2008)
    ... Volunteer Meeting attended by the director general of Immigration and the general director of the Instituto Murciano Senior Social Action (IMAS)
  • The mobile unit to detect breast cancer, the Spanish Association Against Cancer, will be located opposite the health center (13/11/2008)
    from 24 November to 10 December
  • Medina Azahara and Discord in the festivities of Santa Eulalia 2008 (13/11/2008)
    Along with Psyche and DJ.
  • Improvisation and PP mismanagement have crippled the industrial development, according to the PSOE (13/11/2008)
    Socialist Alderman, Pepe Gomez, said in a press release that "the PP government has not acquired industrial land for five years in office, and has driven the rising price of land was left "
  • The equipment of the Club de Tenis Totana, leaders in the regional championship team (12/11/2008)
    Both the senior team as the veteran +35 rule in their respective groups
  • Promotions Azor Martinez, winner of the "V Real Estate Development Awards" (12/11/2008)
    The ceremony will take place tomorrow in the auditorium of the CROEM in Murcia
  • The "Municipal School Parents" will give a talk on "peer group pressure in our children and how to deal" (12/11/2008)
    will be held on Thursday 13 November in "Jail" at half past eight p.m.
  • Closing the course "Advanced English" of 30 hours, with the presentation of diplomas to students who have completed this training activity (12/11/2008)

  • Green light to the proposed action works on the front of the Church of Santiago el Mayor of Totana (12/11/2008)
    for the inclusion of images in the niches
  • Associations of housewives and consumers attending the conference tomorrow which will report on ready meals and canned juices (12/11/2008)
    will be held in the ballroom of Hotel Monasterio Santa Eulalia
  • Pagan Socialist Group recommends that "excuses stop" (12/11/2008)
    "and requiring the National Government to allocate a budget in 2009 for the construction of the dam of Lebor"
  • Totana joins the commemoration of International Day of Children's Rights (11/11/2008)
    ... with films, games, workshops and exhibitions
  • Children's Theatre Week XVII (11/11/2008)
    will be held from 17 to 26 November in the Socio-Cultural Center "La Carcel" and Velasco Film
  • The Psychosocial Support Muncipal Service launches a visual arts program for therapeutic purposes (11/11/2008)
    ... aimed at people with mental health diagnosis in the village
  • Official mourning and flags at half mast in the city of Totana and the soldiers killed in the bombing of Afghanistan (11/11/2008)
    The first place Alonso Rubén Ríos and Juan Andrés Suárez brigade will be posthumously decorated with the Cross of Military Merit with distinctive red by the Ministry of Defence
  • V user meeting with volunteers telecare s (11/11/2008)
    The last day on October 17 took place the V Meeting of volunteers and Telecare project users of the Local Assembly Totana Red Cross, which tuvolugar in the Sanctuary Virgen de la Esperanza in Calasparra
  • UCOMUR Totana will operate in a center that will advise, inform and train entrepreneurs and citizens of the Bajo Guadalentín (11/11/2008)

  • La Peña de Totana Barcelonista XI celebrates its anniversary (11/11/2008)
    The PB Totana held on Saturday November 15 Gala Dinner to celebrate its eleventh anniversary.
  • The "Lighthouse of Alexandria presents the book" La Aurora de Santa Cruz " (10/11/2008)
    Constanza Navarro and honors within the V Ethno-folkloric de Totana
  • Friends of the Great Encounter Hope Phone (10/11/2008)
    Local Board "Amit TOTANA" (Friends of Hope Telephone) is organizing a Gala Dinner on 28 November
  • Users of the service day stays for Alzheimer de Totana made a visit to the agricultural processing company Moyce of town (10/11/2008)

  • PSOE: "It is time that DAC say if he knew of the affairs of Andreo, Valverde and Morales" (10/11/2008)
    From the PSOE believe that the best way to defend the interests of Totana, economic development and therefore the businesses and citizens to park the General Plan, and make another consensus "
  • Two thousand fans gathered at the municipal football stadium "Juan Cayuela" (10/11/2008)
    Loaned by the council for the city derby between Atletico and Lorca Deportiva
  • The municipal ambulance has performed about 1,000 operations during the first nine months of the year (10/11/2008)

  • The Red Cross intercultural team wins Totana intercultural II Football Regional Tournament-Sala (10/11/2008)
    organized by Red Cross
  • II memorial march Sunday Pelegrín (10/11/2008)
    It had a total of 140 runners from all parts of the region, Almeria and Alicante
  • Furniture Mondrian is the new leader of the amateur football league "Play Fair" (10/11/2008)
    after the unexpected defeat of the pachucos
  • A total of 89 schools participated in the Table Tennis Tournament School Sport (10/11/2008)
    who organized the sports council of Totana, in collaboration with Club Deportivo Capuchin Table Tennis
  • Antonio Costa is proclaimed in Gran Canaria Spain in F1 champion (10/11/2008)
    Y Francisco Sanchez is in third place in the F2 championship
  • Two new podium for Totana Athletics Club athletes JCpalets-EE in San Javier (10/11/2008)

  • Propose the implementation of the "First Fair Outlet Totana" (08/11/2008)
    to support and stimulate this sector to the difficult situation
  • Work begins to proceed with the reform of the existing garden Totana Red Cross (08/11/2008)
    will have two areas for playgrounds and a park for seniors
  • The movie "The Dark Knight (Batman Begins 2)" will be screened on Sunday November 9 (07/11/2008)
    at 5 and 7:30 pm at the cinema Velasco
  • Walking Program organizes a tour of the peaks of Sierra Espuña for Sunday November 9 (07/11/2008)
    is framed in the activities organized by the Sports Council for 2008/09
  • Propose the cessation of selection processes for staff augmentation officials "to compensate for political favors" (07/11/2008)
    As IU + LV, "the serious economic situation does not give more of themselves and imposes immediate rationality"
  • The CP IU + LV calls to "stop pandering to the policy to staff leaving in peace the government employees" (07/11/2008)
    and that "Cánovas is not entitled to give lessons after promoting a process of bureaucratization after losing Elections "
  • Complete the refurbishment of the route of pilgrimage and trekking Totana to La Santa (07/11/2008)

  • Begins to work the Special Committee on Economy and Employment (07/11/2008)
    Ensure the reduction of current expenditure and monitoring and creation of new measures to alleviate the effects of the crisis
  • According to the PSOE Mayor of Totana lies with respect to municipal debt " (07/11/2008)
    assert that" the Socialist councilor Andrés García Cánovas demonstrated by the documentation provided by the Mayor's own town that lies manipulate the figures and maliciously "
  • ASAJA Town Hall and sign a cooperation agreement (07/11/2008)
    designed to defend its interests and in order to encourage and promote this sector
  • The Government team spokesman said the resolutions adopted at the last Board of Governors (07/11/2008)
    and other current affairs municipal
  • Resumed the project of educational intervention and mediation in schools "I-MEDIA" (06/11/2008)
    last year managed to reduce by 85% the violent responses of students participating in the project
  • The planning councilor recalls that "approval of PGMOU enable economic development of the municipality" (06/11/2008)
    "and help create new jobs"
  • The City Council and the Spanish Red Cross Association Assembly Local de Totana signed a cooperation agreement to cover (06/11/2008)
    ... by the ambulance service in carrying out public events
  • The City Council receives a grant amounting to € 9,000 to provide equipment and furniture to the agencies and offices of Socio-Cultural Center "La Carcel" (06/11/2008)

  • The Foundation's Santa partnership seeks to involve the municipality in the Novena in honor of Santa Eulalia on the occasion of their patron saint (06/11/2008)
    Totana Mayor and President of the Foundation's Santa and pastor of the church of Santiago have presented poster program of religious events of the festival of Santa Eulalia 2008
  • The Platform in defense of public school Totana has issued a statement (06/11/2008)
    From the Platform deeply regret "the paths by which it intends to conduct the birth of the platform in the industry council"
  • Councillors Totana municipal government will realize all the actions that have been conducted in the districts at the next Board headman (06/11/2008)

  • The Craft Technology Center participates in Science Week explains the operation of a jug (06/11/2008)
    In addition, the Center will collect the third prize of scientific posters
  • Murcia Welcomes restart activities in Totana (05/11/2008)
    From Tuesday 11 November will be put back into operation the Host Program, Information and Guidance
  • The "Sunday Pelegrín II Memorial Run" organized by the Club Ciclista Santa Eulalia "in collaboration with the Department of Sports, will be held on Sunday November 9 in" The Holy " (05/11/2008)

  • The deadline for participating in the call for grants to NGOs for the implementation and development of international cooperation projects, will remain open until Friday 7 November (05/11/2008)

  • The next workshop on the prevention of violence: "Learn to change the look", to be conducted in various associations, will take place on November 13 (05/11/2008)

  • The City Council gave the facilities of the Estadio Municipal de Fútbol Juan Cayuela "for the match between Club Atlético Ciudad Deportiva Lorca and (05/11/2008)
    ... to be held on Sunday November 9 from five pm
  • The artist Joan Smith describes the collection, "Anthology of a Life" from Friday in the Room "Gregorio Cebrián" (05/11/2008)
    Juana López is a professor of fine arts and decorative arts expert and restoration and has been honored numerous times by the quality of their work
  • The full council of Totana agrees to refer to the Autonomous Community PGMOU the complete file for final approval (05/11/2008)

  • According to the PSOE, "the mayor uses the insult to the opposition to defend a new approval of the General Plan" (05/11/2008)
    The Municipal Socialist Party spokesman has described the extraordinary plenary session this morning as "political pantomime"
  • IU + LV urged to draft a new General Plan, "at the failure of the current, which has 6 years going round and only sustained by the Conventions Urban investigated by the Justice" (05/11/2008)
    criticize the time for convening the extraordinary plenary session
  • Medina Azahara perform on December 5 in the festivities of Santa Eulalia (05/11/2008)
    The same day also act DISCORD
  • It launches School Sports School Sports Centre in nine primary schools (04/11/2008)
    with a participation of 483 school
  • The PP Totana argues that "the State Budget for 2009 are discriminatory and sectarian with totana" (04/11/2008)
    "as more than three in four do not count totaneros Zapatero's government"
  • Make available a bus to attend a corporate event to mark the International Day Against Violence Against Women (04/11/2008)
    will be held in Murcia on 25 November
  • Resumed the project of educational intervention and mediation in schools "I-Media" (04/11/2008)
    This program is being implemented since last September in the school nursery and primary education "San José" and "Santa Eulalia"
  • The autonomous region of 500,000 euros financed construction of the roundabout at the intersection of Avenida Juan Carlos I and Rambla de La Santa (04/11/2008)
    under an agreement
  • The council will consider a retail install permanent representative samples of the traditional local crafts and pottery at the Santa (04/11/2008)

  • The sports sector council announces that "Deporte'2008 Gala" will be held on December 12 (04/11/2008)
    in the cultural center "Jail" at nine o'clock in the night
  • The public can request and in Totana their electronic ID (04/11/2008)
    The electronic ID is an opportunity to accelerate the implementation of the Information Society that will benefit all citizens
  • Full Totana City Council held a special meeting to approve the consolidated document of the tentative approval of General Plan (04/11/2008)
    will take place tomorrow, November 5 at 8:30 pm
  • Murcia Welcomes restarted their activities in Totana (03/11/2008)
    The Delegation Totana Murcia Association Welcomes resumed his activities in our city from today
  • Jack Michel 2 and 3 º on the climb up Nevazo in Caravaca (03/11/2008)
    Runners Club Ciclista Santa Eulalia de Totana were successful
  • The lecture on "The importance of involving parents in school as" organized by the "Municipal School for Mothers and Fathers", had the active participation of a dozen families (03/11/2008)

  • About 2,000 people attended the traditional Mass of Souls (03/11/2008)
    at the municipal cemetery "Nuestra Señora del Carmen"
  • It confirms a clear trend towards women's equality with men in terms of initiatives presented to begin the process of incorporation (03/11/2008)
    According to the latest report by the Centre for Local Development
  • A total of 800 young people from secondary schools will participate in awareness workshops organized by the volunteer (03/11/2008)
    ... Municipal Volunteer Service and International Affairs
  • The Brotherhood of Veronica hosts a Dinner Party (03/11/2008)
    will take place this Saturday, November 8 at 9 pm at the Restaurante Venta La Rata
  • The City Council and the Highways Agency take the first steps for the construction of Alternative West to improve the city traffic (03/11/2008)
    ... and encourage the development of neighborhoods in San Jose and was High
  • Totana Mayor meets with representatives of the Neighborhood Association of the deputation of Morti-Lentiscos (03/11/2008)
    ... in order to see first hand the needs of this council
  • The team is positioned as the pachucos leading solo amateur football league "Play Fair" (03/11/2008)

  • The City Council will sign several agreements during the next two weeks with agricultural and livestock organizations in the town for a total of 24,000 euros (01/11/2008)
    ... for defending their interests and in order to encourage and promote these sectors

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