For socialists "Valcárcel strain the gnat and swallow a camel, then before making criticism of case management has been his companion Gürtell Camps, should sweep your house first and put order in the ranks of the PP in Totana, where Mayor bail, backed by the popular council, continues to chair the plenary session. "
"President of Murcia, has today criticized the agility of their peers to make decisions in relation to identified for Justice, has come to manifest literally," if indeed there is the slightest evidence, that person automatically leave immediately their responsibilities, "added pulldown PSOE de Totana.
"With so unequivocal attitude, the PSOE de Totana Valcárcel requires consistency, since, as said, to objections firm and bail the current mayor, in his own words is despicable attitude" here does not move anyone "" continue.
Totana socialists want to remember that "the mayor is accused of nine serious crimes, and the worst thing you can point to a politician, who spent two months in jail and left her on bail, and yet continues in front of City Hall, despite being expelled from his party, maintained by the twelve Councillors popular. "
Also, using the presence of the national president of the PP, the socialists ask Rajoy clarity, consistency and to "act forcefully to remove the rotten apples from the rest of the fruit, otherwise the evil that is being inflicted to the system of representation noble democratic and political activity can become irreversible. "
Source: PSOE Totana. Foto: archivo