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The PSOE will ask tomorrow at the plenary session "where the two million health center" (27/05/2009)

Totana socialist group questioned the mayor tomorrow at the regular plenary session of May, "about the existence of money over two years ago ordered the Ministry of Health to build the South Totana Health Center, which is known only location and the first stone "

The Municipal Socialist Party spokesman in the city of Totana said "the intention of his group to demand information to municipal officials on the second health center in the town that should be completely built and in service for several months."

According to Juan Fco Otálora, "in December 2006 the Council signed an agreement with the Ministry of Health by which it transferred more than two million euros to the city of Totana, while the latter would be responsible for the construction of the building a maximum of two years. "

He added that "two years have passed so loose and do not know what the mayor has made two million, because what is clear is that the Health Center there is more, he only know the first stone regular event in the propaganda machine Andreo, but which almost never ends up putting the last. "

Otalora insisted that "it is a complete fraud citizenship incompetence and inability of the mayor, who has led the council to ruin, it is unacceptable that we have to wait three weeks for us to analysis, because the current Health Center is saturated, largely because the mayor has not done its homework. "

Socialist leader also questioned "how can the Ministry of Health has done so significantly dereliction of duty, according to the agreement was therefore responsible for monitoring the project until its realization on time."

Juan Fco Otálora expects "responsible for this irregularity will be around before this manifest abdication of responsibility to explain to people why you made the Health Center, to teach the current account statements wherever they appear the two municipal million to undertake immediately the construction of Totana Health Center South, leaving to abuse the patience of the citizens. "

Source: PSOE Totana. Foto: archivo Totana.com

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