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Totana participate in the international trade fair "Fruit Logistica" in Berlin, to be held from 3 to 5 February (01/02/2010)

The project envisages an industrial park specializing in the Food sector and seeks to respond to the needs of future development of regional industry

The Mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, and Council of Industry, José Antonio Valverde Queen, and Agriculture, John Pagan, presented the draft of the Mediterranean Food City (CIAM), which will be released in the International Fair "Logistic Fruit in Berlin, held from 3 to 5 February.

This project, which has been working the Municipal Land Management Totana more than a year, and has technical advice and promotional info, aims to promote a "CIAM" in this international competition to attract potential investors specialized in the sector.

The town of Totana, as noted by the Councillor for Industry, has been working for several years on the expertise of the Industrial Park, "an aspiration that is collected and justified by the need to diversify the social economy and manage the evolution of food sector in the Region of Murcia. "

It also said that "this enterprising and innovative initiative is reflected in the Strategic Plan" Growing Totana 2013 ", a document outlining the rules and guidelines for municipal development in the coming years and that the proposed Mediterranean Food City (CIAM) contributes, directly and decisively, as a vital element for the future of the municipality and the local backbone of the area and the Region of Murcia. "

The project, he explained, "is called upon to balance the Autonomous Region in its socio-economic, industrial and knowledge, in addition to launching the Region of Murcia as a European benchmark in the field of power for decades to come."

Therefore, the City Council of Totana has continued the injunction contained in the Local Strategic Plan from the drafting of a comprehensive project based on the projection of a Special Industrial Park, with locations in this county but in the spirit supra, since as reported by Valverde Queen, "was born with the desire to facilitate economic and industrial structuring Valley Guadalentín and the whole region."

The pillars of the Food City project are the installation of a Special Industrial Park, construction of a logistics center and added that the contribution is the establishment of so-called Campus Food.

The specialized industrial park would be open to the establishment of businesses in the productive sectors of food in general, auxiliary enterprises and service agencies and public institutions and related private sector.

For its part, the logistics center would be a service-based infrastructure and common platform for companies setting up in this industrial park.

The supplement to the rail station would allow a better and quicker transportation of goods from companies established, through the intermediation of the instruments that offer the dual rail-road transport.

In addition, the Campus Food is an initiative towards teaching and research, where university ofertaría vocational training and other training offered by masters, and doctoral theses.

Also envisage a section for applied science and advanced technology center where highlight a food and an institute of food science and a business incubator that would collect the concerns of students, teachers, researchers and entrepreneurs, among others.

For his part, Councillor for Agriculture, welcomed and support the good work done by the council of Industry, said that from his Department are working with farmers "shoulder to shoulder", ensuring their interests, and promoting the town outside the borders of Murcia.

Also, the mayor of Totana recalled that "CIAM" was presented last week the president of the regional executive, Ramon Luis Valcarcel, and the Minister for Universities and Research Company, Salvador Marin, who said that "credible and is a project that can develop, giving them their kick-off.

He added that the City will sign a cooperation agreement with the Catholic University "San Antonio in Murcia for actions related to research and teaching in the food sector.

Similarly, the municipal councilor said that the project "CIAM" is plotted with the collaboration of various professional associations, public and private food businesses in the Region of Murcia, which has enriched the quality and content.

In addition, they expressed their gratitude to the promoters to respond to the historical needs of the sector.

The implementation of local project "CIAM" will enhance prestige and image of the Region of Murcia in the food industry in the international arena.

Finally, the mayor invited the opposition groups to reconsider their position, and encouraged them to join this initiative "is already a reality and will be the pilot project for the economic development of the municipality, the Shire Valley Guadalentín and Murcia. "

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Fotos: Totana.com

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