The Department of Women and Equal Opportunities has been organized from 18 to 26 November contests, conferences, workshops and events to commemorate the International Day of Violence against Women, to be held, specifically, on Wednesday 25 November.
Councilwoman Women and Equal Opportunities, Josefa María Sánchez Méndez, presented the schedule of planned activities that begin on Wednesday 18 November with the installation of an information point at the weekly market, which will report on the Council Municipal Equality.
The mayor has indicated that professional Care Center Women Victims of Domestic Violence (CAVI) will be responsible for informing the groups of Totana on the issue of violence in three workshops to be held on Thursday 19 November at from 17:30 pm in the premises of the Women's Socio-Cultural Association of Totana, on Tuesday November 24 at 17:30 pm in the premises of the Housewives Association, Consumers and Users "Three Hail Mary, "and at the Instituto Juan de la Cierva.
Also, as reported Sánchez Méndez, the renowned journalist Isabel Duran, taught on Monday November 23 at 21:00 pm in the Socio-Cultural Center "La Prison" a conference entitled "Women and the Right to Life" .
The mayor explained that the journalist Intereconomía Group, Isabel Durán is among other things, the promoter of the Platform "Women against abortion," which claimed motherhood as a fundamental right.
This conference, which is free, is aimed primarily at women, but also people who want to know and learn more about the right to life can participate in this meeting communication.
On Wednesday, November 25, International Day of Violence against Women, at 12:00 pm will proceed to read the manifesto and read the names of women victims of domestic violence in 2009.
On the same day at 19:00 hours will be screened for free the movie "The Stepford Wives" Socio-Cultural Center "Jail."
Also, as explained by the mayor of Equal Opportunity, on Thursday 26 November will be publicly Municipal Action Protocol in Cases of Domestic Violence, which involved all local actors involved, as the Local Police, Guardia Civil, Civil Protection, caviar, and the Red Cross, among others.
To mark the International Day of Violence against Women, the Department has also convened two competitions: "II Art Contest for equality under the theme Discrimination on grounds of sex" and "III Poster Competition Against Gender Violence directed at students aged between 12 and 18 years. "
The failure of both competitions will be announced during the week of November 25 in the municipal website
Moreover, as the mayor pointed out, throughout the month of November free courses are being made for people who are interested in the topics.
Specifically, it has been held on computer workshop and next week will take place during "Time management: work life balance, personal and family", on 17, 18, and 19 from 17:00 to 20 : 30 hours in the audiovisual room Sociocultural Center "Jail."
However, the mayor noted that all these activities are aimed at raising awareness and promoting the population totanera the absolute rejection of violence against women.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Fotos: