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The council convenes a meeting on March 4 to disclose significant financial contributions for the preservation and enhancement of rural heritage in the districts (23/02/2010)

The City, through the Department of Economic Development, has convened a meeting on Thursday March 4 at 20:00 pm in the Local Development Centre to publicize the new program helps Leader.

The information day will be given by the secretary-manager of the Local Action Group "Integral" which manages the aid, Cayetano García Rosa, and is directed primarily to individuals, entrepreneurs, small businesses, nonprofit associations and foundations located in population centers La Costera, La Huerta, urbanization "The Pond", Morti, Lebor and vineyards, to the physical limit of the N-340 and Sierra Espuña or whose actions affect this geographic area.

The aid is convened within the Territorial Plan for Rural Development Local Action Group "Integral", for the period 2009/2011, which aim to encourage economic activity based on appreciation and utilization of resources and products to the territory offers.

The grants are aimed at the preservation and enhancement of rural heritage, promotion of tourism, diversification of farm activities, adding value to agricultural products, support for the creation and development of micro, among others.

Among them, as reported by the mayor of the branch, José Antonio Valverde Queen, are very interesting for those who want to bet on the conservation and enhancement of rural heritage, and that the aid may amount to 50 percent of expenditure eligible.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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