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The water cut scheduled to take place Monday morning, Tuesday, Feb. 16 (15/02/2010)

The Department of Facility Management Services and the City reports that due to inclement weather, the water cut scheduled for Monday February 15 will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, February 16 if the rain does not prevent the works continue to running.

From 8:00 am will be a cut in water supply in the zone in the streets Juan XXIII, San Antonio and Avenida Juan Carlos I.

The water cut scheduled for today has not been carried out since the rain has prevented the operators could do their job.

Councilman Comprehensive Maintenance Services and the City, Sergio López, explained that they are going to make junctions in the networks of water for the remodeling work on the Avenida General Páramo, and will also affect the same pathway as well as the Eras, Lieutenant Perez Redondo and adjacent streets.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Foto: archivo Murcia.com

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