The Comprehensive Maintenance Department of the City reports that tomorrow, Wednesday October 14 from 8:00 pm, there will be a cut in water supply in areas of the district of Las Parras, was High and San Jose.
Councilman Comprehensive Maintenance Services and the City, Sergio López, explained that they are going to make junctions in the networks of water by the company that is carrying out works on the street Tinajerías and Charity, so that plans to cut service during a period of approximately four hours.
The streets will be affected by outage or drop in pressure are Parras and adjacent street (excluding the Avenida Santa Eulalia), there will be a total cut of the service in Calle Don José María, Ensign Crespo, Mayor Sevilla Barrio San José; and pressure drop in Era Alta, Calle Villa Rocket and pink, to Avenida de Lorca.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Foto: archivo