The Plenum of the Corporation approved on Tuesday 28 April, the City Council of Totana integration of the Network of Local Governments 2010 Biodiversity, which is part of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) dedicated to the promotion of local for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and natural heritage conservation.
This network, which is strengthened through the collaboration agreement between FEMP and the Biodiversity Foundation, aims to promote local policies for the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, natural heritage conservation and promotion of rural development sustainability criteria.
Furthermore Consistory's commitment to join the Network, will be appointed a political representative to the Assembly of the Network and a technical representative for attending meetings and working groups of the Network
The inclusion of the Red City Hall includes the organization of a forum for public debate to inform and educate citizens of the measures taken by the municipality to promote citizen participation in measures to strengthen the network also be made to the Agenda 21, plans or sustainable development programs that include a commitment to increase diversity and commitment to their development and implementation within a year.
Also develop a "Program for Increasing Biodiversity Biodiversity + 2010, or a commitment to its development within a maximum period of two years, comprising at least the methodology for the inventory of stocks and distribution areas listed species and natural habitats of Community interest, its monitoring and the Action Plan for its increase.
Will also operate a "Green Patrol" with staff or volunteers, with roles defined for the protection of the environment, together with the reports available annual performance since its creation or create commitment within a year.
Ultimately developed certify the environmental measures which contribute to the realization of the Program for Increasing Biodiversity & Biodiversity 2010 ", contained in the General Urban Plan and Municipal Ordinances and few other documents of local management.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Foto: archivo