The Municipal People's Party will file a motion to the next regular full support of the claims of the Internet user community and ask the National Government, instead of administrative censorship, available exclusively judicial proceedings, the sole guarantor of an investigation fair and apolitical in the allegations and the respect of the presumption of innocence.
PP spokesman, José Antonio Valverde, recalled that the Internet has become essential and privileged instrument of communication, expression, dissemination of culture, and access to knowledge and has complained that Zapatero's government aims to create the figure a new sensor, remembering times past, a committee under the Ministry of Culture that will point to websites suspected of infringing copyright, and will decide based on interests.
The Council of Ministers has approved a supplementary text to the Sustainable Economy Act which includes the initial administrative proceedings, binding, which may report to the Commission on Intellectual Property, any site that is deemed to undermine the rights author, who will judge later ordered the closure or blocking of the Web within 4 days.
According to popular spokesman, José Antonio Valverde, intellectual property can or should be above such fundamental rights as freedom of expression and the right to information, especially when the latter has come to prevail over constitutional law itself the presumption of innocence and privacy.
For the PP, legal measures prepared by the Minister Sinde a retreat on the rights and freedoms that had been achieved, creating a "culture police" related to the interests of a few artists coming to power of Zapatero, on the pretext of safeguarding intellectual property.
Valverde said that the PP support that protects intellectual property rights, but not by the back door, with a convoluted law as the Sustainable Economy and through an administrative process subject to political shifts and unable to guarantee the fundamental constitutional rights that must protect a primary means like the Internet.
Finally, he recalled that any media or recording equipment, to mobile phones, are subject to the payment of a fee, or levy for private copying, for the remuneration of authors, publishers, producers and artists as compensation for the copies have of their work and whose distribution is done through collective management organizations as the General Society of Spanish Authors in proportion to the "importance" of the author.
Source: PP Totana. Foto: archivo