The councilman of Culture, Ana Belén García López, presented the program of "Cultural Fall 2009", a catalog of more than a dozen cultural activities take place in the city during the months of October and November.
As the mayor explained during the presentation area of programming, the Consistory is still committed to cultural activities in different genres, and this has raised a program for all audiences.
The programming of the "Cultural Autumn" in the theater category will begin this Friday 16 October with the launch of the play "Piano Piano", included in CajaMurcia Big Week to be held at 21:00 pm in Socio-Cultural Center Theatre "Jail."
Younger guests will enjoy the Children's Theatre consolidated Week, which this year celebrates its seventeenth edition.
The program will begin on November 17 with the play "Seven Little Kids", to be held in the Performing Arts Hall from 9:30 to 12:00 and Wednesday November 18 will be performed the play "Little Red Riding Hood."
The music will begin on Saturday October 31 with performances by the Choir Santa Cecilia and Dawn and Friends of the Habanera in "popular music totanera" in Sociocultural Center Theater "Jail" at 20:30.
On Saturday November 14th will be the turn of the Coral Vox Musicalis to hold a concert in the chapel of the Miraculous at 19:30 pm in honor of St. Cecilia.
The same day, at 20:30 am in Conference Room Totana Performing Arts, is hosting the "Folk Festival" with the performance of Villa de Alhama Folklorico group, Group Songs and Dances of the Ancient Virgin Boar New Songs and Dances Virgen de las Huertas de Lorca, and the Santa Cecilia and Santiago groups.
Also on Friday, November 20 at 20:30 there will be the performance of chamber groups and soloists of the Academy of Music in the Socio-Cultural Center "Jail."
In the same location at 19:30 on Saturday November 22 will be heard the Anthology of Zarzuela hand band Totana Music Group and Choir Santiago.
On Sunday 22 November and on the occasion of the feast of Santa Cecilia, the band performed Totana Music Group a parade starting at nine o'clock.
Furthermore, on Saturday November 28 will feature the "Festival of Choirs and Local Rondallas" organized by the Association "The Pit" for the benefit of patients in the pilgrimage to Lourdes.
The Department of Culture is committed to promoting the traditions of the municipality through the folklore as the fall lineup is going to perform various activities.
On Sunday, November 28 at 20:30 pm in the Socio-Cultural Center "Jail" will place the "VI Jornadas de Totana Etnofolkóricas."
The program "Cultural Fall 2008" includes holding a poetry reading by the hand of the Cultural Association "Seed Fund" which will be a tribute to Dr. D.
Antonio Martínez Hernández.
Also be made on 6 November at 20:30 the presentation of two short films "Yearning" and "In the interest you want" Andrew? ".
However, during these months the Department of Culture has also included the spread of cinema that begins next Saturday and Sunday, 17 and 18 October with a screening of the film in 3 Dimensions "G-Force" and on Sunday 25 you see the movie "Men Who Hate Women."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Fotos: