Left formation requires the Mayor to "explain the situation of the management company Refuse Collection and payment of payroll in January to 47 workers of the Special Employment Centre"
Councilman IU + Greens in Totana, Juan José Cánovas, explained in Press City Group's position before the Extraordinary plenary debate held by the City in the morning, to discuss the possible location of Mediterranean Food City.
"IU will always support the possibility of investing in Totana, provided that includes a number of premises in line with a sustainable economy and why we voted to request the installation Valcárcel Infrastructure Totana ..." said Cánovas.
It adds that "this position has been supplemented with a critique of the way to make and present the course project by the government team."
Training for the Left, "there is no project as such, nor is it supported by economic and social agents involved in food and agricultural issues in the town and presenting, along with an empty campaign and fantasy, action does not help you need the people, while consisting of a small part of what we are trying to sell, by politicians whose operating results could not be more disastrous for the economy totanera. "
"It is customary in Martínez Andreo, have large" strategic plans "or projects, such as the construction of 40,000 houses, the signing of 70 agreements or failed urban grows Totana 2013, which have been duds back in the small progress made in economic 99-03 in the period ... "says the mayor of IU.
From IU in Totana, regret "the attitude of some officials who have failed to act with discretion advised on these issues and may lose the small chance of getting investments to Totana.
"The brochures are distributed, without consistency, the authorities involved in the installation of the Food City seems to have decided to install it on the communication route from Cartagena to Madrid at the expense of Guadalentín ..." he said.
"While Martínez Andreo sold smoke, city officials have serious problems in collecting the February payroll, workers in the Special Employment Centre are not current on their bills, the concessionaire Garbage Collection is threatening to leave if not paid debts and the city of Totana is the most indebted in the region ... "concludes Cánovas.
Source: IU+LV Totana. Foto: Totana.com