Councilman IU + Greens in Totana, Juan José Cánovas, said in his weekly appearance before the local press that "the Consistory is having serious problems to meet the February payroll, having convened a meeting of Council staff tomorrow, Friday, unable to resort to more borrowing. "
"Martínez Andreo and his team have led to such an extent municipal finance, who no longer are overstretched, resulting from the disastrous economic management and lack of action, most indebted in the City of Murcia and bleaker picture of what ... "has highlighted formation Councilman Left.
"The solutions being considered, such as failure to pay Social Security or more loans, they are just patches that do not go to the root of the problem: The PP has become the institution in a farmhouse, impossible to maintain, lack of vision and planning since 2003, the PP came to power and that has worsened with the mandate of Martínez Andreo, "added from IU.
Manifest from IU that "the sad image of the mayor and his spokesman in the courts (charged for alleged crimes of obstruction of justice), accompanied by an alleged corrupt, threatening the opposition, the following economic chaos and paralysis to that have led the municipal coffers, not to be able to meet the payroll or the threat of Garbage Collection company to leave the service if not paid the bills owed millions. "
For IU, "is very necessary that the council of the PP, who disagree with the methods of Martínez Andreo, take action on the matter and a radical turn at the helm of a ship, which makes water on all sides."
"Today more than ever, dialogue is necessary to plan solutions, isolating the methods used so far and how grim outcome are giving the town of Totana, burdening their future.
The Aldermen of the PP, which disagrees with the methods of the Mayor and Valverde Queen, must assume the responsibility of the people ... "sentence Cánovas.
Source: IU+LV Totana. Foto: