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Totana Socialists denounced "the manipulation of information service of the mayoral propaganda" (12/02/2010)

"To say that the Socialists abstained for Totana is the headquarters for the Agri-Food City"

Juan Fco Otálora says that "at the extraordinary plenary session held yesterday in which the municipal government requested the support of groups to the installation of the Food City in Totana, the Socialists maintained a critical stance to the project that they had been released the day before by a brochure and explained in the same plenary session with a PowerPoint presentation. "

According Otálora, "for that reason the government team requested that the proposal remains on the table in order to access the bulk of the project to know in detail and to also know the financial report that it lacked the presentation" .

Otálora also adds that "the proposed settlement involved several points, including support for the project presented whose knowledge of it was clearly insufficient, so the mayor requested a separate vote on the proposed agreements. In this way the Municipal Socialist Group abstained from project support Councilman Valverde, and was not known enough. "

"In any case, the Socialists support with absolute forcefulness and clarity that, if realized, the project would have as a destination Totana, so that institutional support to the municipal government's proposal was unanimous, but now want to sow doubt and stigmatize with one abstention did not occur, "said too.

For the Socialist leader "is to offend the intelligence of the neighbors trying to fool with such blatant lies and that his group has refused to be installed in Totana the autonomous community project."

He concluded that "it is necessary to unmask the tortious and malicious messages that pass away from objective truth, just always making partisan politics and distorting the necessary institutional neutrality."

Source: PSOE Totana. Foto: Totana.com

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