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Totana Local Police arrested two people to be caught trying to rob a candy-making companies in the municipality (30/11/2009)

Totana Local Police arrested at 00:57 pm on Sunday, two people being caught stealing a candy making company in the municipality.

The agents received a tip from the central alarm company reporting that the alarm was tripped.

The troops moved to the spot and caught two guys in the back of the company with a parked vehicle.

Inside the car, local police found gloves, a crowbar and two bags inside which were a hammer, two chisels, scissors cut sheet, two large screwdrivers, pliers, a jukebox, 22 discs cut and an extension cable of 25 meters.

After identifying individuals and FGD FJSC Elche both Barcelona and backgrounds for various offenses against public health, the officers found that surveillance cameras had been broken, the alarm ripped from its place and breaking the false number plates roof of the offices to access the roof.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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