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Totana News - November 2014

detail of Totana
Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • ... (30/11/2014)

  • Local Congress of the PP in Totana (29/11/2014)
    It came out unanimously elected as president of the PP in Totana Mayor of Totana, Isabel Maria Sanchez
  • Representatives COATO in Madrid to attend commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the UN Global Compact CSR (28/11/2014)
    The Director General of the UN Global Compact in New York was interested in the activity of COATO
  • Eight students from the University of Murcia signed a collaboration agreement (28/11/2014)
    to participate in a program of educational support that will reduce the problems of school failure and absenteeism in the city
  • The first Resource Guide Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases (FEDER) Presented (28/11/2014)
    with the 16 associations that provide resources and services in the Region
  • Local Police Vehicle Fleet expands with acquisition of two new vehicles (28/11/2014)

  • Totana dedicated the existing roundabout next to the boardwalk Pears on Avenida Juan Carlos I, the former Prime Minister "Adolfo Suárez" (28/11/2014)
    for his contribution to the development of democracy
  • The Plenary agreed to establish the rights and obligations of the council not attached to the Organic Rules of the City of Totana for participation in municipal bodies (28/11/2014)

  • New official distributor Planet Bike Orbea (28/11/2014)

  • The Medieval Market, scheduled for this weekend, is postponed to the adverse weather conditions provided with storms and heavy showers (27/11/2014)
    The City plans I locate it the weekend of 28 and 29 February and 1 March
  • The Local Ordinary Congress of People's Party will have one nomination (27/11/2014)
    It will be led by the current mayor Isabel María Sánchez Ruiz
  • The Christmas crews Solidario ambientarán Bethlehem Brotherhood of Veronica (27/11/2014)
    will open its doors from December 5 to January 4
  • The delegation of Lourdes de Totana held on Sunday November 30th the VI Festival Chorus and Rondallas (27/11/2014)

  • The Department of Education funds a project aimed at students of the IES "Juan de la Cierva" and "Prado Mayor" (27/11/2014)
    A through which they learn to program robots to represent plays
  • Activities and events from November 27 to December 3, 2014 (27/11/2014)
    Information provided by the Informajoven - Department of Youth
  • The "García Cañizares and the pachucos" team second in the local league football lies "Play Fair" (27/11/2014)

  • The Sports Council organizes on Saturday November 29 Phase Local Table Tennis School Sports (27/11/2014)
    take place at the Sports Pavilion "Manolo Ibáñez"
  • The Sports Council launches Phase Local youngest 3x3 Basketball School Sports (27/11/2014)

  • ... (26/11/2014)

  • Totana gives the starting signal for the festivities in honor of Santa Eulalia with medieval market (26/11/2014)
    is held from Friday 28 to Sunday 30
  • Walk to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (26/11/2014)

  • Discovering Totana through pottery (26/11/2014)
    Alumni Course of Tourism and Visitor Services "DISCOVER TOTANA" paid a visit last November 14 at the Church of Santiago and pottery
  • Complete works of repair and upgrading the country road of "La Serrana" (26/11/2014)
    have been funded by the Autonomous Community
  • The Full Council of Totana discussed tomorrow more than a dozen proposals (26/11/2014)
    Between most notably the free transfer of a plot for construction of infrastructure needed to collect rain
  • The Stewards of the Local Police accuse Totana Mayor and his team of government mismanagement and deplorable organization that has been detected in the Police Force (25/11/2014)
    is leading to the dismal services provided to citizens
  • A group of detainees visit Totana hand of the Department of Tourism (25/11/2014)

  • Reading is given to institutional manifesto to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25/11/2014)
    The ceremony took place in the IES "Juan de la Cierva"
  • Four students from the IES of Totana participate in the sixth edition of Youth Correspondents program for the course 2014/2015 (25/11/2014)

  • Totana Local Police yesterday located the driver caused an accident in the night from Saturday to Sunday and fled (25/11/2014)

  • An official of Urbanism offers its private services without having known compatibility (24/11/2014)

  • Evening of Monologues at Plataea Loungebar with MARCO ANTONIO (23/11/2014)
    It took place on Sunday November 23 to benefit D'genes and AELIP
  • The Music Department of IES "Prado Mayor" organized several activities to mark the feast of St. Cecilia (23/11/2014)

  • ... (22/11/2014)

  • Fire Consortium intervene to quell the fire in a house in Totana (22/11/2014)

  • Representatives and COATO COAG ask the Ministry of Agriculture to accept and comply with what is asked for 100% of the sector (21/11/2014)
    In aid to drought and ecological agriculture and Natura 2000 "
  • An official attached to the Department of Urban Planning has recognized the compatibility for the exercise of private activity (21/11/2014)
    Failure to Act support is handled by the criminal courts, by the case of corruption, among others
  • Concentration today at the Ministry of Agriculture for the problems of drought (21/11/2014)

  • The weekly market on December 10 will be delayed until Thursday 11 (21/11/2014)

  • Two new patrol vehicles without screens are incorporated to the fleet of local police Totana (20/11/2014)
    Warn hazard of working with police vehicles with this safety device "that endangers the physical safety of any detainee's life the agents'
  • This Sunday November 23 is again holding the market of Santa (20/11/2014)

  • On November 28 the roundabout "Adolfo Suarez" will open (20/11/2014)
    The existing roundabout on Avenida Juan Carlos I along the boardwalk Pears bear the name of former Prime Minister
  • Denounce the abandonment and non commissioning since its construction in 2009 of the Deposit of Drinking Water in Las Viñas-Carivete (19/11/2014)
    The aldermen of IU-green raise a motion in Parliament for the immediate implementation of this Infrastructure
  • Citizens with waste paper, cardboard and light at Point Campaign Information packaging "If you separate well, recycle better" will win a trip (19/11/2014)

  • "Domestic Violence in Social Networks" (19/11/2014)
    The Association of Housewives, Consumers and Users "Three Hail Marys" and "Thaderconsumo" organized a conference tomorrow on "Gender Violence in Social Media"
  • The BORM publishes the notice of the approval documentation of correction of deficiencies to the final approval of PGMO (19/11/2014)

  • Teams "Baraguey Carlin" and "Pizzeria Tumar Cubs" have reached positions on the 6th day of the Local League Soccer "Play Fair" (19/11/2014)

  • Starts Phase Local juvenile Basketball School Sports Program (19/11/2014)
    It is organized by the Sports Department
  • Sports and twenty clubs organize sports activities for the program of the festivities of "Holy Eulalia'2014" (18/11/2014)

  • CC Reina Sofía in the top positions in the results of the diagnostic test performed in 218 secondary schools in the region of Murcia (18/11/2014)

  • "The duration of the Works on the Bridge Kabuki, paralyzed today, are an affront to the intelligence of totaneros" (18/11/2014)
    "More than six years hard a work to which not a single lucid mind, we find logic, delay and design ", report from IU-Green
  • After the application deadline for scholarships for students in 6th Primary camps to attend Christmas in English (18/11/2014)

  • El Colegio "La Milagrosa" is incorporated during 2014-2015 to bilingual education in English-Spanish (18/11/2014)

  • The Foundation Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente give its certification mark "With Suma Naturalness" to sustainable products COATO grown in natural areas Natura 2000 (17/11/2014)
    This was agreed Odile Rodríguez de La Fuente and the President of COATO on Saturday, at a meeting during the Biocultura fair in Madrid
  • PSOE: "The opening of the Health Center will not solve problems, only costs" (17/11/2014)
    "Nevertheless, we remember the things we have been saying for the last eleven and a half years, with the same consistency as usual"
  • IU Totana Mayor urges and the Ministry of Health to rethink how they will implement the new Health Centre Totana (17/11/2014)
    "As will inaugurate represents a significant impairment in health care for the population "
  • IU Totana Mayor urges and the Ministry of Health to rethink how they will implement the new Health Centre Totana (17/11/2014)
    "As will inaugurate represents a significant impairment in health care for the population "
  • Bad results this weekend for the Club Totana TM in which all teams lost their matches (17/11/2014)

  • The city of Totana posthumous title granted to Favorite Daughter "Ladybug Ros" (16/11/2014)
    and puts his name to a street in the historic city center
  • The "Logia Espuña 136" donates € 1,000 to PADISITO (15/11/2014)

  • Muñiz: "The Plan should not be approved without the CHS report" (14/11/2014)
    "The PP Totana would plummet into illegality after approving the General Plan"
  • The love of Ciudad de Murcia CAP will not attend the Sunday clash with his team Olympic Totana (14/11/2014)

  • Padel Indoor Open the I is presented for associations "D'Genes" and "AELIP" (14/11/2014)
    is held from 28 to 30 November at the premises of "Padel Indoor Totana"
  • The Plenary agreed remedying deficiencies partial final approval of the City General Plan (14/11/2014)
    within one month public exhibition opens from the publication in the BORM
  • Inkeys get 100% funding of their new album with a crowdfunding campaign (14/11/2014)
    To be published in January 2015
  • Cebag 'Multiple irregularities containing PGMO Totana and make it unfeasible agreements approved by the region. " (14/11/2014)
    Entrepreneurial Confederation intends to submit thousands of claims and even use some aspects of the Plan by the courts
  • President of the Autonomous Region on Monday inaugurated the new Health Centre "Totana-South" (14/11/2014)
    Coinciding with its startup
  • The Mayor presented a motion to dedicate the roundabout to the 4th stage of the industrial estate to businessman Luis Canovas Martinez (13/11/2014)

  • The morning plenary discussion document approval remedying deficiencies to the City General Plan Totana (13/11/2014)

  • More than 2,000 posters with the traditional image of Santa Eulalia collect religious events which start on December 8 with the Pilgrimage (13/11/2014)

  • Born ipapu.com, draft a young totanero (13/11/2014)
    is an online store specializing in all kinds of radio control products
  • The City Council and the Neighborhood Association neighborhood Tyrolean-Camilleri signed a cooperation agreement (12/11/2014)
    For management and revitalization of the neighborhood clubhouse
  • The campaign "I count" continues his round by the municipality with the meeting in the village of Lebor (12/11/2014)

  • Path "The Morrones of Malvariche" (11/11/2014)
    Totana The hiker club made a route Espuña the environment Malvariche
  • The Department of Environment launches citizen environmental awareness campaign on waste collection "If you separate well, recycle better" (11/11/2014)
    Includes two contests with different prizes
  • Exits courses "Entrepreneurship in Restoration: integrated operational management of the Restaurant" and "Technology Development Processes Management Services" (11/11/2014)
    Contributed 30 people
  • CC Riders of Santa Eulalia disputed the nineteenth March Mtb Mazarrón Bay (11/11/2014)
    And the MTB race Chinchilla
  • The new Health Centre-South Totana opens on 17 November, with a total of 26 health professionals (11/11/2014)
    And the services of Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Nursing, Midwife and extractions, etc.
  • The Sports Council organized a day of hiking in the canyon of the Rio Argos Calasparra (11/11/2014)

  • The undertaker Totana and his team collaborated Bullas bury those killed in the accident Cieza (10/11/2014)

  • X Concentration Classic Car Totana will take place on Sunday November 30 (10/11/2014)
    is organized by the Association of Classic Car
  • Rugby Club Totana leader of the competition (10/11/2014)
    Also CRT cadet team lost at home to Murcia on a hotly contested game until the last minute
  • Totana last weekend it became a regional reference to the meeting of Ornithology (10/11/2014)
    together a diverse dozens of fans across the regions
  • The official ceremony of awarding of the title of official chronicler of the Loyal and Noble City Totana Juan Canovas Mulero will be on December 1 (10/11/2014)
    The Theatre Sociocultural "Jail" (20:00)
  • Weekend for active athletes Totana Athletic Club (10/11/2014)

  • The Mayor of Totana been moved condolences to the families of those killed in the tragic accident of Cieza and displays a message of solidarity with the people of Bullas in these difficult times (09/11/2014)
    Civil Protection Volunteers remain throughout the day providing collaboration relatives and friends of the victims required by the 112
  • CAN Totana denounced the "lies of PP reduced because only 1% of homes under the General Plan" (09/11/2014)
    "Of the 25,000 houses planned in more than 50 legacy planning agreements Corrupt Plan of Juan Morales, just deleted 350"
  • Very negative assessment on the draft Cebag PGMO Totana and covenants (08/11/2014)
    consider that the team make up the government intends to build 20,000 homes PGMO expense and mortgage to protect more than 10,000 hectares.
  • Totaneros Climbers referenced again in the latest issue of "Elevation" magazine, following the opening of a new climbing route dubbed "Totana Free" (08/11/2014)
    Slope is the most prestigious national magazine dedicated to mountain sports and climbing
  • Personal Councilman Accused of "fully lazy" or "have something to hide" (08/11/2014)

  • The Municipal Socialist Group voted against the renewal of 15 planning agreements that the PP intends to incorporate the General Plan (07/11/2014)

  • The new D'Genes 2015 calendar published every year, a charitable initiative to raise funds is presented (07/11/2014)

  • Personal Councilman Accused of "fully lazy" or "have something to hide" (07/11/2014)

  • Training workshop "Basic Skills" (07/11/2014)
    It is organized by the Department of Training and Employment and the Organization of Business and Professional Women of Maryland
  • Over 2000 units participating in the Regional Ornithological Murciano II Contest this weekend is celebrated in Totana (07/11/2014)

  • Plataea Loungebar hosts the charity concert "Tribute to The Police" for the benefit of D'Genes and AELIP (07/11/2014)
    will be held Friday at 23:30 pm with free admission
  • CAN Totana asks City Council the accounts are regularly published (06/11/2014)

  • The House has approved several amendments to planning agreements (06/11/2014)
    in order to adapt to the current economic reality and the new regional planning model proposed in the General Plan
  • CC Santa Eulalia I attended the March mtb The Union Assault on the Sierra Minera and President trophy FCRm (06/11/2014)

  • AELIP held a solidarity meal on November 16 (06/11/2014)
    For research lipodystrophies
  • The totanera Mari Carmen Soto Tudela I ascended the podium at the Dressage Championships in the Region of Murcia (05/11/2014)
    Held at the Turf Club Murcia
  • The activity "Know Your Library" opens the proposed program of activities to schools Totana (05/11/2014)

  • The Department of Environmental Services and is proceeding to clean up uncontrolled illegal dumping in different parts of town (05/11/2014)
    citizen awareness and collaboration for proper waste deposit is requested
  • The Region provides a grant for repairs and renovation of sports facilities in Totana (05/11/2014)

  • The Raiguero held on Sunday the Eighth Meeting of crews that organize rural women's associations (04/11/2014)

  • Goleada team "Drugstore Bookstore Patrick" in the fourth round of the Local League Soccer "Play Fair" (04/11/2014)

  • Starts Phase Local Multisport and youngest cadet soccer program "School Sports" (04/11/2014)

  • New Ending crowdfunding campaign Inkeys (03/11/2014)
    already bears raised 85% of the total project cost
  • 12 Rugby Club players participated in Totana Murcia 1st call rugby Under-21, Under-18 and Under-16 (03/11/2014)
    The Rugby Club Totana was the team of the Region provided more players to this first call
  • The Civil Guard detained a driver for impersonating a known to lead to total loss of marks (03/11/2014)
    The prospective author, a young neighbor of Totana, you have been accused of crimes and usurpation of civil status against road safety
  • On Thursday November 6 Totana receives the information point "INFOomóvil" (03/11/2014)
    Through which entrepreneurs can get free advice
  • This coming Saturday, November 8, will return to join a free guided tour of the historical and monumental center of Totana (03/11/2014)

  • PADISITO celebrated Halloween party in a country house Velez Blanco (03/11/2014)

  • Users of the Day Centre for People with Mental Illness perform a series of special activities with educational, therapeutic and rehabilitative character (03/11/2014)

  • Athletes Athletic Club participated in Totana Murcia II Marathon (03/11/2014)

  • Civil Protection reports that in the last seven days there have been a total of 142 small earthquakes in the Valley Guadalentin (03/11/2014)

  • CB Totana lost to Estudiantes de Cartagena (03/11/2014)
    He escaped from the hands of our senior team in a game they controlled for many minutes, but was unable to top
  • "Ladybug Fonda" (03/11/2014)
    The inauguration of a street of town and appointment, posthumously, the favorite daughter of Dona Maria Francisca Ciudad Ros Fernandez, known as "Ladybug Fonda" will take place on November 16
  • ... (03/11/2014)

  • WE complained that "the Mayor of Totana prevents the free expression of the neighbors in the Full Council" (02/11/2014)


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