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The PSOE does a rating of regular full-May (28/05/2009)

Cano Rodríguez has stated that "in the regular plenary session of May , of the 14 proposals on the agenda, 10 of them have been approved unanimously by the three municipal groups. However, the PP has boycotted all proposals that come from the environment Socialist, in an attitude of denial. "

It adds that "thus the PP, with the roll of its absolute majority, have ignored the proposal to extend the library hours to facilitate the study opponents and Totana young at this time of increased effort, proposal made by the PSOE and the popular show by their refusal to this extension of hours that do not opt for a more young and better educated. "

"We also have objected to take the necessary steps to achieve a competitive price in the electricity tariff for the SAT, ie they can not even manage a best price on the energy bill that results in farmers in our county, especially in this time of crisis with its mismanagement they are making it deeper, "report Cano.

Lola Cano Asegurra "as in previous full Martínez Andreo has a cocky, defiant attitude, without respecting the right to speak and the Organic Rules of Operation, are already common in the mayor's insults to the councilors of the opposition and lack of consideration to the proposals presented Socialist Municipal Group. "

Socialists complain that "this grotesque and dictatorial behavior Martínez Andreo be preventing our City forward with concrete and effective proposals that require citizens of our town", and urges it to "perform his role as Chair of the Plenary, which is not another center and moderating the debate, leaving aside partisan attitudes, and making demagogic election rally in the plenary session. "

Source: PSOE Totana. Foto: Totana.com

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