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Pilates and flamenco, news of this course in the dance school Manoli Canovas (16/09/2009)

This year no shortage of other styles such as ballet, ballroom and Latin, belly dance, or modern dance bollywood |

October 1 next school dance Manoli Canovas started taking lessons both in Kindergarten and the juvenile and adult.

One year a new course comes loaded with new features.

Two new teachers join the Academy, M ª Dolores Belmonte will be responsible for the area and LUIS SANJUAN Pilates, classes of salsa and Cuban wheel.

The latter well known throughout Spain for its extensive experience as a teacher, not only in Murcia, but at conferences both within and outside the country.

Sanjuan is also the organizer of one of the biggest salsa congress in the country, Murcia dances, held every year in San Javier.

The pre-registration deadline for the new academic year begins on September 21 until 26 November.

During this week students can get discounts on tuition, but there is a chance to enroll later and throughout the year.

This new season students can enjoy the various styles that are taught in this school., Including the Bollywood, which was so successful last year, and which represented a novelty in Totana.

Classes in ballroom and Latin rhythms, dancers will learn the future merengue, tango, cha cha cha, waltz, bachata, rock and roll, and thus a host of styles.

All this without forgetting the ballet classes aimed primarily at children and youth.

Classes that combine other genres like hip hop, jazz, among others to make them more enjoyable.

This year is scheduled to take place "Social Dancing" or whatever it is, matches students to practice what you learned while sharing some leisure time with peers and friends.

Source: Manoli Cánovas. Foto: archivo Totana.com

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