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The Councillor for Education recommends the PSOE that "before making accusations get to work and know the true situation of the problems" (08/02/2010)

The Councillor for Education, Trini Cayuela, recommends that the PSOE that "before making accusations like" children of the College Deitania unheated by the incompetence of the mayor "are put to work seriously and stop making accusations without knowing what is the status of this problem. "

The mayor, to clarify this issue, explained that "three weeks ago broke the burner of the boiler was leaking diesel fuel, which at the time the settlement was started by the municipal depot brigade. However, the unit to function properly must be replaced, so he bought a new boiler. "

Since he took over as indicated Cayuela, there has been the construction of a foundation to install a new boiler, as reported by the supplier, will be the end of the week.

Given the statements of the PSOE, the Councillor for Education has expressed outrage over accusations, "when they have not reported what the situation is the issue, and that from the outset, all efforts were made to resolve the rupture of boiler , which also has to be new. "

Given this, the Socialists Cayuela recommended that "if you intend to do something productive for Totana neighbors set to work seriously and not continue on the path of political tension and lunging with accusations" nonsense and untrue "that just confuse to the population. "

Source: PP Totana

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