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The Mayor and the Minister of Culture, Tourism and Sport set the outlines of the plan of boosting tourism in the municipality (08/09/2009)

The Mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, and the Minister of Culture, Tourism and Sports, Pedro Alberto Cruz, in the new round of meetings between the mayor and regional leaders have established the outlines of the Revitalisation Plan tourists in the town that will bring together sports tourism activities, cultural and environmental.

During the working meeting between political leaders, the mayor totanero forward to the new Director of Tourism Promotion Plan of the City of Totana, through which will give value to the infrastructure, activities and services to be launched in recent years, which will be the new standard municipal tourism.

Martínez Andreo has reported that one of the major points discussed at the work session was the Oilfield Argárica of Bastida, whose official launch will take place shortly in the Ministry, and is becoming a very important project regional level.

The site was discovered in the mid-nineteenth century and now the University of Barcelona is working in coordination between City Hall and the Autonomous Region in the archaeological works, which are revalued with the launch of the site musealization.

Moreover, according to the mayor, the Director has opted for sports tourism as a new economic and social alternative, so the existing infrastructure will be promoted as Sports City and the State Municipal "Juan Cayuela" and will be valued others such as the Sports "December 6."

Martínez Andreo explained that they will reshape the infrastructure of the Sports, both the track, as the football field.

In this sense, the municipal councilor has indicated that it will put a natural grass pitch for the teams at European level to rallies and preseason in the municipality as a condition of these formations is to have two fields natural grass.

Among the lines of Revitalization Plan also provides for the enhancement of cultural heritage, as has been done since the Consistory.

To this end the Ministry is committed to develop the restoration of the fountain "Juan de Uzeta, which due to traffic and environmental conditions have deteriorated.

On the other hand, Pedro Alberto Cruz also support the thirtieth anniversary of the National Competition Habaneras to become a special event, where memorial events will be invited a group of international draft.

The mayor explained that the Youth Resource Centre, bringing together all the services and youth group activities of the municipality, will be a reality in 2010 as the first phase of construction will begin next year.

As explained Martínez Andreo, these regional government commitments to the town of Totana, show once again, the degree of involvement of the Autonomous Region with the City and its commitment to the interests of totaneros.

However, the mayor has expressed his satisfaction with the meeting with the Minister of Culture, Tourism and Sports, as it has bet heavily on each of the projects submitted by the Consistory, which "revalued more tourism and the economy social, creating employment and wealth in the town. "

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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