Totana Socialists have said in a statement that "it is time not miss a minute longer in order to make the coveted prey of the Rambla de Lebor.
Socialists understand that "each day that passes is another day that remains the threat of a watercourse that has a history totanero disastrous for the country."
Remember the Socialists who in February "was clearly demonstrated that the Valcárcel government had not done their homework, and missing the relevant regional government reports that are mandatory and necessary to be able to continue with the last step which is the Environmental Impact Statement. "
Since the socialist group do not understand "why 6 months is not resolved this process by the regional government" and require Juan Pagan "to remedy this neglect."
Socialists say that this work is budgeted by the government of Spain in about 5000 million pesetas and this investment would be very beneficial for the field totanero, "since it would avoid the floods that periodically causes this road."
Source: Grupo Municipal Socialista