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Tips and advice on purchases of Christmas and Epiphany (18/12/2009)

The Department of Consumer Affairs, through the Consumer Information Office of Totana has launched a campaign that aims to provide a range of advice and recommendations to users because of the purchases of Christmas and Epiphany, as reported Consumer Councillor, Isabel Maria Sanchez.

Among the tips offered by the OMIC emphasize the need to plan for purchases and have a detailed list of products to balance the budget and procurement, and distribute this distinguished food expenses, gifts and toys.

In addition, we recommend buying in the days and hours that allow for thoughtful purchase in order to succeed in the election, and compare items in different stores and decide not only on price, since the quality of the products should be the reference principal.

It is also recommended to evaluate the purchase of local products against others and read labels carefully, which provides essential information on expiration, composition and other information of interest to the buyer.

It also informs the consumer of the desirability of keeping the documentation relating to items purchased and retain proof of purchases, while recalling that the consumer has complaint forms to express their dissent in the case of which interferes with their rights.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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