On Friday 6 November, the presidents of sororities and fraternities and representatives of various delegationships that make up the council, held a dinner to exchange views on coexistence Easter, share experiences and strengthen the good relations that exist between them fruit work, which together account for the various meetings held throughout the year.
According to spokesman of the council in a statement, the dinner co-existence was marked by a strong turnout, about 70 people between the chairpersons and members, and the relaxed atmosphere that is promoted through the screening of a montage, reflection of the work to Over the past year made all the people who selflessly and always look forward to improve the Semana Santa, make the delegationships the Illustrious Cabildo Processions Superior.
The board of the Illustrious Cabildo decided to promote this event to acknowledge the work of all the Members of the delegationships of organization, training aids, music, literature and heritage, and promote the participation of all Nazarenes / as want to collaborate in the development and improvement of our Easter.
Similarly, the board, again uses this statement to acknowledge the cooperation and efforts made by all the representatives of sororities and fraternities for the benefit of our Holy Week and encourage Nazarenes / Totana as part of these groups work.
Source: Ilustre Cabildo Superior de Procesiones