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The mayor held a meeting with the Minister of the Presidency to establish lines of action for this year (25/09/2009)

The Mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, held a meeting with the President and Minister of Public Administration of the Autonomous Region, María Pedro Reverte, to establish lines of action for this political year 2009-2010.

The mayor, who has proven once again the commitment of the regional executive with the Consistory totanero, explained that they are working for the rehabilitation of the Casa del General Aznar to turn it into municipal offices is one of the objectives set by government trails .

Martínez Andreo explained that between the Directorate General of Housing and the Ministry of the Presidency and Institutional Relations will sign an agreement for the financing of the Autonomous Community of 90 percent of the total investment needed for rehabilitation.

With the transformation of this landmark building as the municipal councilor noted, all units that the City has rented a new building would, to get further reduce current spending, with savings of $ 10,000.

This policy of austerity, characterized by Martínez Andreo, and the government team, will contain spending, as has been done with the transfer of the tourist office to the Town Hall.

During the meeting, Mayor totanero outlined each of the grants that have been requested this year through funds from the Fund for Local Cooperation among which the acquisition of the software "The Employee Portal."

With this software, local government takes a big step towards the "Paperless City", since all documents are managed municipal employees electronically.

In addition, it has also applied for a grant to purchase a vehicle for the local police and to acquire the material of the new headquarters of the local police, whose project has been presented by Pedro Martínez Andreo Maria Reverte, whose inauguration is scheduled for the month of December.

Also, the municipal councilor treated with the Minister two major projects related to his department, the Municipal General Management Plan, which is pending Environmental Impact Statement and Alternative West.

However, as has expliacado local chief executive, the minister moved to Martínez Andreo the will of the Autonomous Region in municipal financing should improve the current expenditure.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Fotos: Ayto. y Totana.com

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