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Totana News - November 2018

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Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • Start of the Day Market Tent (30/11/2018)
    It will continue until December 9, at the side of the parish of Santiago, between Sol Street and Plaza de la Constitución
  • They denounce the "shameful and third-world situation" in which the facilities of the Sports City are located (30/11/2018)
    "Dirt, breakages, mosquitoes, lights, lack of hot water, deterioration of the facilities", among others, are the deficiencies that denounce a group of parents
  • José Antonio Andreo Moreno will be the candidate of the Plataforma Ciudadana "Ahora Totana" for the May 2019 elections (30/11/2018)

  • The Plenary agreed to update the current Adjustment Plan for the year 2019 (30/11/2018)
    In order to achieve the economic rebalancing of the Totana City Council
  • The II Canine Contest "ASCATO" and the II Dog Show of Detective Dogs will be held on December 9 at the old La Cruz School (30/11/2018)
    Within the Santa Eulalia festivities
  • Sports approves a collaboration agreement with clubs and sports associations for the proper use of municipal sports facilities (30/11/2018)
    It is expected to come into force as of January next year 2019
  • Erasmus + experience of several professors of the IES Juan de la Cierva in Dublin (30/11/2018)

  • More than thirty women participate in the Women's Self Defense Workshop within the program against Gender Violence (30/11/2018)

  • The Municipal People's Group raises four motions to the Plenary tonight (29/11/2018)
    Among which stands out the request for improvements in the transport sector
  • The Christmas School, reconciliation service for work and family life in the next school holidays, will be held from December 24 to January 4, by "El Candil" (29/11/2018)
    It will be free under a grant from the Ministry of Family and Equal Opportunities and contemplates the offer of 100 places
  • A collaboration agreement with the Association "Friends of Bethlehem Sale The Pines" Association is approved (29/11/2018)
    For the realization of the Municipal Bethlehem "Belenista Art Exhibition"
  • Players of the Badminton Club Aledo-Totana participated in the TTR sub13, sub17 and absolute in Espinardo (29/11/2018)

  • It is agreed to sign a collaboration agreement with the Friends of Music Association of El Paretón for the year 2018 (29/11/2018)

  • A special schedule is established in the SAC on the occasion of the patron saint festivities of Santa Eulalia and Christmas (29/11/2018)

  • The Municipal Socialist Group presents a motion to support the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Murcia at the November plenary session (28/11/2018)

  • They undertake a comprehensive rehabilitation of the Padre Crisóstomo Garden (Parque Azul) within the framework of the district councils program (28/11/2018)
    In addition, similar actions will be undertaken in the gardens of the Plaza de La Libertad, "Marcos Ortiz" park, Oviedo street, County and landscaping fairgrounds
  • They carry out reseeding work in the municipal stadium "Juan Cayuela" to guarantee its maintenance (28/11/2018)
    It can not be used until the middle of next January
  • An aid is granted to the IES Juan de la Cierva for the maintenance of the International Baccalaureate program during the 2018/2019 academic year (28/11/2018)

  • The Local School Sports Chess Phase will take place this Saturday (28/11/2018)

  • Users of the Day Center for People with Mental Illness of the City Hall visit the exhibition against Gender Violence (28/11/2018)

  • Third Matchday League Match of the Kuore Tennis Club of Totana against Mazarrón Tennis Club (28/11/2018)
    On the new clay courts of the "Valverde Reina" Sports City
  • They promote an awareness campaign to prevent the consumption of alcohol at a young age in view of the festivities and Christmas (27/11/2018)
    It is recalled that the sale of alcohol to minors under 18 years of age and consumption in unauthorized spaces of the street is prohibited public
  • "The Candil" is awarded the Service of Conciliation of the Labor and Private Life with the realization of a School of Christmas'18 in non-school period (27/11/2018)

  • A special schedule is established for the next weekends in the Study Room (27/11/2018)
    Coinciding with the university exams in January
  • The Plenary will address the proposal of the Mayor's Office to meet the requirement made by the Ministry of Finance (27/11/2018)
    to acquire a plenary commitment to update the Adjustment Plan for the year 2019
  • The program of religious acts of the patron saint festivities of Santa Eulalia'2018 (26/11/2018)

  • The Royal Mailbox to participate in the Cavalcade of the Magi 2019 will remain in "La Cárcel" from November 26 to December 17 (26/11/2018)

  • Contract for the works to cover the sports court and complementary works of the CEIP "San José" (26/11/2018)
    For the amount of 180,307.35 euros
  • From today and until December 10, Calle Sol is cut off for traffic by the installation of the Carp of the Day Fair (26/11/2018)

  • Dozens of people participate in the I Stay against Gender Violence in a great atmosphere of coexistence (26/11/2018)
    It was organized by the Athletics Club of Totana
  • XXXI Half Marathon of Lorca (25/11/2018)
    Outstanding performance of the athletes of the Totana Athletics Club
  • The next edition of the Education and Emotion Forum already has a date (25/11/2018)
    It will be next Saturday, February 23, 2019 in Totana
  • The Athletics Club Totana organized the First March Against Gender Violence (24/11/2018)

  • The collaboration agreement with the Federation of Peñas del Carnaval was approved to organize the Cavalcade and the delivery of letters of the Magi'19 (24/11/2018)

  • Emergency services involved in a traffic accident with two seriously injured in N-340 Totana (23/11/2018)

  • Emergency services involved in a traffic accident with a seriously injured in N-340 Totana (23/11/2018)

  • Totana celebrates the main act of the program against Gender Violence on the occasion of 25-N 2018 (23/11/2018)
    With the concentration, reading of the institutional manifesto and solidarity march for the victims
  • The public awareness campaign to promote the recycling culture with the Mobile Information Point (PIM) in the different neighborhoods continues, in collaboration with Ecoembes (23/11/2018)
    The Mobile Information Point aims to raise awareness about the selective separation of waste
  • The rules of the IV Contest of Christmas Windows'2018 are approved, organized by the Department of Culture (23/11/2018)
    Registrations can be made until December 17 in "La Cárcel"
  • On December 6, Totana returns to commemorate the Constitution to the race (23/11/2018)
    The Department of Sports of Totana organizes the XXXI Popular Race Constitution Day, on Thursday, December 6, with departure and finish at the Sports Pavilion "Manolo Ibáñez "
  • Ganar Totana will request the expansion of the staff of Physiotherapists and auxiliary personnel to meet the actual demand of the Rehabilitation Service at the "Totana Norte" Health Center (22/11/2018)
    "We will also ask for extended hours so that the service can be provided in the evenings and thus reduce the long waiting lists "
  • Tomorrow ends the deadline to request the installation of the sale of stalls for the pilgrimage of Santa Eulalia from December 8 (22/11/2018)
    A total of 5 positions will be authorized in the pilgrimage of December 8 and 30 in the 7 of January
  • More than 35 Local Police officers from different municipalities of Guadalentín finish the course on crimes against road safety and detection of drugs, narcotics and psychotropic substances in drivers (22/11/2018)
    The local police already have the training qualification required by the regulations to perform this type of tests
  • In the voluntary period, the receipts of the taxes on real estate of an urban and rustic nature of the year 2018, among others, are to be collected. Until December 5 (22/11/2018)

  • They offer a series of recommendations on the occasion of "Black Friday'2018" (22/11/2018)
    In order to avoid unnecessary risks in purchases
  • The insurance policy contract for the vehicle fleet of Totana City Council is awarded for the next two years (21/11/2018)
    For an amount of 47,950 euros
  • The Local Police of Totana will carry out special controls of vans between November 26 and 29 (21/11/2018)
    Within the campaign programmed by the General Directorate of Traffic
  • The Local Phase of School Sports Table Tennis was attended by 69 schoolchildren (21/11/2018)

  • Move widens its playroom service (20/11/2018)
    On the other hand, move adds to BLACK FRIDAY with an interesting discount
  • They denounce an illegal clearing in the Saladares del Guadalentín (20/11/2018)
    Ecologists in Action has denounced the clearing and putting in irrigation of twelve hectares of protected land in the Municipal District of Totana
  • The program of the patron saint festivities of Santa Eulalia'2018 (20/11/2018)
    They are celebrated from November 30 to December 10
  • Two talks are held today and tomorrow in the activities to commemorate the International Day Against Gender Violence (20/11/2018)

  • Works to improve the sewerage network in the alley of Valle del Guadalentín and Extremadura streets are awarded (20/11/2018)

  • The City Council approves the signing of a collaboration agreement with the University of Almería for the training of students in foreign universities (20/11/2018)

  • The City Day Disability Centers organize "The Fall Festival" as a culmination to a work of several weeks (20/11/2018)

  • The Collective El Candil initiates a basic computer training course in Totana (20/11/2018)
    It has the participation of 15 unemployed people
  • The rural roads of Juan Teresa and Paso del Molino are cut off due to the effect of the rains registered since the beginning of the storm (19/11/2018)

  • More than fifty students participate in the VII Training Seminar on Physical and Organic Disability held in Totana (19/11/2018)
    Stereotypes and disinformation of this social and health reality are addressed
  • The Ordinary General Assembly of the Municipal Center for Older Persons of the Plaza de la Balsa Vieja is held (19/11/2018)

  • The Totana Athletics Club present at the XVII Cross of the Artillery. (19/11/2018)

  • 2nd national: CD Mazarrón TM 1 --- Totana Promesas 5 (18/11/2018)

  • This rainy episode will end on Monday with heavy rains (17/11/2018)
    Until Sunday at noon the rain will give a small truce, but from the afternoon the instability will increase again, which will extend until Monday.
  • A round table is held on the occasion of the presentation of two books (16/11/2018)
    It took place yesterday in the Audiovisual Room of the Cultural Center La Cárcel de Totana
  • PP: "PSOE primaries publicly staging the division of the Socialist Party in Totana, and therefore in the Municipal Socialist Group" (16/11/2018)
    "The PSOE ratifies with its primary the nefarious management of the mayor in the municipality that has been denouncing the PP"
  • The CEIP "San José" organizes the II Interscholastic Orientation Day (16/11/2018)
    It will be held on November 23 in the vicinity of the school in the framework of a transversal and interdisciplinary educational project
  • Municipal authorities attend the inauguration of the XI International Congress of Rare Diseases (16/11/2018)
    It is celebrated in the UCAM during this weekend
  • A new service of Tourist Apartments "La Bastida", in Héroe Bartolomé Cayuela street (16/11/2018)

  • Organize an Interpretive Trekking Route to the Arboleja Strait, entitled "Walking among corals" (16/11/2018)
    It will take place on November 25
  • The Modernist Market that was scheduled to be held this weekend due to the weather forecast is suspended (15/11/2018)

  • The rehabilitation works of the "Ginés Rosa" Theater of the "La Cárcel" Sociocultural Center are awarded (15/11/2018)
    For an amount of 190,733.51 euros
  • Municipal authorities attend the Fair SIMO Education'2018 accompanying totanero Pedro A. García Tudela (15/11/2018)
    Pedro A. presented an innovative pedagogical project developed in the CEIP Comarcal-Deitania
  • FALLEN AUTUMN cycle (15/11/2018)
    Within the AUTUMN MUSIC cycle, we have the AUTUMN FEMALE cycle this year, with two musical performances.
  • The lectures of the course on "Prevention of the consumption of alcohol and other drugs in our sons and daughters" continue every Thursday of this month. (15/11/2018)

  • They give a talk to the Sociocultural Association of Women on the Electric Social Bond and the recycling of packaging, among others (15/11/2018)

  • Municipal authorities accompany those affected by the High Voltage Line of the Photovoltaic Plant in their meeting with the Government delegate in Murcia (14/11/2018)
    The Government delegate commits to transfer the concerns of those affected mediated before the Ministry of Ecological Transition
  • The program of activities organized in Totana to commemorate the International Day against Gender Violence (14/11/2018)

  • The closing time of certain public establishments in Totana is temporarily extended (14/11/2018)
    On the occasion of the celebration of the Patron Saint Festivities in honor of Santa Eulalia
  • The Local Phase of School Sports Table Tennis will take place this Saturday, November 17 (14/11/2018)

  • ... (14/11/2018)

  • Organize an informative talk about energy saving and efficiency measures in the home (14/11/2018)

  • The locally strong rains return to the Region of Murcia (14/11/2018)

  • The Local School Sports Badminton Phase was attended by 55 schoolchildren (14/11/2018)

  • The program of activities to commemorate the 25-N, International Day against Gender Violence begins today in Totana (13/11/2018)
    It has about twenty events
  • The Autonomous Community trains 35 local policemen from Totana, Alhama, Mazarrón and Ãguilas in drug detection in drivers (13/11/2018)
    During a conference held at the Totana Headquarters
  • Today begins the campaign of citizen awareness to promote recycling through the separation at source of light packaging and paper-cardboard (13/11/2018)
    It has the collaboration of Ecoembes
  • Rocio Tudela is the new President of the Peñas Federation of the Carnival of Totana (12/11/2018)
    Antonio García ceases in his position as president of this federation after 8 years
  • The Department of New Technologies designs a tourist application on services, places of interest and general information, among others, of Totana (12/11/2018)
    "Very useful for neighbors and visitors"
  • The Military Emergency Unit (UME) and Civil Protection of Totana receive the "X Pimentón de Oro" award at the XI Encuentro de Cuadrillas of El Raiguero (12/11/2018)

  • Ganar Totana held a massive assembly in which it announced the democratic deadlines and procedures for the election of candidate and candidacy (12/11/2018)
    More than 150 people attended the presentation of the new pre-campaign image, designed by a young man from the municipality
  • "El Candil" signs a collaboration agreement with the Banking Foundation "La Caixa" (12/11/2018)
    to carry out the project called "AVANZA: Creation of mutual support networks for the improvement of employability"
  • Organize a Hiking Route to the Arboleja Strait, next November 25 (12/11/2018)

  • Michi, Club Athletics Totana, runner-up in the popular race Manos Unidas de Murcia (12/11/2018)

  • Victory of the CTTotana team against the Murcia CT (12/11/2018)
    Historical eliminatory that has been lived this morning in the Totana Tennis Club
  • Victory of the Kuore Tennis Club of Totana in front of the School of Tennis of the Alcayna in the 2º day of Regional League Inter-schools 2018/2019 (11/11/2018)

  • Francisco Cánovas, from the Santa Eulalia Cycling Club, participated in the second round of the cycle circuit in the Murcia region (11/11/2018)
    It took place in Mazarrón
  • ... (11/11/2018)

  • The Municipal Corporation of Totana joins to stop the boom of the gaming halls in the municipality (10/11/2018)
    And urge the regional government to modify the Law regulating gambling and betting
  • Totana is the second municipality in the Region of Murcia with the lowest unemployment rate in the population range between 10,000 and 40,000 inhabitants (09/11/2018)
    Mayor Andrés García attributes these good figures to the commitment of the municipality's business fabric and good training policies , integration and labor inclusion
  • The Autonomous Community trains 35 local policemen from Totana, Alhama, Mazarrón and Ãguilas in drug detection in drivers during a conference held at the Totana headquarters (09/11/2018)
    On Monday, the last of the six courses organized in Totana begins in Totana the Provincial Traffic Headquarters, Civil Guard, Road Safety Prosecutor and the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Murcia
  • The Totana Modernist Market will be held from November 16 to 18 in the squares of the Constitution and Old Raft (09/11/2018)
    On the occasion of the commemorative events of the Centennial of the City
  • The public awareness campaign to promote recycling through the separation at source of light packaging and paper-cardboard is presented, with the collaboration of Ecoembes (09/11/2018)
    The main initiative is the "Recycle and Win" contest with which it is intended to perform tasks of awareness on the selective separation of waste
  • Ask users to take appropriate precautions for surveillance and control to avoid the proliferation of tiger mosquitoes (08/11/2018)
    It is recommended to avoid the frequent practice of placing flowers or plants in containers with water to avoid pests by reproducing these insects
  • The procedure to adjudicate the pastures of the mountains of public utility of the City Council is summoned (08/11/2018)

  • It is presented the blog specialized in gastronomy and restoration "elbloguerico.com", promoted by a Totana company (08/11/2018)
    Born with vocation and regional projection
  • Ganar Totana considers the judgment of the Supreme Court to be intolerable, which dictates that the clients pay the Mortgage Tax (07/11/2018)

  • The file to contract the preparation of the 1st Phase of the Catalog of Rural Roads in the municipality (07/11/2018)
    Affects a total of 34 rural roads
  • Tomorrow, Thursday and Friday, the municipal park "Marcos Ortiz" will be closed due to maintenance work on the premises (07/11/2018)

  • The PP denounces the neglect and neglect in which this government team has plunged the maintenance and cleaning of green areas of the industrial estate (07/11/2018)
    Request the immediate cleaning of it
  • They rewarded the library "Mateo García", for the third consecutive year, in the XVIII Contest of the Campaign of Animation to Reading "María Moliner" (07/11/2018)

  • The first deputy mayor attends the Environmental Advisory Council in which the declaration of the Gredas de Bolnuevo is approved as a Natural Monument (07/11/2018)
    In addition, the Integral Management Plan for the Sierra de Ricote and La Navela are given the green light the uses on more than 7,700 protected hectares
  • The Local School Sports Badminton Phase will take place next Saturday, in the School Room (07/11/2018)

  • New podium of Framusa Garden Grasshopper in the III Ultramaraton MTB "100ypico" of Lorca (07/11/2018)

  • The PP again denounces the "partisan use" of the institutions, in this case on the occasion of the press conference offered by the Councilor for Works and Services (06/11/2018)

  • The creation of new specialized units in the Civil Protection Volunteer Group and its inclusion in municipal insurance and bylaws is approved (06/11/2018)
    Volunteers are discharged and registered according to the minimum number of service hours established
  • They propose that the so-called "Fuente Juan de Uzeta" be renamed "Fuente de la Plaza" (06/11/2018)
    and make known the trajectory of the totanero Silvestre Martínez Teruel, the architect of the project
  • UME and Totana Civil Protection will receive the "X Pimentón de Oro" during the XI Encuentro de Cuadrillas of El Raiguero (06/11/2018)
    The event, which takes place this coming Sunday, November 11, is organized by the Asociación Empecemos a Caminar y la of Rural Women from this totanera village
  • The contract for the supply of the emergency ambulance vehicle UVI-Móvil for the City of Totana is awarded (05/11/2018)

  • In a month approximately the restoration works of the emblematic Juan de Uzeta Fountain will be finished (05/11/2018)

  • The research team of "La Bastida" will receive one of the "Laurel Awards" in the category of Science and Research (05/11/2018)
    The awards, granted by the Professional Association of Journalists of the Region of Murcia, will be delivered on November 13 at the Romea Theater in Murcia
  • The CAT girls get three podiums on the Yeti Cool Trail (05/11/2018)

  • "Mayor Andrés García kept the General Plan hidden in his drawer, trampling on the general interests of the neighbors" (04/11/2018)
    "The PSOE has dismantled all the good work done in the last 6 years in the PGMO document", denounced from the PP
  • Eight players of Club Totana TM have participated in the Zonal Qualifying Tournament held in Gibraleón (Huelva) (04/11/2018)

  • ... (02/11/2018)

  • Offer the course "Prevention of alcohol and other drug use in our children", which will be held every Thursday in November (02/11/2018)

  • The insurance policy and civil-patrimonial liability of the Totana City Council is awarded (01/11/2018)

  • You can now request the installation of stalls for the pilgrimages (01/11/2018)
    Until November 23 and December 21 for the pilgrimages of December 8 and January 7, respectively

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