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Begin procedures to provide furniture for the new premises of the local police in Totana (07/07/2009)

The City Council of Totana, through the Local Government Board has provisionally awarded the furnishing of the new offices of the local police in Totana, located in the building of the Market Square, for the price of EUR 44,849.15 .

The local Consistory, which awarded the execution of such works for the price of 514,680 euros, this new building will solve the lack of space is the current headquarters of the local police, given the growth experienced by the local workforce, only the last year, has gone from 24 to 58 policemen.

This action is intended relocation of the police force and reforming the building currently occupied by the Market Square in the village, (giving the facades Pilar Street and Avenue of the Holy), which houses the headquarters of new agencies Local Police "Alfonso Murcia Cabo."

The existing commercial stations will be located in the basement, whose works also being finalized, while police units will occupy the top two floors.

On the ground floor will be installed public service and the main offices of the Chief, patrol and the three cells, and on the top floor will house the rest of the police station, under the administrative area, changing rooms and toilets.

The police agencies occupy an area of 600 square feet compared to 200 square feet currently available at the House of Contributions.

Access to public attention to the police in its future location will be made by Pilar Street, not Avenue Rambla de La Santa, and has improved user accessibility to the building with the installation of an elevator inside.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Foto: archivo Totana.com

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