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The Socialists propose that the city get better prices in the electricity tariff for Agricultural Processing Societies (20/05/2009)

Socialist Party spokesman today introduced two motions that will lead to regular plenary session of May, which says "that affect local initiatives aimed at farmers and students, strategic sectors in the development of Totana.

Juan Fco Otálora stated in the first place "the difficult situation they are experiencing Transformation of Agricultural Societies, that draw water from wells have been increased very significantly the energy bill."

The councilman also said that "far from shy away from topics that is easy to demagogue and blame others, the Socialists put proposals on the table that are in our power to solve problems, such as farmers who are suffering Totana, the rest is pure demagoguery and throw balls out, can trick temporarily but eventually go away the smoke screens. "

Otalora said the proposal "is that, after the liberalization of electricity supply and the establishment of competition in the sector, the City negotiate with different companies to submit multiple offers to companies of wells and making use the most convenient, so it could be cheaper in an effective price per kilowatt. "

Also, the Socialist leader has referred to "the situation of many college students before the end of course exams, which should have appropriate facilities and relevant at a time, so do not have to stop going to study at the Library neighboring villages. "

He added that "the proposal submitted for discussion at the next plenary session is the opening of the Municipal Library and Study Room 24 hours, seven days a week throughout the month of June, so that students access to appropriate spaces and times that they need to prepare the final test of course. "

Otálora concluded by saying that "the Socialists are still in the line of concrete and feasible proposals, to have a positive and realistic attitude to go by solving the day to day demands of many young people and many farmers."

Source: Grupo Municipal Socialista. Foto: Totana.com

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