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The PSOE de Totana encourages teachers and parents at the beginning of the school (14/09/2009)

And encourage parents "to demand their educational rights before the City Council and to the region"

According to the Municipal Group Socialist "the beginning of the school year must be a special moment to reflect on how it is making the commitment to education, both in Totana and in the Region of Murcia, as an engine of change and development of our land" .

Assure the socialists that "cuts in resources for this course has raised the Government of Valcárcel will put the school Murcia tail even more than we were by all reports on quality of education in Spain."

"Among other things today we will find in many school classrooms of Totana, classes exceeding 25 students permitted by law, and Valcarcel has gotten 29, 30 to 31 elementary school children in a class, many of them with special educational needs "have said from the Municipal Group.

The Socialists are demanding that the director and the Councillor for Education that "explain if this is what is meant by quality education, whether prefabricated barracks where they will begin the course groups of children under 3 years is the right place for their educational processes, if the vaunted bonolibro and does not reach 50% of the cost of textbooks (school apart) is sufficient to provide free compulsory education. "

In the same way say that "we need a pact for education of all political forces in Totana, which addresses the educational plan of town, where he made a serious plan of school needs for the next 20 years, where dowry content Municipal School Council has been only to put the dates of the holidays in schools. "

Finally the Socialists "recognize the good work of teachers and professors with their professionalism Totana are capable of being the main driver of future progress in this region, and parents of students are becoming less willing to hold improvisations, incompetence and abuse of the inept education policy design and Murcia Totana.

Source: PSOE Totana

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