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Totana News - October 2017

detail of Totana
Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • The Course of Management of Municipal Conciliation Projects is closed from the Gender Perspective, which has been held in Totana (31/10/2017)
    Technicians from several municipalities of the Region have participated
  • Entrepreneurs of Totana are interested in the call for "Campoder Leader" grants for 2017/21 (31/10/2017)
    They are focused on job creation, rural heritage maintenance, environmental care or gender equality
  • The minor contract of teaching service that allows to teach the course on "Cleaning in open spaces and industrial facilities" is awarded (31/10/2017)

  • The PSOE requires the Ministry to immediately cover the needs of school furniture IES Prado Mayor de Totana (31/10/2017)
    The deputy Alfonso Martínez Baños denounces the lack of investment by the Ministry to compensate for the increase in students who have experienced the center
  • Today begins the Security and Emergency device on the occasion of "All Saints" that will last until Thursday, November 2 (31/10/2017)
    It has about thirty Local Police and Civil Protection troops
  • The Rural Women and the Irrigators Association of El Raiguero have participated in the PROAGUA forum of Alicante (30/10/2017)

  • Components of the club "La Mustache" participated this weekend in 2 sport events of trail runnig and btt (30/10/2017)

  • The Totana Automobile Club present at the 42nd Marble Climb (30/10/2017)

  • Local Police and Civil Protection intervene in a fire in a floor, which suffocate firefighters of the CEIS of the Region of Murcia (30/10/2017)

  • The trash should not be taken to the public highway on the nights of Tuesday, October 31 and Thursday, November 2 (30/10/2017)

  • Open the deadline to register for the Reading Animation Workshop - "Doctor Cuentitis" (30/10/2017)
    It will be held on November 6 at the Municipal Library "Mateo García"
  • CEIS firefighters put out the fire in a Totana flat (30/10/2017)
    No injuries
  • City Day Disability Centers resume the Garden Workshop after the summer holidays (30/10/2017)

  • Mazarrón hosts the 1st Inter-Center Sports Meeting for people with intellectual disabilities (30/10/2017)
    More than 60 users from the Apandis de Lorca centers, "José Moya Trilla" from Totana and Day Center from Mazarrón participate in a conference dedicated to integration
  • The Municipal Library "Mateo García" enables a reading section on topics related to "Halloween" (30/10/2017)

  • 2nd match of the Kuore Tennis Club League against the El Raal Tennis Club (30/10/2017)
    "This time he escaped us by two points!"
  • Four medals for the Club Totana TM in the zonal tournament (30/10/2017)

  • Podium of Juan Francisco García, of the Totana Athletics Club, in the IX Route of the Ham of Mary (29/10/2017)

  • The PP regrets that the mayor does not retract unambiguously and apologize directly to the popular spokesperson for his lamentable and archaic comment macho (29/10/2017)
    "The PP Councilors left the House for his authoritarian and intransigent spirit denying the word to defend Isabel María Sánchez "
  • Great start to the season of the Totana Tennis Club team (29/10/2017)

  • The PP calls on the PSRM-PSOE leadership to censure the "macho" attitude of the mayor of Totana (28/10/2017)
    Víctor Martínez: "The lack of condemnation is inadmissible, the socialists preach equality but do not practice it"
  • The PP calls on the PSRM-PSOE leadership to censure the macho attitude of the mayor of Totana (28/10/2017)
    Víctor Martínez: "The lack of condemnation is inadmissible, the socialists preach equality but do not practice it"
  • The weekly market is ahead of the day of Tuesday, October 31 for the festivity of All Saints (28/10/2017)

  • This next Sunday, October 29, the season of the traditional Mercadillo Artesano de La Santa is resumed (27/10/2017)

  • The traditional Mass of Animas in the Municipal Cemetery "Ntra. Señora del Carmen" will be celebrated next November 2 (27/10/2017)

  • Next weekend zonal table tennis tournament in San Javier (27/10/2017)

  • The PP denounces and deeply regrets the macho and aggressive attitude of the mayor of Totana against the spokesman of the PP totanero (27/10/2017)

  • The mayor of Totana to the spokesman of the PP: "To the woman and the paper until the ass you have to see them" The popular demand to Andres Garci'a that apologizes and they reprehend its macho attitude against its spokesman Isabel Mari (27/10/2017)

  • ... (26/10/2017)

  • Totana hosts the 5th Regional Ornithological Championship Murciano from October 27 to November 5 (26/10/2017)
    In the Pavilion of the Municipal Sports Center "6 de Diciembre"
  • The Municipal Library "Mateo García" receives a magnificent lecture on prison poetry (26/10/2017)
    It was carried out by the philologist, professor and writer Juan Antonio Fernández Rubio
  • The PP asks the Plenary to support and support the State Security Forces and Bodies (26/10/2017)

  • The mayor subscribes the extension of the State Development Plan with the Ministry to rehabilitate 80 homes in the urban area of ​​Totana for 515,000 euros (26/10/2017)
    The agreement is related to the Area of ​​Regeneration and Urban Renewal of the urban center for building rehabilitation home
  • They carry out actions of improvement and conditioning of the municipal cemetery "Our Lady of the Carmen" for the celebration of All the Saints The councilman of Works and Infrastructures Víctor Balsas makes a visit to the cemetery to know (25/10/2017)

  • Win Totana urges the reestablishment of dialogue so that the Government of Progress in the Municipality of Moratalla can be rebuilt. (25/10/2017)

  • The City of Totana supports the I "Day of Alternatives to Herbicides in Public Spaces" (25/10/2017)
    It is celebrated tomorrow in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the UMU
  • A Basic Life Support Course (SVB) is organized with the management and use of external semi-automatic defibrillators (DESA) (25/10/2017)
    It will be held on October 28 at the Municipal Civil Protection Center
  • The Local Phase of Multi-sport and Futsal Sport School School counts this course with the participation of 625 students (25/10/2017)

  • The October plenary session will address the motion of the three municipal groups and the non-attached mayor relative to the State Pact against Gender Violence (25/10/2017)

  • The Emergency and Security device on the occasion of the "All Saints" holiday will be composed of more than thirty members of Local Police and Civil Protection. The Department of Services has undertaken numerous actions in recent weeks so t (24/10/2017)

  • Totana hosts the 1st Regional Forum for Social Inclusion (24/10/2017)
    It is organized by the Collective for Social Promotion "El Candil" in the Nursery of Companies, within the project "Guadalentín Emplea"
  • The municipal government meets with the Taxi Association of Totana to know the demands and claims of the sector (24/10/2017)

  • Victory in the first regional league match of the Tennis Club Kuore in front of the Club of Tennis the Limonar (24/10/2017)

  • The implementation of the "EXILECOM" program on reading voluntary volunteering for children with reading delays in the municipality of Totana is approved (24/10/2017)

  • The mayor attends the "Leadership initiative promoting the rural territory", which presents the regulatory basis for this community call (23/10/2017)
    The municipality of Totana is integrated into Leader territory through the two Local Action Groups which forms the Association for Rural Development "Campoder" and the Society for Rural Development "Integral"
  • Participation of the Club Athletics Totana in the Half Marathon of Valencia (23/10/2017)

  • Next weekend zonal tournament in San Javier (23/10/2017)
    17 Totana players will participate
  • The Mustache Sports Club Present in the III dragon Challange, Totana (22/10/2017)

  • ... (22/10/2017)

  • The official deadline for submitting allegations to the modified project of the High Voltage Line ends tomorrow (22/10/2017)

  • The act of granting the title of Favorite Son of the City of Totana to the historian Ginés Rosa will be on December 1 in the framework of the festivities of Santa Eulalia (21/10/2017)
    The municipal theater of the Sociocultural Center "La Cárcel" will henceforth take its name
  • The Municipal Water Service urges residents to make responsible and rational use of water and announces a campaign against counter fraud (20/10/2017)
    Taibilla only insures water for consumption in the Region's homes until January;
  • The Popular Party will celebrate a Eucharist in memory of its deceased members and sympathizers (20/10/2017)
    It will be celebrated this Sunday, October 22, at 11 o'clock.
  • The Independent Councilman: "Let's talk about the Employee Romería of the day January 7 that will be the day January 13 in 2018" (20/10/2017)

  • Work on laying and lining sidewalks on a stretch of more than 100 meters from Juan Carlos I avenue continues at a good pace. At the height of the Tirol-Camilleri district (20/10/2017)

  • The bases of the XV Drawing Contest organized on the occasion of the "Rights of the Child" 2017 are approved (20/10/2017)
    Students from 4th and 5th grade Primary Schools can participate
  • The Local Development Center hosted a new free workshop on online advertising (20/10/2017)
    It took place yesterday and was organized by Cecarm
  • The PP denounces that "the mayor withdraws motions presented by the Popular Party in an authoritarian and arbitrary manner" (19/10/2017)

  • The vaccination campaign against influenza will start this year in the Region of Murcia in mid-November (19/10/2017)
    The first cases of influenza are usually recorded in the Region of Murcia towards the end of December and beginning of January
  • The BORM publishes today the initial approval of the General Budget of the City of Totana for the 2017 fiscal year (19/10/2017)

  • I Regional Forum for Socio-Labor Inclusion: Good Practices and Business Incentives for Recruitment (18/10/2017)

  • The Plenary approves the general budget of the City of Totana and the two companies PROINVITOSA and CEDETO for the year 2017, for a total amount of 32.5 million euros. The mayor and the Councilor of Finance make an assessment of the document after th (18/10/2017)

  • The III Mountain Race "DRAGONChallenge" is celebrated next Sunday (18/10/2017)
    With two tests of 17 and 32 kilometers respectively, by the main places of Sierra Espuña
  • Lorena Cabrera's painting exhibition "gene-ration L" opens next Friday in the room "Gregorio Cebrián" (18/10/2017)

  • The Municipal Corporation shall urge the Government of the Nation to implement the measures adopted in the State Pact against Gender Violence (18/10/2017)

  • Organized this Saturday, October 21, a free guided tour of the spot of La Santa (18/10/2017)

  • ... (17/10/2017)

  • The Football League "Enrique Ambit Palacios" increases the participation of the last season with a total of 287 players, framed in 13 teams (17/10/2017)

  • A Basic Life Support Course (SVB) is organized with the management and use of external semi-automatic defibrillators (DESA) (17/10/2017)
    It will be held on October 28 at the Municipal Civil Protection Center
  • The talk "Prison Poetry" will take place next October 24 in the municipal library (17/10/2017)

  • The "Senior Gymnastics" program begins at the Municipal Center for the Elderly (16/10/2017)

  • Today begins the traffic diversions by the repair of a bridge in the A-7 to its passage by the municipal term of Totana (16/10/2017)

  • "All Effective Online Advertising SEM" is the fourth E-Commerce Workshop of CECARM (16/10/2017)
    It will be made free of charge at the Local Development Center on October 19
  • The Rural Women of Raiguero distributed tracts in Marchena for equality in the rural world and the challenges 2017/2018 (16/10/2017)

  • More than a dozen children bet on tennis during the Pilar Bridge with the Kuore Tennis School (16/10/2017)

  • Plenary tomorrow approves the approval of the municipal general budget for the 2017 fiscal year (16/10/2017)

  • 24 kedada of the Kasi Ná Trail (16/10/2017)
    Yesterday Sunday, October 15, the Group of Friends of the Mountain "Kasi Ná Trail" began a new season of monthly stays after the summer break
  • Announcement of Adsyse regarding the meeting held with the patronage of La Santa (16/10/2017)
    And the maintenance of the campaign of collection of signatures
  • Double CAT participation outside our region. End of week results 14 and 15 October (16/10/2017)

  • ... (15/10/2017)

  • Beginning on October 25th, the works that are carried out inside the cemetery until the All Saints' Day will be over (14/10/2017)

  • Civil Guard arrests two people and investigates another for felony injury in Totana (13/10/2017)
    The two detainees are linked to the alleged perpetrator of stabbing a person
  • Emergency works for the conservation and rehabilitation of the La Bastida site are awarded (13/10/2017)

  • The process of contracting for the paving of the streets of Moratalla and Sucre begins, and the renovation of the supply and sanitation networks in Sucre Street (11/10/2017)

  • The company "Agrupación Díez de Mula, SL" is awarded the new service of cleaning of interiors in centers and municipal facilities of Totana (11/10/2017)

  • First Aid diplomas awarded to students of the mixed program of "Social Assistance for Dependents in Social Institutions" (11/10/2017)

  • The Department of Tourism presents the new domain www.turismoenTotana.com (10/10/2017)
    With which it intends to spread and promote the tourist offer of this municipality through the Internet
  • Totana will participate in the XV Diocesan Meeting of Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods (10/10/2017)
    It will take place on October 15 in Caravaca de la Cruz
  • The Junta de Pedáneos reviews the needs and demands of the seven districts of Totana (10/10/2017)
    As well as the actions undertaken since the last meeting
  • "More than 140 people have been beneficiaries of the training and employment offers managed with the SEF and the Youth Guarantee programs from our Government Areas" (10/10/2017)
    To Win Totana "is an absolute priority to promote training and job creation "
  • The Board of the Santa Foundation meets with representatives of Adsyse (10/10/2017)

  • Receipts of taxes on real estate of urban and rustic nature for the year 2017 are to be collected, in a voluntary period (10/10/2017)

  • The Independent Councilman: "This year, more than ever" (09/10/2017)
    "On October 12 we celebrate the anniversary of the Discovery of America and the feast of Our Lady of Pilar, patroness of Spain and the Civil Guard.
  • The playground of the municipal park is closed from today for the dismantling of the infrastructures and for the imminent beginning of the works of improvement of the enclosure (09/10/2017)

  • Fifty people participate in the visit to Orihuela to participate in the "Hernandiana Route" to mark the 75th anniversary of the death of the poet Miguel Hernández. The activity is celebrated within the "Totana Cultural" program or (09/10/2017)

  • The Board of Spokesmen discusses holding of the extraordinary plenary of the general budget of 2017 (09/10/2017)
    And the state of the project of the future commercial center
  • Absolute victory for Victor Perez in the third edition of the MTB Angels Custodians and 3rd Elite for Juanfran (09/10/2017)

  • It is agreed to create a waiting list or work bag of cleaner in the City of Totana to cover casualties, vacancies or temporary necessities (09/10/2017)

  • The Club Athletics Totana was present this weekend in Caravaca and Lorca (08/10/2017)

  • ... (08/10/2017)

  • The PP invites the neighbors of Totana to participate in the Act of Tribute to the Flag and support the Corps and Security Forces of the State next October 12 (08/10/2017)
    "We encourage you to join us with Flags of Spain to give symbolic meaning to our democracy and constitutional coexistence "
  • Until next October 23, there is a deadline to submit allegations to the modification of the project of the High Voltage Line, which can be made in the Department of Urbanism (08/10/2017)

  • A winner of the first category of the Bonoloto in Totana wins 580,085.97 euros (07/10/2017)
    The ticket was validated in Loterías Santiago
  • The City of Totana celebrates next Tuesday 10 of October an institutional act to commemorate the World Day of the Mental Health (07/10/2017)

  • Asociación Metaleros del Valle makes a donation of 600 € to the Association PADISITO (06/10/2017)

  • The Popular Party of Totana seeks to support and support the State Security Forces and Bodies as guarantors of the rule of law (06/10/2017)

  • The Councilor of Emergencies thanks and congratulates the volunteers and Fire Prevention and Extinction Corps the work performed this summer in the municipality within the Infomur Plan (06/10/2017)

  • Municipal authorities attend the general assembly of the Municipal Center of Old People of the Plaza Balsa Vieja (06/10/2017)
    In which the activities for the new course and the improvement actions undertaken are reported
  • Sanitarians attend and transfer to the hospital to a very serious wound after falling from a roof to the ground, in Totana (06/10/2017)

  • It is extended for a year the contract of public educational service of the centers of first cycle of Municipal Infantile Education (05/10/2017)

  • Damage repair works are awarded in several sections of the sewerage network in Rosa, Galicia and Casalarga streets for a total amount of 17,605.82 euros (05/10/2017)

  • The municipal park "Marcos Ortiz" will be closed to the public from October 9 (05/10/2017)
    for the dismantling of infrastructures and beginning of the improvement works of the children's playground of the enclosure
  • Organize a Master Class of ZUMBA on the occasion of the 10th Outlet Fair (05/10/2017)
    It will take place on Saturday October 7 at 11:00 am in the Plaza de la Constitución
  • ... (04/10/2017)

  • Acometen laying and laying of sidewalks on a stretch of more than 100 meters of Juan Carlos I Avenue (04/10/2017)
    At the height of the Tirol-Camilleri district
  • The mayor meets with the president of the "Savia Foundation for Commitment and Values" (04/10/2017)
    To promote the figure of the so-called "Defender of Future Generations"
  • The Center for Early Childhood Development and Care has attended a total of 195 children during the first half of 2017 (04/10/2017)

  • The X Fair Outlet of Totana will be celebrated in the Plaza of the Constitution from this Thursday until Sunday (04/10/2017)
    With a variety of exhibitors and products with important discounts
  • Urbanism will promote as of next week a campaign of collection of allegations and signatures to the modification of the project of the High Voltage Line (03/10/2017)

  • The green light is given to two cooperation agreements with the Autonomous Community for the provision of services in the Day Centers for Persons with Intellectual Disability and Mental Illness (03/10/2017)

  • Last Saturday the XVII edition of the Charca Grande was celebrated (03/10/2017)

  • Opened the deadline to register in the Workshop of Reading Animation "Doctor Cuentitis" (03/10/2017)
    It will be celebrated on October 9 in the Municipal Library "Mateo García"
  • Two new contracts are signed with entrepreneurs to be installed on two sheds of the Nursery of Companies and another one of extension of two nests (02/10/2017)

  • Good race pace for the CAÑAVATE Team drivers in the Ascent to the Santa (02/10/2017)
    González and Andreo rolled to a good pace in what is considered the test of the motorsport Murciano
  • The Independent Councilman: "The Region of Murcia does not exist for national politicians, proof is its policy on water." (02/10/2017)

  • The City of Totana will celebrate next October 12 the institutional act of homage to the Flag of Spain (02/10/2017)

  • Win Totana denounces the harmful measures taken by the Central Government in matters of water that will affect thousands of farmers (02/10/2017)
    The Government of Mariano Rajoy intends to charge a "fixed fee" to irrigators for which they would have to pay the water supply whether they water or not. "
  • Award of contract for preventive activity and planning of health surveillance in the City of Totana and PROINVITOSA (02/10/2017)

  • The Brotherhood of Jesus on Calvary and Holy Communion convenes elections to appoint new President and Board of Directors (02/10/2017)
    Candidatures can be submitted in writing to any of the members of the Electoral Board until October 29
  • The cleaning work in the water reservoir of El Raiguero may cause problems of pressure on the supply service to users tomorrow (02/10/2017)

  • Good season start of the two teams totaneros 2nd National (01/10/2017)

  • ... (01/10/2017)


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