The film program for autumn-winter, organized by the Department of Culture, continues this weekend with the staging of children's film "Vicky the Viking" and the latest film from Quentin Tarantino's "Inglourious Basterds "to be screened on Saturday October 31 and Sunday November 1 at the Performing Arts Board of the town.
The screening of "Vicky the Viking" will air in two passes to be held on Saturday October 31 at 18:00 pm and Sunday November 1 at 17:00 hours, the price of 2.5 euros and film "Inglourious Basterds" will be screened on Saturday at 22:00 pm and Sunday at 19:30 at the price of 3 euros.
The film program will continue throughout the season with the projections of the latest films, to be issued over the weekend in the Performing Arts Hall for the modest price of 2.5 euros, children's films, and the rest films for 3 euros.
The next film to be screened will be "Agora" by Alejandro Amenabar, Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th November.
This initiative, organized by the Department of Culture, which is having so much acceptance among the public, aims to "provide cultural alternatives that serve to reconcile family life totaneros so that all generations come together to see the movie recovering a lifelong tradition. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana