The Municipal People's request the National Government at the next plenary session to be held on Tuesday 28 April, that there will be cuts in the General State Budget 2009 in the resources allocated to Fund Reception and Integration of Immigrants and that the cut would break social cohesion by reducing funds for precisely the most basic care, such as education, training and social integration and language learning
The Spokesman of the government team, José Antonio Valverde Reina, has indicated in a statement that the objective of the Fund for the Integration of Immigrants and educational support is to establish a model of cooperation between different government and its purpose is to promote and strengthen public policies in the areas of reception, integration, strengthening education, health, inter alia, based on principles of subsidiarity, complementarity and cooperation with the autonomous regions and municipalities.
In addition, Reina Valverde explained Secretary of State for Immigration and Emigration of the Government of Spain, has confirmed that the Immigrant Integration Fund, being particularly linked to the autonomous regions and municipalities, would suffer a cut of 30%, justifying that it is a "budget adjustment" as they are suffering "all items that do not affect social spending."
These statements, according to the Municipal People's Party, directly conflict with those made less than a year, the President of the Government, to ensure that the priority of the legislature would be out of a difficult economic situation, while committing itself to maintain social spending of the state.
As stressed by the municipal Speaker this budget cut has created a situation of widespread concern in the autonomous because it is a measure antisocial breaking the cohesion of society and the integration of immigrants, and endangers social policy of the autonomous regions and municipalities.
Source: PP Totana. Foto: archivo