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Talk-talk "Learning to Be Nazarenes" (26/02/2010)

On Thursday February 25 was held at the council headquarters located in the C / Castillo, a talk titled "Learning to Be Nazarenes" given by the parish priest of St. James the Elder and chaplain of the Illustrious Cabildo Higher Processions of Totana, D.

Fructuoso Francisco organized by the Investigation Board of Education and Coexistence.

This talk, framed within the broad calendar of events and worship organized by the City Council and the parishes of Totana, tried to teach and reinforce number knowledge that the Nazarene Christians must remember, such as the importance of Lent and the significance of the celebration Easter, with emphasis on celebrations of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.

In a relaxed and informal, where representatives of all the brotherhoods, the chaplain conveyed the importance to our sense of Nazareth to be about prayer, church, communion with God and Christian values as we must respect.

Source: Ilustre Cabildo Superior de Procesiones

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