On June 30 saw the closing of Computer Course
User, who has been directed to unemployed people with disabilities.
It has
developed during the months of May and June.
This course has been
MIFITO organized by the Association and funded by the SEF and the Fund
European Social.
It has been held in the Centre's facilities
Employment Special-MIFITO EXPRESS, which has been granted by the City Council
Particularly in the computer room "Diego Manzano", which
located in the C / Carmen Conde, 2.
This course has a duration of 200 hours and has received
participation of 15 students in total who have amply superao
objectives of the training.
The main contents of the course and others have been:
Graphic presentations.
On June 27 there was the representation of a play
was organized within the Theatre Workshop MIFITO Association
launched during the months of May and June.
It has
A total of 8 children aged between 5 and
This event is organized by the Bank and subsidized MIFITO
by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.
The Local
Quarter Neighborhood Association Tirol Camilleri, seconded by
Ayuntamiento de Totana for the development of this workshop was the
stage where it has carried out the preparation and final performance
of the work with such care and enthusiasm the children had prepared
participants and instructors in charge of conducting the activity.
The Mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, Councilman Welfare
Social, Juan Carrion, and the president of the Association of Disabled
Physical Totana, MIFITO, Gertrudis Ruiz, has closed during the
Special Professional Initiation Program (PIPE) "Auxiliary
Office ", organized by the association, and has had the
participation of eight students.
This course has been made during the two-year period
between 2007 and 2009, and has been funded by the Department of
Education, Training and Employment as well as companies that have collaborated
implementing the practices of students who have made this
This program has been designed to prepare students for
social inclusion and employment and promote personal autonomy, has been
targets young people with special educational needs and / or specific
educational support between 16 and 21 who have not achieved the objectives
in Secondary Education.
The training has consisted of various training areas where
have made specific modules, modules of a general nature,
training and career counseling, modules related to core competencies
free choice and tutoring.
The weekly workload for this special form has fluctuated between
26 and 30 hours depending on the needs of students,
during two school years, and once completed, the program has
plans to develop a Workplace Integration Program, in order
to integrate them into the workplace.
With the implementation of this course, which have been eight the number of
Students who have completed exceeding the theoretical and practical, has
intended to strengthen the students' personal growth, develop
study habits, build self-confidence and interest in the profession,
achieve a greater degree of self-determination in all aspects of
life, and raise awareness among families on trust and respect for
students when their further training and / or incorporation into the world
work and motivate them to develop fully their
skills and confidence in their capabilities.
In this sense, the president of MIFITO has announced that next
course plans to launch two similar programs
will focus on information technology and communications, which
Inscriptions can be formalized in the Local Employment Centre, which
This association is in the neighborhood Tirol Camilleri.
The mayor of Totana during the presentation of diplomas congratulated
eight students who have obtained the diploma course and
as to the association, which has encouraged them to continue working on
line fighting for the training and employment of this
Source: MIFITO