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Totana News - October 2011

detail of Totana
Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • Weekend sports scores 29 and October 30, 2011 (31/10/2011)

  • The City of Totana will study the possible transfer of use of the building of the Center for Reconciliation of family life and work of the Association for Rare Diseases "D'Genes" (31/10/2011)
    is located in the Industrial Park "The Saladar"
  • The traditional Mass in the Animas City Cemetery "Nuestra Señora del Carmen" will be held on Wednesday, June 2 (31/10/2011)
    From 17:00 pm
  • The V Open Paddle "Uncle Pencho" congregates at the Tennis Club Totana the best players in the regional landscape in this sport (31/10/2011)

  • The regional government says the cultural one hundred megalithic site of Red Pepper in the Regional Park of Sierra Espuña (31/10/2011)
    It is located about six kilometers from the town of Totana
  • CFS Capuchin 3 to 1 CFS Pinatar (30/10/2011)
    Cut victory was much higher Capuchin
  • ... (30/10/2011)

  • The triplet obtained by the FC Barcelona with the needy (29/10/2011)
    The triplet obtained in the 2010-11 season made her smile and enthusiasm to the students of occupational center José Moya and Day Centre for people with mental illness
  • The Socialist Group regrets that the Mayor's priority is to support your paycheck before Holy Week (28/10/2011)

  • Press conference "Assembly to the Senate" (28/10/2011)

  • The Socialists qualify as robbery totaneros pocket tax increases traffic and trash rate, the PB approved in the House (28/10/2011)
    They say that the only PP Totana project is to raise taxes and complains that the PP in campaign lied to totaneros
  • The meeting of COAG supports the position of president of both the theft and damage arruis rabbits and agriculture as compared to PGOM (28/10/2011)

  • The House approved the beginning of the procedure adopted son Francisco Fructuoso the pastor and the appointment of a street as a tribute to businessman Antonio Fuentes Mendez (28/10/2011)
    The House approved the amendment to the ordinance regulating the fee for the provision of home collection service waste
  • The "Artisan Market of La Santa" will be held on Sunday October 30 near the sanctuary totanero (28/10/2011)

  • The film programming schedules Velasco extended projection of films over the next few days (28/10/2011)
    Bridge to mark All Saints
  • The full council of Totana circumvents the composition of the polls for general elections 20N (28/10/2011)

  • The Socialist party denounced the increase in payments in the City while reducing services to the citizens (27/10/2011)

  • The Region invests 577,000 euros in the rehabilitation of the road RM-315 (27/10/2011)
    Totana communicates with the hamlet of El Paretón-Cantareros
  • PSOE: "Rajoy said now that will have to study the current layout of the Mediterranean Rail Corridor" (27/10/2011)

  • Agenda sports weekend 29 and October 30, 2011 (27/10/2011)

  • The Community invests 577,000 euros in the rehabilitation of the road between Totana with the Paretón (27/10/2011)
    Director General of Highways visit RM-315 highway that serves the important agricultural area of ​​the Lower Guadalentín, supporting nearly 2,000 traffic vehicles a day
  • The University of Seville, in collaboration with the City, conducted the workshop "as an entrepreneur Cualifícate" (27/10/2011)
    The deadline for registration is still open
  • The older pupils of the Municipal Dance Sports School participated in the National Championship Hip-Hop (26/10/2011)
    was held in Molina de Segura
  • The people of El-Cantareros Paretón new addresses must update their addresses in the municipal (26/10/2011)
    In order to avoid problems after identifying location of streets and numbering houses
  • They begin the work of pruning and spraying palm trees in parks and urban gardens (26/10/2011)

  • Last race of the Championship of Spain and His Majesty the King Cup 2011 (26/10/2011)
    be held next weekend 29th and October 30th in Los Alcazares
  • The Socialist Party chartered buses Totana public ceremony in Murcia Rubalcaba (26/10/2011)
    will take place on Sunday 30th October in Murcia
  • Resounding success on the anniversary: ​​'10 years together Discordia ' (25/10/2011)

  • The website Municipal Cemetery "Nuestra Señora del Carmen" has over 30,200 visits (25/10/2011)
    since November last year that was put in operation
  • Weekend sports scores 22 and October 23, 2011 (25/10/2011)

  • ... (25/10/2011)

  • The Industrial Park "The Saladar" Proinvitosa Totana and participate in the "Arab Investment Forum Spanish." (25/10/2011)
    Tomorrow in Torre Pacheco
  • Start the program of lectures organized by the city of specialization of Agriculture and Livestock (25/10/2011)
    Held until next Thursday at the social center of the Olympic quarter-Pears
  • Student Occupational Center "José Moya" and Municipal Service users are aware of the psychosocial support trophies won by FC Barcelona in the 2010/11 season (25/10/2011)
    are these days in the Murcia region ceded to the rocks by the Catalan club
  • The People's Party Totana regrets "the party that makes use of his office Gonzalez Tovar institutional" (24/10/2011)
    "Totana visiting just for political acts"
  • He collected more than 2,500 kilos of food and 1,200 euros for Caritas in the 10 th anniversary concert of Discord (24/10/2011)

  • The Department of Tourism is launching a course in "An escort of Totana" (24/10/2011)
    In order to promote employment and provide a quality local tourism
  • Great performance by Pedro Canovas of Spain in the Championship Team (24/10/2011)

  • The Day Care Service for People with Alzheimer celebrates its fourth anniversary (24/10/2011)
    with the proclamation of the King and Queen and a living food
  • On Sunday, November 6 elections will be held at the Local Board's Neighborhood Paretón-Cantareros (24/10/2011)
    take place at the Social Centre "Juana Serrano" from 11:00 to 13:30
  • Proinvitosa publishes the specifications for the award of the contract for the provision of the service station in the Service Center of Lower Guadalentín Carriers (24/10/2011)
    Located in the Industrial Park "The Saladar"
  • ... (23/10/2011)

  • The mobile team of the National Police Station handles about 600 Lorca year in Totana DNI (23/10/2011)
    Thanks to the efforts of the SAC council
  • More than 400 schoolchildren have enjoyed the exhibition, which closed the course of IV drug detector dog handlers (22/10/2011)

  • Municipal and regional authorities inaugurated the "Fourth National Conference on Rare Diseases" which takes place this weekend in Totana (22/10/2011)
    has gathered more than three hundred people, including many medical researchers and relatives of people with such diseases
  • He closes the IV Course Guide Drug Detector Dog (22/10/2011)

  • The Totana PP expresses the importance of the announcement of final cessation of armed activity of ETA (21/10/2011)
    Y asserts that democratic peace will be complete when you dismantle the terrorist
  • Declaration of the Socialist Group statement totanera after the terrorist group ETA (21/10/2011)

  • More than 400 citizens who have ownership of funerary law in the municipal cemetery and its data are updated at the town hall (21/10/2011)
    in compliance with the new ordinance
  • Occupational Classroom Students participate in a training workshop on health education to prevent HIV / AIDS (21/10/2011)

  • Velasco movie programming continues this weekend with screenings of the film in three dimensions, "The Three Musketeers" (21/10/2011)

  • "Art Café" host tonight from 21:00 audiovisual projection of "Shadow and Light", by Pedro Lopez Esparza (20/10/2011)
    On the other hand, on Friday there will be a poetry reading
  • The council is launching a training plan appeal (20/10/2011)
    With the aim of contributing to the return to work of people who are unemployed
  • Olympic comeback with brilliant play (19/10/2011)
    For its part, the Olympic "B" loses its first game and win their first youth away game
  • The government team will incorporate new austerity measures internal to the Plan of Cut (19/10/2011)
    Thanks to the proposals devised by council workers
  • The PP Totana show their opposition to legislative reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (19/10/2011)

  • Cristina Talavera stands in third place in the National Master Land Rover Paddle Tour in San Sebastián (19/10/2011)
    In addition, Cristina has been selected to represent the Region of Murcia in Spain for Championship Picks
  • Agenda sports weekend 22 and October 23, 2011 (19/10/2011)

  • About 50 people involved in the trekking route through the Sierra de la Muela and beach Portús (19/10/2011)
    It was organized by the Department of Sports
  • The council sets up various workshops on intercultural education among young people and social groups (19/10/2011)

  • The Canine Unit Meeting of the Local Police focuses its training sessions in the detection of drugs and explosives (18/10/2011)
    Y crowd control at mass events
  • The Local Development Center is launching a course on "Motivation through personal image (automaquillaje)" (18/10/2011)
    Start with a free day on November 2
  • The Department of Sports has launched the Schools Program and Activities Municipal Sports Adult Sports (18/10/2011)
    With the participation of 500 users
  • Operators perform cleaning and conditioning in the roads network of the municipality (18/10/2011)
    have been hired in the district councils program
  • I find Interpolicial Guide Dogs of the Region of Murcia (17/10/2011)
    participate more than thirty Local Police of 18 canine units in Spain
  • Totana hosts 21 to October 23 the IV National Congress for Rare Diseases (17/10/2011)
    Researchers and practitioners will present new clinical cases and address the scientific challenges of the future
  • This week marks the fourth anniversary of the Day Centre for People with Alzheimer Dependent Totana (17/10/2011)
    he developed various leisure activities
  • Exhibition Registration for Athletics Career Rise to Santa until Thursday October 20 (17/10/2011)

  • Results sports weekend 15 and October 16, 2011 (17/10/2011)

  • Start the School Sports Program offered by the Department of Sports (17/10/2011)
    815 students participate in the ten primary schools in the city
  • Chronicle of the games played by teams Capuchin CFS senior male, juvenile and youngest of the past weekend (17/10/2011)

  • The mayor intends to appoint Honorary Citizen of the City of Totana the former parish priest of Santiago, Francisco Fructuoso (16/10/2011)

  • The City Council does not work with any financial contribution to the Fraternities and Brotherhoods of Totana Easter 2012 (16/10/2011)

  • Local police recovered a machine exchange of notes and cash slot (15/10/2011)
    had been stolen in a robbery at a bar Paretón
  • This Sunday will take place on MotoAlmuerzo XII "Totana City" organized by the Motoclub Gust (14/10/2011)
    A new feature will be a bar late Saturday night
  • The Mayor and City Council of Neighborhood Relations meet with neighbors Lebor (14/10/2011)

  • Begin work on the new access road CEIP "Luis Perez Rueda" (14/10/2011)
    End next week
  • They start an emergency plan to clean up parks and green areas in the industrial area "The Saladar" (14/10/2011)

  • The Film programming continues on Sunday October 16th with the screening of the movie "Colombiana" (14/10/2011)

  • Agenda sports weekend 15 and October 16, 2011 (13/10/2011)

  • Veterinary Clinic Veterinary Center Dogo Dogo and delivery of the bonus did two nights of hotel raffled among visitors to its booth at the Fair Outlet II (13/10/2011)
    took place from 6 to 9 October in the street of the old raft
  • They are to collect property taxes Inmuebes of urban and rustic (13/10/2011)
    to 30 November
  • The Day Centres for Older People Dependent Totana made a wreath to the Virgen del Pilar (13/10/2011)

  • FC Cartagena trains over the past two days in the Municipal Sports facilities "December 6" (12/10/2011)
    have been donated by the city of Totana
  • Tribute to the Spanish flag on the occasion of the feast of Pilar 2011 (12/10/2011)

  • The PSOE Totana Civil Guard congratulates and welcomes because they have a safer city (12/10/2011)
    The Socialist Municipal Group participates in events organized by the Civil Guard
  • The Olympic "B" and still leads Golea (11/10/2011)
    endorsed a 14-1 to the Algarrobo Mazarron CF who presented with nine players
  • "Art Café" is hosting a photography exhibition of Pedro López Esparza (11/10/2011)
    The exhibition can be visited until November 5
  • Major role of mountainous section of Totana Athletics Club (11/10/2011)

  • The People's Party asked in Parliament that the National Government to urgently check the "Lorca Plan" (11/10/2011)
    which includes investments to mitigate the damage caused by earthquakes
  • The act of homage to the Spanish flag will be held tomorrow Wednesday 12 October at the Plaza of the Constitution (11/10/2011)
    Coinciding with the festival of Pilar Day
  • Businessmen and entrepreneurs participating in a workshop on "Digital ID, electronic ID and electronic invoice" (11/10/2011)
    held in the local development center
  • Course Students Care Unit visits the facilities of the Municipal Day Centres for the Elderly (11/10/2011)

  • CFS Capuchin 2 to 7 Plasticos Romero-Molina FS (10/10/2011)
    Fair Capuchin defeat in their opening home to one of the cockerels from Category
  • La Peña Barcelona Totana supports people diagnosed with Niemann Pick (10/10/2011)

  • Results sporting weekend in August and October 9, 2011 (10/10/2011)

  • PADISITO participated on Sunday October 9th at the World Bird Day, visiting Calblanque Regional Park (10/10/2011)

  • Another bad arbitration Olympic and go ... (10/10/2011)
    arbitration Despite the desperate and low, the Olympics brought a point Montecasillas
  • The councilman of Promotion and employees participated in the 6th edition of the "Day of the entrepreneur" (10/10/2011)
    In order to gather ideas to promote projects of interest to the municipality
  • More than 20,000 fans come together this weekend at the XXVI Subida a La Santa de Totana (10/10/2011)
    Lirola Mateo Cartagena won the two races after the disputed
  • They start policing plan to shield the perimeter of the Reservoir of La Bastida Argaric (09/10/2011)
    It was conducted by the departments of Public Safety and Tourism
  • ... (09/10/2011)

  • The council awarded 17 grants for a total of 12,000 euros to clients for the purchase of public housing (08/10/2011)
    The amount of each amounting to 700 euros
  • Thirteen young students participate in classroom mode Occupational Kitchen & Pastry Shop (07/10/2011)
    be held in the Socio-Cultural Center "La Prison"
  • Civil Protection from tomorrow takes the medical transport service for local events (07/10/2011)
    special events and those seeking social and neighborhood groups
  • Next week the market is ahead of the Tuesday (07/10/2011)
    Since Wednesday 12 is the Day Pillar, a national holiday
  • Velasco Programming Film continues this weekend (07/10/2011)
    with the screening of the films "The Smurfs" and "my best friend's wedding"
  • New podium for Totana Athletics Club (06/10/2011)

  • Totana host, from 17 to 21 October, the First Meeting of dog handlers Interpolicial Region of Murcia (06/10/2011)
    13 canine units will participate in Spain
  • Martínez User: "Workers are collecting refuse months without pay" (06/10/2011)
    "Isabel and his administration do not fulfill their promises to freeze taxes and not collecting garbage rate"
  • Cánovas urges the Mayor to solve the problem of garbage collection (06/10/2011)
    "to charge the workers to readmit dismissed and avoid the strike"
  • The city and farming organizations agree to allocate the full collection of rustic property tax increase surveillance and security services (06/10/2011)
    in the fields of Totana
  • The College "Luis Perez Rueda" hosts for the first time in its history the official act of the beginning of the school year 2011/2012 (06/10/2011)

  • The Governing Board approved the extension of the deadline for nominations for the local board of neighbors Paretón (06/10/2011)

  • Diocesan Day Fraternities and Brotherhoods of Semana Santa (06/10/2011)
    Totana be present, seeing represented by the Illustrious Cabildo Processions Senior
  • Agenda sports weekend in August and October 9, 2011 (06/10/2011)

  • The PP Totana CCOO asks to be informed to make their union work (06/10/2011)
    before making review easy and demagoguery on debt públicamnete payroll workers CEDET
  • 50 test pilots in the most spectacular of the region (05/10/2011)
    This week finally develop the XXVI Rise to Santa
  • The City Council of Totana payroll owed three months of summer and the extra 47 workers to the Special Employment Centre de Totana CEDET (05/10/2011)
    The Federation of Teaching CCOO denounces the precarious situation they are going CEDET workers and families
  • General elections to elect members of the Board of Directors of City Senior Center "Plaza Balsa Vieja" (05/10/2011)
    will be held on October 26
  • About eighty people expand their knowledge on the use and exploitation of new technologies applied to the company (05/10/2011)
    in the workshops held in local development center
  • The Department of Sports has launched the Amateur Football League 2011-2012 PlayFair (05/10/2011)
    With a record participation of 22 teams
  • Dr. Jesus Devesa illustrate the paper "Can we do more in rare diseases?" (04/10/2011)

  • Aje Guadalentín Town Hall and will implement a local plan to promote new activities for entrepreneurs and new entrepreneurs (04/10/2011)

  • Fifty riders participating this weekend at the XXVI Rally Subida a La Santa (04/10/2011)
    national test scoring for the Championship of Mountain Motor Sports Regional Federation
  • José Ramón Peñalver Solano elected president of the Brotherhood of Veronica (04/10/2011)
    The turnout was 73.3% and election day passed in a friendly, festive and without incident
  • The barbecues located in La Santa and recreational areas Sierra de Espuña and can be used to make fire (04/10/2011)

  • More than a dozen people involved in the hiking route "The Guillamon" in Santiago de la Espada (04/10/2011)
    with a distance of nearly 13 km
  • The director general of Older Persons with Totana Mayor and City Council Social Care visit the three centers that provide specialized care to the elders (03/10/2011)
    Coinciding with the celebration of International Day of Older Persons
  • On Saturday October 1, was held at the fairgrounds in Totana, March 6th joint (03/10/2011)
    club organized by the Sendero de Totana
  • Weekend sports scores 1 and 2 October 2011 (03/10/2011)

  • Epic Olympic victory that continues to rise positions (03/10/2011)
    won with a goal in injury to one of the favorites for promotion to Division Three
  • The rock Madridista Totana The Tenth organizes a trip to watch the game Real Madrid - Real Betis (03/10/2011)

  • The Capuchin Club starts the season with a narrow defeat unjust (03/10/2011)
    Alquerias FS 6-5 CFS Capuchin
  • ... (03/10/2011)

  • The Office of Technical Works of the Municipal Infrastructure Department serves today on the ground floor of the House of Contributions (03/10/2011)

  • An earthquake of 1.6 º centered in Lorca is felt in Totana (02/10/2011)
    has taken place today at 13:20 (GMT)
  • The Olympic "B" wins again and it's leader (02/10/2011)
    Meanwhile, the Olympic's youth worked consiguioeron a draw away from home
  • The Bugle and Drum Band of the City Council began its activity (01/10/2011)
    The trials will begin next October 19
  • The Mayor of Totana is proclaimed in Argentona (Barcelona) president of the Spanish Association of Towns of Ceramics (01/10/2011)
    unámine the support of all the municipalities that make up this national entity

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