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The full council designated by drawing in Totana 270 citizens (13/05/2009)

On the other hand, the full City Council of Totana, in extraordinary session this morning , has been appointed by lot to 270 citizens who will be called presidents, first and second members and alternates of these, of the 30 polling stations to be in the European elections on June 7.

Specifically, they have elected nine members from each table, ie, a president and two deputies of this, a first and two alternates vocal this, and second and two alternates vocal this.

A total of 18,500 voters Totana citizens may exercise their right to vote.

Of the total electorate of 18,408, belonging to the Spanish census of residents in the municipality and 92 are foreigners from EU countries residing in the township.

To vote in these elections will be enabled 30 tables, which are spread over 12 polling stations, which are the Municipal Center on Aging, The Prison, school, "Santiago", the social center was high, the Convent of the Three Hail Marys, the school "La Cruz" school "Santa Eulalia", the former high school school, school "Guadalentín" school "Tierno Galván" Raiguero the Unity School of Bass, the social hub of Tirol Camilleri.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Foto: Totana.com

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