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Totana News - July 2017

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  • From Ganar Totana they emphasize that "in his stage as Mayor, Juan Jose Cánovas obtained millionaire reductions of the debt that the PP left to the totaneros" "The realized reductions total almost two million Euros; the Generala 514.28 (31/07/2017)

  • Volunteers of Civil Protection carry out a technical revision to the more than 150 hydrants distributed by the urban helmet and the industrial estate (31/07/2017)

  • The ORA service will be exempt from payment during the whole month of August (31/07/2017)
    The hours of the Citizen's Service of the City Council during the month of August continue from 9:00 a.m. to 13:30 p.m., respectively
  • The manager of the Olympic Totana calls on players who want to be part of the Olympic senior (29/07/2017)

  • Request declaration of public interest for the implementation of a commercial park in Totana (29/07/2017)

  • Communiqué of the independent councilor on the ordinary plenary of the month of July (29/07/2017)

  • Gabriel Sánchez and Pepe Carreño summoned to a concentration Spain-Slovakia (29/07/2017)

  • Mastocytosis will have visibility in the descent test in Sierra Nevada, thanks to the alhameño cyclist of enduro and descent, Luis Sánchez (29/07/2017)

  • The ICIO will be awarded a 75% bonus to the company that wants to build one of the largest mobile solar panels in the country due to the social considerations contemplated by the project (29/07/2017)
    Soltec wants to build an infrastructure with a capacity of 91 megawatts, which would require 500 Workers
  • Hosteleros de Totana present to the City Council their main concerns (28/07/2017)
    ASEMHOS and CHACT have recently presented a letter to the city of Totana showing their concerns about neighborhood celebrations, terrace regulations, commission of parties, parties of Santiago, among others
  • Approves the General Account of the City of Totana corresponding to the fiscal year 2016 (28/07/2017)

  • Plenary awards to the mercantile "Hoteles de Murcia, SA" the lease of the hotel and rural houses of La Santa for the next twenty years (28/07/2017)

  • PP: "Mayor Andrés García, Deputy Alfonso Martinez Baños, and Councilman Carlos Ballester visit the Ministry of Development, behind his back of government partner, with the intention of paralyzing the PGOM" (28/07/2017)
    Denounce the paralysis of the Department Of Urbanism by dejadez del Alderman, who has bored Technicians, Promoters and Builders
  • The Adjustment Plan is approved to request from the Ministry of Finance and Public Function the new financing requirements for the 2018 fiscal year (28/07/2017)

  • A dozen children and young people participate, for the first time, in the Initiation Workshop at Breakdeace (28/07/2017)
    Offered within the program "Totana Verano '2017"
  • Users of the Totana Daytime services celebrate the Grandfather's Day with the participation in activities of coexistence and brotherhood (28/07/2017)

  • An item of € 387,600 is included in the General Budgets of the Autonomous Community for the 2017 financial year for the improvement of the potable water supply network in Totana (27/07/2017)

  • The City of Totana will receive a grant to finance actions to support the family and children during the year 2017 (27/07/2017)

  • Popular Party submits four motions to the Plenary of July (26/07/2017)
    Assessment of the disability of children with cancer, defense of the unit of Spain, support to the basic and competitive sport of women, and xyllela fastidiosa
  • The mayor and councilor of Works and Infrastructures visit El Raiguero (26/07/2017)
    To know the needs of public lighting in some homes of first residence
  • Plenary discusses the approval of the Adjustment Plan necessary to request new financial requirements for 2018 (26/07/2017)
    within the framework of new sustainability measures
  • Artistic skating exhibition - Club Patín Totana - Fiestas de Santiago 2017 (26/07/2017)
    It took place last Friday July 21 in the Plaza de la Balsa Vieja
  • The fiestas of the Costera Ñorica are celebrated from the 4 to the 6 of August, in the Old Way of the Majuelo (25/07/2017)

  • Plenary plans to award this Thursday the new contract of the hotel and the eight rural houses of La Santa spot for the next twenty years (25/07/2017)

  • Day Centers for Disability organize a special program with summer activities for users with the aim of promoting different healthy therapeutic aspects (25/07/2017)

  • Participants of the Summer Schools "Holidays 3.0" work on tolerance, within the acts of the "Force of Memory Week" (25/07/2017)

  • The news about the nurse Antonio Cayuela who saved the life of a passenger on a flight reaches more than 50,000 people in a few hours (24/07/2017)
    From the Official Nursing College of the Region of Murcia highlight the bravery and professionalism of this young fellow and him Congratulations on your impeccable work
  • Independent councilman Juan Carlos Carrillo will request in plenary meeting of the ordinances regarding the limits of noise pollution (24/07/2017)
    And the tightening of sanctions and control measures to event seekers where it is necessary to use large acoustic media
  • The Director General of Highways visits the RM-C8, which connects Totana with Viñas-Carivete (24/07/2017)
    They have invested more than 544,000 euros
  • A total of 65 children participate in the camp of the Nature Hall "Las Alquerías" (24/07/2017)

  • The Department of Equality and Defense of the Rights of the LGTB Collective regrets and condemns the homophobic action against a neighbor of Totana and his partner who happened several days ago in Granada (24/07/2017)

  • The young nurse totanero Antonio Cayuela saves the life of a passenger in a flight from Edinburgh (23/07/2017)
    The events occurred yesterday Saturday 22 of July about 23:00 in the flight Edinburgh-Alicante
  • ... (23/07/2017)

  • The Ensemble of the Ancient Music Festival of Sierra Espuña will perform today in the Sanctuary of the Santa (23/07/2017)

  • Road RM-503, linking Totana and Aledo, is preparing to receive the Tour of Spain by repairing the firm in the area of ​​Las Alquerías (22/07/2017)
    Special attention will be given to the road safety of a stretch of almost three kilometers , Whose performance has a budget of about 40,000 euros
  • Cyclist Chescos Romera will give visibility to mastocytosis by wearing a jersey in the races in which he participates (21/07/2017)

  • The PSOE denounces cuts in services in the health centers of Totana in the summer, by the regional executive of the PP (21/07/2017)
    Has filed a motion to claim the proper functioning of services such as physiotherapy, regional executive
  • Ricardo Valenzuela López, winner of the 600 euros of the IX Route of the Tapas, the Cocktail and Desserts of Totana (21/07/2017)

  • Responsible for the new Football School Club Totana Olympic Base meet with the councilor of Sports (21/07/2017)
    to present his project and give you account of your needs for the new season
  • The Treasury Department plans to negotiate new lines of financing with the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration (21/07/2017)
    to deal with judgments received in recent months
  • The mayor and members of the municipal government meet with the delegate of the Government in the Commonwealth of Taibilla Channels to deal with debt and matters related to the Water Service (21/07/2017)

  • The XXVII Festival of Bands "Ciudad de Totana" is celebrating tonight recovering an activity that was not celebrated since 2011 (21/07/2017)

  • The IES management team "Juan de la Cierva and Codorniú" submits to the mayor of the Memory of the International Baccalaureate corresponding to the 2016/2017 academic year (20/07/2017)

  • The contract of the municipal service of withdrawal of vehicles of the public road is extended for a year (20/07/2017)

  • The contract for the paving works and renovation of the water supply and sanitation networks of the Cánovas del Castillo and Cañada Zamora streets to the Calle del Barco is awarded (20/07/2017)

  • Students from the "Social-health care for dependents in social institutions" receive their diplomas from the Food Handler Course (20/07/2017)

  • Young people from the "Project Labor 2.0: youth guarantee" carry out a new group activity, in the coastal zone of Mazarrón (20/07/2017)

  • The fiestas of El Raiguero Bajo are celebrated next weekend from July 21 to 23 (19/07/2017)
    In honor of Santiago Apostle and Santa Ana
  • Town Hall and Unipublic meet to coordinate the security and emergency device on the occasion of the 10th stage of the Tour of Spain that will pass through Totana on 29 August (19/07/2017)

  • The deadline for the submission of proposals for training activities to be carried out during the months of October 2017 to June 2018 (19/07/2017)
    under a call for tenders
  • Finishing works for the refurbishment of the children's playground in the garden of the "La Cárcel" Sociocultural Center (19/07/2017)

  • They will propose that the neighbors decide the future of the old schools of "La Cruz" and "Juan de la Cierva" "The educational centers built by the Second Republic, have been disaffected for years and could be two important (18/07/2017)

  • Construcciones Hermanos Palomares receives the "Golden Star" to the Professional Merit, for its trajectory, commitment and professionalism (18/07/2017)

  • The mayor meets with the heads of the two parish Caritas of Totana in order to coordinate joint actions (18/07/2017)

  • Agents of the Local Police of Totana recover last weekend a stolen vehicle in a local company (18/07/2017)

  • Students from the mixed employment and training program already practice as caregivers in the socio-health centers of the municipality of Totana (18/07/2017)

  • The first half of the 2017 Summer School is closed (18/07/2017)

  • Interview with Reme Ruiz Chief of Studies of the EOI Lorca in the Extension of Totana (17/07/2017)

  • Move becomes cardioprotected space (17/07/2017)

  • Terra Sport Cycling school goes on vacation (15/07/2017)
    This Saturday, July 8th, the Terra Sport Cycling school held a nice bike-lunch to celebrate the arrival of the holidays
  • Traditional Mass in the Municipal Cemetery of Totana "Our Lady of the Carmen" on the occasion of the feast of the Virgin of the Carmen (14/07/2017)

  • XX Anniversary Miguel Ãngel Blanco (14/07/2017)
    The City of Totana celebrates an institutional act and manifest reading to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the murder of Miguel Ãngel Blanco, councilor of Ermua
  • More than 40 families in Santa Eulalia Avenue have solved the pressure problems in the potable water network that they have been suffering for years. The works, with a budget of 7,600 euros, have consisted in connecting the network with the one of th (14/07/2017)

  • They install a branch of distribution pipeline in El Raiguero to solve the problems of interruption of the service in the high zones (13/07/2017)

  • The mayor and the councilor of Tourism take possession like new vowels of the Board of Government of the Commonwealth Tourist of Sierra Espuña (13/07/2017)

  • Acometen clearing works in rural roads and streets of the hamlet of El Paretón-Cantareros (13/07/2017)

  • Totana commemorates the 20th Anniversary of the kidnapping and murder of Miguel Ãngel Blanco at ETA hands, keeping five minutes of silence in his memory (12/07/2017)

  • The Local Police detains a man suspected of robbery with force and intimidation in a commercial establishment of Totana (12/07/2017)

  • The Finance Department expects to receive new financing lines offered by the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration in September (12/07/2017)
    to deal with debt payments for the years 2011 to 2013
  • ... (12/07/2017)

  • The team "Panadería Yves" proclaims champion of the 24 Hours of Futsal "Ciudad de Totana" (12/07/2017)

  • The International Festival of Ancient Music of Sierra Espuña offers two concerts in Totana (12/07/2017)
    They will be the days 23 and 27 of July, in the Sanctuary of La Santa and the church of Santiago, respectively
  • The Councilor for Citizen Security, Traffic and Civil Protection transfers to the Mayor his objectives, needs plan and roadmap for the next two years of legislature (12/07/2017)
    The mayor is attending these days to municipal councilors to plan the management In each of the municipal areas for the next months
  • Tomorrow is the last day to formalize the inscription in the Popular Race "Festivals of Santiago" (12/07/2017)
    It is celebrated this Saturday 15 of July in the afternoon
  • Interview with Lucía Munuera, member of the Spanish Association of Mastocytosis (11/07/2017)
    Mastocytosis is a rare disease that her son suffers José Miguel
  • The Sixth Coexistence of Workers of the Special Employment Center of Totana (CEDETO) is celebrated to consolidate the company's social relations and facilitate its integration in the labor market (11/07/2017)

  • The Municipal Water Service is forced to cut off supply in the great majority of the urban center of Totana for several hours (11/07/2017)
    By the rupture of a pipe of the general network
  • More than 600 students have participated in this course in the program "Know your town hall" (11/07/2017)
    to make known the operation of the services and dependencies of the Consistory to Primary students
  • The XXVII Festival of Bands "Ciudad de Totana" will take place on July 21 (11/07/2017)
    Recovering an activity that was not celebrated since 2011
  • The Evening of Habaneras and Popular Songs will be held on July 22 in the auditorium of the municipal park "Marcos Ortiz" (11/07/2017)
    It will count on the participation of three groups
  • The children's playground works in the "La Charca" complex (11/07/2017)
    They open to the public this week
  • The Club Totana Triathlon has had two weekends of quite activity, touring the Spanish geography (10/07/2017)

  • Savoring friendship forged in adolescence more than 50 years ago (10/07/2017)
    Former students of the academy of Don Cristóbal Andreu met last June 3
  • Promote a public awareness campaign to prohibit the sale and consumption of alcohol to minors (10/07/2017)
    Coinciding with the campaign of the summer and the patron saint festivities of Santiago
  • The fiestas of Las Lomas de La Cruz de El Paretón are celebrated from July 14 to 16 (10/07/2017)
    In honor of the Virgen del Carmen
  • Several non-profit entities of Totana are informed of the call for aid from European funds EAFRD (10/07/2017)
    The mayor meets with the new president of the Illustrious Superior Cabildo de Procesiones and heads of Caritas and the parish communities of Totana
  • Start of the D'Genes Summer Respite 2017 program (08/07/2017)

  • Totana already prepares its Popular Race "Festivities of Santiago" (07/07/2017)
    The Department of Sports organizes the appointment, to celebrate the next Saturday July 15 with departure and finish in the Plaza of the Constitution, from 19:30 and I start Of the absolute test scheduled at 9:00 pm
  • The festivities of the urbanization "La Charca" are celebrated, for the first time, next July 14 (07/07/2017)
    They are born with vocation of continuity
  • The Musical Association "Con Forza" organizes a charity concert to benefit AECC (07/07/2017)
    It will take place next July 14 in the auditorium of the park "Marcos Ortiz"
  • The Local Board of Citizen Security is celebrated to coordinate the security and emergency device of the patron saint festivities of Santiago'2017 (07/07/2017)
    And the celebrations in neighborhoods and districts of the summer
  • Project of placing a watch in the tower of the Chapel of the Milagrosa on the occasion of the centenary of its construction (07/07/2017)

  • ... (07/07/2017)

  • Students from the mixed program of "Social Assistance for Dependent People in Social Institutions" carry out two didactic visits to Cartagena foundations (07/07/2017)
    within their training period
  • Totana adds to the national campaign "Mójate" of AEMA III (06/07/2017)
    Next Sunday, in the pools of Lorca, Puerto Lumbreras and Totana, swimmers and swimmers will be able to obtain their solidarity diploma 'Mójate', in which the meters Of Solidarity Swimmed by Multiple Sclerosis
  • Municipal authorities visit the construction site of the argárica housing replica built at the La Bastida site (06/07/2017)
    under the collaboration agreement with the Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • They request to the General Direction of Roads the cleaning of ditches in several secondary ways and the crossing of the Paretón-Cantareros (06/07/2017)

  • The mayor of Totana invites to know La Bastida (06/07/2017)

  • Winning Totana IU considers urgent the creation of a Social Court in the Guadalentín region (06/07/2017)

  • ... (06/07/2017)

  • The programs of hand of the patron saint festivities of Santiago'2017 are beginning to distribute from today (06/07/2017)
    in different municipal services
  • The Ascent to the Santa launches the web of the 32nd edition (06/07/2017)
    The automobile ascent to Sanctuary of the Santa will be disputed the next 22, 23 and 24 of September
  • The PP of Totana congratulates the Regional Government for finalizing the works of the RM-C8 before the celebrations of the Vineyards and Carivete (05/07/2017)

  • The mayor meets with the president of the Regional Assembly to give an account of the projects in which this local administration works and its more immediate challenges. The first mayor pleads for a parliamentary political consensus to carry out the (05/07/2017)

  • The totanero pilot David Martínez Torrente participated in the 9th edition of the Autocross de Carballo (05/07/2017)
    He managed to qualify in sixth position
  • The Carrera Popular "Fiestas de Santiago" will be held on July 15 within the program of sports activities of the patron saint (05/07/2017)

  • The mayor and Councilor for Sports meet with members of the Board of the Olympic Totana (05/07/2017)
    to plan the 2017/2018 season
  • From the Club Escuela de Futbol Olympic Base of Totana encourage to associate to this new sport project (05/07/2017)

  • The Treasury Department provides budget cover to invoices and expenses for a total amount of 948.758 euros from previous years (05/07/2017)
    through the extrajudicial recognition of credits
  • Two new rural roads will be arranged in the municipality of Totana within the second call of the Regional Plan for Rural Roads 2014/2020 (05/07/2017)
    The Ministry of Agriculture allocates the works of the second call for rural roads that contemplates actions in 33 municipalities
  • José Ruiz García, new delegate of Teaching and Catechesis (04/07/2017)
    In September he will leave the parish of Santiago el Mayor de Totana to take the lead of these delegations
  • The attractive program of activities of the patron saint festivities of Santiago'2017 is presented (04/07/2017)
    It will be extended until the end of July
  • Councilman Juan Carlos Carrillo meets with the local city planning official (04/07/2017)
    To address the issue of opening licenses and building permits for works
  • Rubén Pozo, former member of Pereza, will be in Totana in the sixth PADISITO Festival (04/07/2017)
    benefit concert for the association of parents of people with intellectual disabilities of Totana
  • The first mayor meets tomorrow with the President of the Regional Assembly (04/07/2017)
    initiating the round of institutional meetings with representatives of different administrations
  • The mayor visits the improvement works of the RM-C8 highway in order to know its state of execution, already in its final section (04/07/2017)

  • Municipal authorities attend the closing ceremony of the school year 2016/2017 of the Association of Friends of Music of El Paretón (04/07/2017)

  • Finish with a recital of poetry the program of activities in favor of tolerance and equality of Collective LGTB (04/07/2017)

  • The minor maintenance services contract for municipal pools is awarded during the months of July and August (04/07/2017)

  • The City Council will hold two theatrical shows in September and December of this year under the collaboration of the Institute of Cultural Industries and the Arts of the Region (04/07/2017)

  • The maintenance and hosting of the municipal corporate website, totana.es is awarded (03/07/2017)

  • First Deputy Mayor, Juan José Cánovas, will take on Economic Development and Employment, Proinvitosa, Archaeological Sites and Pedanías (03/07/2017)
    To face our management task during this second stage, we have carried out a restructuring of our Government Areas, Secure from Ganar Totana
  • The fiestas of the hamlet of Las Viñas and Carivete will be celebrated next 7 and 8 of July (03/07/2017)

  • The municipal government supports the claims of the residents of El Paretón to restore the office hours of this hamlet this summer (03/07/2017)
    They collect 918 signatures to request the Ministry of Health to maintain the service for four hours and not reduce it Two daily
  • Advise the concierge service and notification of municipal documents (03/07/2017)

  • ... (03/07/2017)

  • Another intense weekend for the riders of the Santa Eulalia Cyclist Club (02/07/2017)
    They competed at a very high level
  • Success in the open day organized by the Totana Olympic Football School (01/07/2017)

  • They will carry out works of maintenance of the large trees located in the municipal park "Marcos Ortiz" during this Monday and Tuesday (01/07/2017)

  • Historical Bronze of the Benjamín team in the Championships of Spain (01/07/2017)


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