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IU: "The General Plan could be informed Totana negatively in the coming days on the Environmental Impact Statement" (23/09/2009)

"IU as" a blow for the PP, which has led a solitary totally outdated General Plan, whose root was wild speculation and illegal collection attempts to pass planning agreements "

Councilman IU + Greens in Totana, Juan José Cánovas, have occurred in the morning, be satisfied that "the General Urban Plan can be challenged in its entirety, in the Environmental Impact Statement being drafted Environmental technicians. "

"If confirmed, information held by the Deputies of the Left Party, the General Plan would be described as unsustainable, referred population growth-from 35,000 to more than 400,000 inhabitants, and that would undermine the harmonious development of the municipality" adds.

According Cánovas "despite the PP government team has" camouflaged "the more than 70 planning agreements, signed by Juan Morales, as" Partial Plan for Development ", the technical opinion of the Environment, would be the rejection growth model and resource predator would erratic and corrupt implicit PGOU Morales and Martínez Andreo. "

"Once the issue of the Environmental Impact Statement, the document would become Physical Planning, which would have the last word in the region."

"If the EIA is negative, would result in a situation similar to Zerrichera and would be unlikely that the Minister of Country Planning gave approval to a plan was crazy ..." said Councilman IU in Totana, Juan Jose Canovas.

For IU, "Martínez Andreo and PP, have been holding on to its General Plan, as at straws, thinking that the solution of debris that led to the Consistory, is solved with the approval of a document, has cost hundreds of thousands of euros, with studies and engaged in finger-and in your spine, is being investigated by the Justice for alleged bribery and kickbacks. "

The formation of the Left, remembers "the repeated refusal of the PP to reach a political consensus and social-deaf to the ideas of IU, which has always advocated an understanding based on sustainable development, the comprehensive review of the conventions, the design of a realistic strategic plan that would ensure the future of totaneros in a habitable environment, ensuring a robust public infrastructure and quality jobs. "

"El Plan de Morales and Martínez Andreo, as the economic model of PP in Totana, has failed and it's time to start a dialogue, broken by the Mayor and the PP-to try to overcome the centuries-old backwardness that we have had over the last 7 years ... "concludes Cánovas.

Source: IU+LV Totana. Foto: Totana.com

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