The formation of the Left claims that "the municipalities, after 30 years of democracy, remain the poor relations. Only have 11% of Taxes of the State and have taken more than 30% of services to citizens, who are powers of Central Government and the CC. AA. "
The Municipal Group of UI in Totana has filed a motion in Parliament to request the Central Government the negotiation of the Local Agreement and the Financing of Municipalities, simultaneously with the financing of the Autonomous Communities.
Similarly, require increased resources for municipalities and non-reducing items in the Budget 2010, which was intended to reduce a 8'4%.
"In times of crisis, the councils are essential to meet and lead out of the crisis, as evidenced by the implementation of the Plan of Investment and Employment Incentive in its implementation are directly involved ..." said Councilman IU Juan José Canovas.
Cánovas, who attended the rally, held last Friday, before the Ministry of Finance in Madrid, recalled that "the municipalities are the poor relations of the Administration, tras30 years of democracy, which have had to take more than 30% of services public citizens that are the responsibility of the Central Government and the Autonomous Communities. "
"Not a single government has initiated the necessary funding for local corporations, who only participate in State taxes, around 11% when the target would be 25%. In these times of economic crisis, should strengthen the role of Municipalities, whose resources have fallen precipitously, to combat the crisis and respond to the improved quality of life of citizens, "they add.
IU considered very urgent "to provide more resources to the municipalities and to advance the Local Agreement that guarantees funding to simultaneously progress has been made with the Autonomous Communities."
Source: IU+LV Totana