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IU proposes to nominate a street or public space in memory of Jordi Solé Tura, one of the framers recently deceased (11/12/2009)

The Municipal de Izquierda Unida + Greens, has raised a motion in Parliament for the Municipal Corporation totanera, render a public tribute and remember to nominate a street or public space in memory of recently deceased, Jordi Solé Tura.

In the text of the motion, highlights the contributions of the political left, in the framework of the constitutional submission for the sake of consensus and national reconciliation between victors and vanquished.

Julien, had outstanding assistance in legislation adopted by Parliament in the first years of democracy.

In 1958 he graduated in law, becoming part of the Chair of Constitutional Law, that headed the University of Barcelona Jiménez de Parga, exiled to France before his imminent arrest by the communist militancy.

From Paris, Julien, went to Bucharest, where he worked as an editor at the legendary Radio Independent Spain, known as "The Pyrenees".

Back in Spain, suffered imprisonment and torture for months in the Model Prison and organizing, in full repression under Franco, the Red Flag Collective, who joined the DCP, with Alfonso Carlos Comin and other intellectuals of the Catalan public life.

Following his abandonment of PSUC Julien, was a member of the PSC in Congress and Minister of Culture in the government of Felipe Gonzalez, whose mandate is carried out major works in the National Library in Madrid's art galleries.

For IU in Totana, the exemplary record and commitment of Jordi Solé Tura, is the Democrats who fought for democracy and reconciliation among the Spanish.

The complexity and the vagaries of the left in recent years.

Source: IU+LV Totana

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