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Families or individuals with children adopted from other countries may apply for a grant to the Ministry of Social Policy (05/05/2009)

for the cost of adoption file, until next May 26 |

The Department of Social Welfare has reported the announcement of grants from the Ministry of Social Policy, Women and Immigration for families or people with children adopted from other countries, the deadline for submission will remain open until May 26.

Its purpose is to meet the direct costs incurred in the management and processing of international adoption record of people and adoptive families, and monitoring of foster children.

The beneficiaries of the aid are the parents of children adopted and registered with the Registrar dated after January 1, 2006 and have not been dealers of this aid in previous years, except in relation to the monitoring of international adoption.

Moreover, among the requirements to be met by beneficiaries, states that international adoption has been processed through the Administration of the Autonomous Region of Murcia, who do not receive other assistance in the same concept with the cost exceeding Total expenses and not exceeding financial limits set for each household.

The files will be settled by order of filing and the amount to be awarded will be determined in proportion to the total annual income of beneficiaries and the number of household members.

Can get more information on the conditions of aid and application forms at the Centre of Social Services Totana (C / Real, 1), TfL.: 968 418 177, in BORM No. 138 June 16, 2008 , or at the following Web link of the autonomous region:

http://www.carm.es/neweb2/servlet/integra.servlets.ControlPublico?IDCONTENIDO=2104&IDTIPO=240&ESTILO=servicios&ESTILO_CANAL=servicios&NOMBRECANAL=Familia&IDIMAGEN=672&RASTRO=c44 $ m2458, 2459

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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