A book published by the city of Totana and written by historian and academician of the Academy Alfonso X el Sabio de Murcia, Juan Canovas Mulero, goes the way of burial in Totana and the 125-year history of the municipal cemetery "Our Lady of Carmen. "
A total of 32 pages depict the various burial sites in which it was customary to bury the dead before 1885, when the cemetery will be built today.
The publication, of which 3,000 copies have been printed, will begin to share these days, the feast of All Saints and Las Animas, and has been presented this morning by the hand of the Mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, Councilman and Services City Facility Management, Sergio Lopez, the manager of the concessionaire of the cemetery, Juan Martinez, and the author of the book, Juan Canovas Mulero.
The mayor of the cemetery service manager explained that this book traces the history of burial in the town and specifically explores the evolution of the current cemetery, services, undertakers, construction, expansion, among other things.
Sergio Lopez thanked the work of Juan Cánovas Mulero research because, although it is a copy a few pages, has got to draw the most emblematic of the necropolis of Totana.
For his part, underlined copy writer who has tried to extract the most characteristic of the life of the cemetery, burial sites and the transition of the gravediggers.
The book, as explained Cánovas Mulero, consists of three parts: first you draw all the places of burial before the cemetery as the parish church of Santiago, at the place where the Socio-Cultural Center "The Jail", or the chapel of the Miraculous Medal, among other places.
The second part of the editing goes into the birth of Carmen Municipal Cemetery of the architect Justo Millán, who had engaged in major projects like the rebuilding of the Teatro Romea de Murcia.
In the last part, are broken down several buildings that stand in the cemetery for their epitaphs, famous people buried there or the architecture of the mausoleums and grave-diggers' lives and the services provided at the cemetery.
For his part, Mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, recalled that the cemetery is one of the great jewels of the city, for their special care and the care with which it is the municipal infrastructure.
The mayor explained that, once again, we see that the cemetery of the town tops the regional list through its improved service and excellent location in which it finds, which is the result of good management that provides the Hall hand the concessionaire.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Fotos: Totana.com