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New Generation will celebrate its local Congress in April to renew its Board of Directors (23/02/2010)

Generations of Totana held during the month of April his local Congress to renew the Board members, whose reelection is not present the current Councillor for Youth and current president of the youth organization, Josefa María Sánchez Méndez has announced itself.

The Organizing Committee last night agreed to the organization of local congresses that will permit the incorporation of new young totaneros to the governing bodies of the youth organization and set the timetable for nominations and submissions.

The Organizing Committee members met with the Mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, to inform the process of convening and organizing and addressing some issues and needs Youth and Housing in connection with this town and that affect them.

Moreover, this congress will analyze and discuss several papers that are currently under development, and aims to promote and facilitate the participation of its members.

Sanchez Mendez explained that the members and supporters may suggest NNGG their proposals and ideas and added that "Now more than ever participation is very important because we are an organization open to all and believe the best way forward is to add; so we want to open this conference to the entire society. "

The mayor has indicated that the organizing committee is planning to launch a Web link in the local DB to access the profiles of Congress who have set up Tuenti and facebook in social networking that takes an active NNGG.

The president of NNGG added that this organization continues to be in Totana a participatory tool to channel the concerns and proposals for improving the quality of life for young people

Sanchez has shown hopeful that this conference will serve to strengthen the commitment of the PP and NNGG with the youth of Totana.

He added that the PP does not consider us as part of the future, but it makes a firm commitment by young people as this and this conference is to show the importance we attached to our party at a time when we have many things to say, because young people we are deeply affected by the economic crisis being experienced by our country and will form part of the solution takes on such important issues for youth such as employment or housing.

Source: PP Totana

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