The government delegate in Murcia, Rafael González Tovar, held a meeting with the Executive Committee of the Socialist totaneros to talk about the commitment of the Government of Spain Totana with € 8,219,516 invested with Investment Plans from 2009 2010.
Rafael González Tovar has analyzed the investment made through the Local Investment Fund this year and the characteristics of the new State Fund for Employment and Local Sustainability 2010.
"Between the two, has highlighted the government's delegate, will make a state investment of 8,219,516 euros, registered the largest investment by the city of Totana in its history in just two years."
He has also stated that "these funds, which invest more than 400 million euros in the region, will clearly show the municipal government of Spain, creating jobs while helping to municipalities so important in these difficult times" .
The Government delegate explained that they are meeting the objectives of boosting the economy, job creation and improvement of local infrastructure, particularly in the construction sector, the hardest hit by the crisis.
Tovar Gonzalez has announced that to date have been funded in Totana the 21 projects that the City submitted to the Government of Spain, for which 3,560,898 euros have already entered for the first payment of each, 70 percent of budget.
In terms of employment created, it has been of 741 jobs, of which 94 are newly created jobs and 647 people involved on the companies that have done the work.
The delegate pointed out that the jobs created so far, representing a 92 per cent more than initially forecast.
With respect to the payment of 30 per cent end, González Tovar explained that in Totana and 4 projects are being funded for a total amount of 110,525 euros, for the works carried out in the Ways of Merla, the turret, the Jaboneros and the Yesares.
"This second installment" explained the CEO "takes place after the work finished and worth the investment to the Ministry of Land Policy."
In his speech, González Tovar also referred to the new State Fund for 2010.
The CEO explained that the Region of Murcia will be the recipient of 154,172,870 euros, of which 3,132,519 euros correspond to Totana.
This amount is the result of equal distribution per capita, according to the latest official census of January 1, 2008 - from 5,000 million euros to invest the Government of Spain, ie 108 euros per person.
The amount allocated by the State Fund for 2010 envisages the creation of 6,000 to 8,000 jobs in the Region of Totana is estimated that between 100 and 150 new jobs.
González Tovar noted that in this case, investment will be used to meet two objectives: to generate employment and contribute to the transformation of the production model, so that our economy is sustained by major parameters of economic, environmental and social.
In addition, Gonzalez Tovar explained that up to 20% of the new Fund, which is a maximum of € 626,503 in Totana, is intended for social expenditure incurred in the provision of social services of municipal competition, especially in education and care people in a situation of dependency.
The Government Delegate has also advanced the new State Fund increases the percentage of the first payment for the commencement of work, lifting 70 to 85 percent, and the remaining 15 percent, rather than hasten the municipalities to receive the liquidation of the State, as now, banks could pass him.
This issue is currently under negotiation with the representatives of these entities.
Finally, reports that corresponds to the Council of Totana selection of projects to be executed, it would be desirable to have all the political groups and social organizations to agree on who would be more appropriate and necessary in juncture of Totana.
Also, the session will have until February 4 deadline for submission of projects, but from day 1 January 2010 they may be awarded.
Source: PSOE Totana. Foto: