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Students of the professional qualification program assistants in nurseries and gardens do their internship in local businesses (04/09/2009)

Students who have completed their training through the Professional Qualification Program Initial Nursery and Landscape Auxiliary will conduct their practices in different local companies through the signing of a cooperation agreement between them and the town of Totana.

A total of six young men of the town, aged between 16 and 21 years, developed the program to learn the profession of gardening and will practice for a month in business for 150 hours.

The signing of this agreement took place this morning in the hand of the mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, the mayor of Training and Employment, Trini Cayuela, and business representatives.

The mayor of Training and Employment has stated that winning this title for the young will represent a unique opportunity to learn a profession and join the workforce through the gardening sector.

This program, funded by the Ministry of Education, Training and Employment of the Region of Murcia with an amount of 48,000 euros, will, as explained Cayuela, these young people receive the necessary training in this field of professional labor matter.

In this regard, he thanked the cooperation of the companies will collaborate on this project and has encouraged employers to encourage their enthusiasm of these young people with a good education.

For his part, Mayor of Totana explained that this program, like many others that are held by the City Council, is seen as a response to the current unemployment situation, since, thus becomes work accessible to young people dumb.

Martínez Andreo recalled that in Spain, 25.4 percent of unemployment is the youth, "so to promote projects of this nature arise as an immediate response to the training of young people."

However, the mayor has emphasized that since the Standing Support Service (SEAPA) is also going to start training and retraining for those who are beneficiaries of municipal aid program.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Fotos: Totana.com

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