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The Councillor for Citizen Participation Meets with Residents Association San Jose neighborhood (26/02/2010)

Neighborhood Association of San Jose neighborhood organized a dinner for coexistence to be held on Friday 19 March in the grounds of the Hermitage of San José

The Councillor for Citizen Participation, Juan Carrion Tudela, recently held a meeting with the Neighborhood Association of San Jose neighborhood in order to meet the new board members and the activities scheduled for 2010.

During their meeting, the directors of the association informed of project activities planned for 2010 which includes among other activities, holding a day of sharing that will take place on Friday 19 March in the grounds of the Hermitage San Jose.

Also worked with the association in the modification and updating of the statutes governing the same to suit the Associations Law 1 / 2002 of 22 March regulating the right of association.

The leaders of the association told the mayor his interest in knowing the situation where there are proceedings for the construction of the new clubhouse in the neighborhood.

For his part, Carrion Tudela forwarded them the priority and interest by the Local Town Hall to undertake this action in short, which is referred to in this year's municipal budget.

Finally, they moved their intention to support the project activities through the same technical and physical resources.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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