The Municipal Socialist Group will ask the House to urge the autonomous region to sign the cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs for the implementation of a single telephone number (016) to help victims of gender violence
Emphasize that in the last quarter there have been approximately 2,900 calls from women victims of gender violence in the region of Murcia.
From the Socialist Municipal Group asserts that the care and services provided to these women would be more effective if the Region of Murcia was implanted telephone number 016 as a single number to help victims of domestic violence to avoid overlap with other existing services.
This implementation would take place with the signing of a cooperation agreement between Autonomous Region and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (as they are doing the rest of Spanish Communities) to ensure the implementation of this new service telephone information and advice appropriate to individual needs of victims of domestic violence throughout the country, regardless of their place of residence.
This service also provide specialized care 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and its free of charge, is characterized inter alia by:
Access through a short three-digit number to have the consideration of general interest service, 016, which allows quick access and easily remembered.
Universality in the provision of services which, in addition to Castilian, serving English, French and all co-official languages.
Continuous updating of the information on the rights of women victims and specialized resources available in social services, financial assistance, information services and assistance or duty roster, to the immediate attention of a situation of abuse.
Information service provision by a team of licensed telecom operators with specialized training in gender violence.
Specialist legal advice provided by a group of legal experts on gender violence.
Guarantee confidentiality of data service users.
Automatic derivation of emergency calls and 112 emergency centers autonomy.
Source: PSOE Totana